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boomer_1 November 2nd, 2013 14:16

a kid run airsoft charity

Apparently this kid had this tournament in a public park in downtown uxbridge

Windows November 2nd, 2013 14:29

"Airsoft is played with toy guns that shoot small, biodegradable soft balls accurately up to 30 feet in distance." I give up on news sources.

boomer_1 November 2nd, 2013 14:34

The part that scares me most is it was 12 year old with council approval!

bizkilter November 2nd, 2013 14:40

Great idea... Are the kids' parents really that oblivious? Soft ammo? My head hurts.

FOX_111 November 2nd, 2013 14:48

"Charity airsoft game turn to drama when a 12 years old kid have his eyes put out while another is bleading from the mouth. A mother is sueing an other and one father alegedly came to physical violence when his kid got bleeding welts in the face. City council is talking about banning airsoft within city limits. The Liberal opposition in Ottawa is talking about making an example out of this fiasco to push the conservative governement to act."

The news the next day.

ThunderCactus November 2nd, 2013 14:51

Good idea, poorly executed, and not likely to have a great outcome.
first and foremost, doesn't look like anyone has eye pro...

boomer_1 November 2nd, 2013 14:54

Not to mention it was in a public park with lots of trails and access points

Danke November 2nd, 2013 16:22

Holy Jebus, a kid putting a good face on airsoft with the City's blessing and donating proceeds to feed a foodbank?

Does he not know we are all card carrying bad-asses who live and breathe to fuck shit up?

For shame!

Chillyrabbit November 2nd, 2013 17:27

Someone is going to ruin it by showing up with an AEG right? Since I presume he and his friends have been playing with the spring powered clearsoft guns.

Wonder about the after math since apparently it will/did take place on October 26

jpogue03 November 2nd, 2013 17:39

Maybe try educating rather then hating on the kid.
I do find it amusing how so many here are quick to judge when they do nothing.

coach November 2nd, 2013 18:20


Originally Posted by Windows (Post 1846070)
"Airsoft is played with toy guns that shoot small, biodegradable soft balls accurately up to 30 feet in distance." I give up on news sources.

Too bad none of you showed up with guns accurate to 200+ feet...

j_march November 2nd, 2013 18:33

I did.....I was in a ghillie suit in the trees....I didn't pay to play...I just shot at kids for free...

FOX_111 November 2nd, 2013 19:48


Originally Posted by jpogue03 (Post 1846096)
Maybe try educating rather then hating on the kid.
I do find it amusing how so many here are quick to judge when they do nothing.

We do. We ban kids from playing and educate the parents who try to get Age Verified to buy their kids better equipment.

We are not the airsoft police and our words of wisdome do get lost in the sea of stupids.

SuperHog November 2nd, 2013 21:33

And in the news, a kid on the way to this charity carries a airsoft gun and get shot dead by the police...

boomer_1 November 3rd, 2013 13:01

My big problem is its a bunch of 12 years olds in a public park in the middle of the day with air soft guns. In an area I may add where a Durham Regional Police officer has been the face of banning the sport in Ontario for a few years now. I'm all for good publicity related to the sport, just not a fan of how this kid operated his "event" pick a more secluded spot, fuck knows we have lots of them in the area. This is the most used public space in Uxbridge and happens to be on a very residential and busy street.

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