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julian60 November 16th, 2013 14:17

Toronto Airsoft Community
Hi all,

I made an intro. post in the n00b forum, so I'll skip that. I am, however, interested in networking with some of you guys who live in Toronto! Just moved here and I'm looking to establish some connections.

I figure if I can find some people via the forums rather than just going solo to games I'll be able to hitch rides out to big outdoor games, meet some cool teammates beforehand, etc. and that's always a good thing. Hit me up and we'll grab a beer or some such fun! :)

DaWaffleGoblin November 21st, 2013 22:04

Not Toronto
I'm in Oshawa, there's a field one town over that's pretty cool (Whitby Airsoft) if you wanna team up with us guys next year lol. I know it's a bit of a drive, but i do like beer!

Curo November 22nd, 2013 00:14

The toronto Airsoft scene is vibrant from MiLSIMs to drop in scirms, objective based skirms and a few regular fields. Whitby Airsoft is a tiny sampling of what is out there.

Whitby offers a mixed envioment as do other drop in skirm locations.
Great fun can be had when small groups play at the TTAC location aswell.
Plus there is Ultimate Airsoft just off of Allen Road.

There is something for everyone in the GTA.

L473ncy November 22nd, 2013 01:54

Hey dude, saw your other post that you were from AZ.

Yeah.... airsoft is hella expensive here compared to what you can find in the states.

I'm not even close to Ontario (I'm in Alberta actually) but good luck with continuing to play out there, there's lots of stuff available and with the high population density lots of fields, AV reps, and other players in a tight area.

BTW I think everyone advises people around there to drop by Army Issue in Port Credit to get AV and also check out cool stuff they have there (be warned, chances are your wallet will be a lot lighter after you leave or so people say).

Derpystronk November 22nd, 2013 02:38

Hey Julian,

One thing you will notice about Airsoft North of the 49 is that it has more of a "homely" feel to it. It is a much smaller community of players. This is because of the just-barley-but-maybe-not-even legal status of the game, which in recent times has opened up. Where as before you would have to buy Jim's Rifle out of his trunk, we now have a plethora of retailers and fields popping up left and right. With a small community you are quickly going to find people you enjoy playing with, and you will play with them often. The other side of that coin is the people whose company you do not enjoy you will have to share a field with them several times a year.

There are two main differences between Airsoft up here and down in the states. The first is our apparent lack of awesome CQB facilities. You guys get to use MOUT courses. We have like... Two or three really cool facilities but they don't even compare with the rest being Paintball fields.

The second being mindset. Since the price of entry was so high until only recently you seem to have a lot less of the "Call of Duty" mindset in players. While my personal interactions with US players is limited going off their forums, the youtube videos, the drama, etc. it seems a lot of people have that "OH MAN IMMA BE A NAVY SEAL." We get that up here, but before when the price of being that elite DEVGRU operator gun was more than the price of the Xbox One on launch day, it kept the barrier to entry pretty high. If Little Johnny can have Momma buy the AK47 for 120 bucks it means that kid is much more likely to get it, which is a problem I hear of a lot down there.

These two things combined though? We do forest games. I mean we REALLY do forest games. They are insanely fun, challenging, and serious. Some of my best memories are from stalking around the forest in the day or at night. You end up with stories about how you and three buddies were sitting in a hole you dug and held off against an entire section attacking you, where you had a camp fire at night to warm up because it had rained earlier and you are just trying to keep dry, how after the game the guy in a ghillie suit said you were no more than 20 feet from him and looking directly at him. You get these really awesome scenarios almost every game.

The most bummed I have been all year was when a 10 v 10 game in a 200 acre forest got canceled because everyone had the flu. That is 10 acres per person. It was silly. I would have liked nothing more than to have weeded out the other players out of that forest and sent them running.

If you are into skirmishes there are tons of local fields in Toronto to support you. CQB, Splatters (If they are even still running games), Ultimate Airsoft. There are also a few fields within a short drive away, such as Flag Raiders indoors and outdoors. Those fields are all you have anyways for the next five to six months.

DaWaffleGoblin November 22nd, 2013 08:05


Originally Posted by Deltastoned (Post 1849615)
Hey Julian,

One thing you will notice about Airsoft North of the 49 is that it has more of a "homely" feel to it. It is a much smaller community of players. This is because of the just-barley-but-maybe-not-even legal status of the game, which in recent times has opened up. Where as before you would have to buy Jim's Rifle out of his trunk, we now have a plethora of retailers and fields popping up left and right. With a small community you are quickly going to find people you enjoy playing with, and you will play with them often. The other side of that coin is the people whose company you do not enjoy you will have to share a field with them several times a year.

There are two main differences between Airsoft up here and down in the states. The first is our apparent lack of awesome CQB facilities. You guys get to use MOUT courses. We have like... Two or three really cool facilities but they don't even compare with the rest being Paintball fields.

The second being mindset. Since the price of entry was so high until only recently you seem to have a lot less of the "Call of Duty" mindset in players. While my personal interactions with US players is limited going off their forums, the youtube videos, the drama, etc. it seems a lot of people have that "OH MAN IMMA BE A NAVY SEAL." We get that up here, but before when the price of being that elite DEVGRU operator gun was more than the price of the Xbox One on launch day, it kept the barrier to entry pretty high. If Little Johnny can have Momma buy the AK47 for 120 bucks it means that kid is much more likely to get it, which is a problem I hear of a lot down there.

These two things combined though? We do forest games. I mean we REALLY do forest games. They are insanely fun, challenging, and serious. Some of my best memories are from stalking around the forest in the day or at night. You end up with stories about how you and three buddies were sitting in a hole you dug and held off against an entire section attacking you, where you had a camp fire at night to warm up because it had rained earlier and you are just trying to keep dry, how after the game the guy in a ghillie suit said you were no more than 20 feet from him and looking directly at him. You get these really awesome scenarios almost every game.

The most bummed I have been all year was when a 10 v 10 game in a 200 acre forest got canceled because everyone had the flu. That is 10 acres per person. It was silly. I would have liked nothing more than to have weeded out the other players out of that forest and sent them running.

If you are into skirmishes there are tons of local fields in Toronto to support you. CQB, Splatters (If they are even still running games), Ultimate Airsoft. There are also a few fields within a short drive away, such as Flag Raiders indoors and outdoors. Those fields are all you have anyways for the next five to six months.

Love this post!

DaWaffleGoblin November 22nd, 2013 08:07

Also, I should of said I am willing to head into Toronto and anywhere in the GTA when I can to spend a day! Just hit me up on here!

BioRage November 22nd, 2013 08:48


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1849611)
Hey dude, saw your other post that you were from AZ.

Yeah.... airsoft is hella expensive here compared to what you can find in the states.

Lol, paintball is x2 the price.

EchoFourTwelve November 22nd, 2013 08:52


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1849630)
Lol, paintball is x2 the price.

I remember fields charging 50 bucks for a case of 1000...where as $15 bucks in airsoft gets you ~3000 bbs. lol

Jamroxorz November 22nd, 2013 09:56

POW! How'd that 50¢ to the chest feel!

MultipleParadox November 22nd, 2013 10:43


Originally Posted by EchoFourTwelve (Post 1849631)
I remember fields charging 50 bucks for a case of 1000...where as $15 bucks in airsoft gets you ~3000 bbs. lol

That's actually pretty cheap!
I've seen some fields selling a 2000 paintballs crate for around 200-250$! Not sure if it lowered since then but hell...!

julian60 November 22nd, 2013 12:59

Woah, my thread a-sploded

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I've got some PM's from some of you guys so hopefully I can set up a day sometime soon-ish where I come out and let you shoot-the-merican. I may or may not have my chest rig/mags/etc here soon, so we'll see what happens.


Originally Posted by Deltastoned (Post 1849615)
With a small community you are quickly going to find people you enjoy playing with, and you will play with them often. The other side of that coin is the people whose company you do not enjoy you will have to share a field with them several times a year.

I dig that. It was the same in AZ; Phoenix players were generally poopy, Tucsonans were the best. Big games generally pitted city vs. city so it was funny to see the contrast there.


Originally Posted by Deltastoned (Post 1849615)
There are two main differences between Airsoft up here and down in the states. The first is our apparent lack of awesome CQB facilities...The second being mindset.

We had very few epic facilities in AZ, actually. Nearly all the games I played were in the desert. Up in Phx there was a MOUT facility like 1hr outside city limits, 1.45hrs from where my family lives; it was rather exclusive and I never went. We do have stuff like LIONCLAWS out in socal, but those are generally annual things at best if you can truck it out there. As for the mindset...


Originally Posted by Deltastoned (Post 1849615)
It seems a lot of people have that "OH MAN IMMA BE A NAVY SEAL.".. a problem I hear of a lot down there.

You have no idea. The US has always suffered from military bootlickers everywhere, and it's AWFUL in the airsoft community. That's one of the reasons I've been spammin up the forums so much looking to weed out the baddies; it's what I've always had to do back home if I wanted to enjoy the game. Even the "best" or most dedicated players would sometimes rattle on and on about secret was just a little much for me. I played with a couple active duty marines, an on/off PMC, etc. but they kept it to themselves. I just want to chase people around and touch their butts with my BBs.


Originally Posted by Deltastoned (Post 1849615)
We do forest games. I mean we REALLY do forest games. They are insanely fun, challenging, and serious. Some of my best memories are [INSERT EPIC STORY HERE]. You get these really awesome scenarios almost every game.

Sounds awesome man...hanging out with bros and immersing yourself in adrenaline-filled plastic people hunting is what it's always been about for me as well. Me and my main operating buddy in Tucson would generally sneak around in lighter loadouts and flank larger teams/squads in guerilla settings to great effect, it was the best.

My head is swimming with the idea of playing in the forest; I never have, and I imagine it's every bit as fun as you make it out to be. Playing in the snow is also a fetish I've never had the pleasure of exploring. I've spent a couple winters here to get used to it, so we'll see how it pans out..

TANNER November 22nd, 2013 15:08


Was also new to Toronto once. A couple of seasons later here are my top picks in and around the area,

Hill 437
Finch field
If you want to play in the snow then Flagraiders in the winter is awsome also (Mix of cqb and open areas - only paintball field on my list)

Soon to be LT's indoor series I imagine.

Happy hunting.

BioRage November 25th, 2013 16:22

Whitby Airsoft is a good forest place to play. Should check it out, not to far from Toronto. Been hitting that up this past summer season.

$10 entrance
$3 burgers
$3 sausages
$2 hot dogs
$2 gatorades
$1 pop

fatywhaty December 2nd, 2013 18:29

hi there I just got into the game a couple of months ago and I be found that AS community in Toronto is pretty welcoming and welling to help out with game and gear info. I'm glad to be part of it. so welcome to madness

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