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deltaop1 September 23rd, 2013 14:50

WW2 Field Encampment Gear
After reading the recent Operation Woodsman AAR it made me wonder as to what sort of encarpment gear did the American units use at this milsim.

Did individual people use WW2 GI Pup tent's (i.e. Shelter Half) for their personal camping shelter needs?

What sort of bedroll did the WW2 American GI's use?

Do you have a recommended vendor for this type of gear?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

shiftsup September 23rd, 2013 16:15

Captain Cassar and Cpl Hatch have the period tents.

A few guys had wartime dated cots (Lee and Hatch IIRC).

I was in one of Cassar's tents. For the personal US GI sleeping equipment I used a 1938 dismounted rain coat as my ground sheet. A GI Blanket on top and a mountain sleeping bag. Another GI Blanket wrapped around my Griswold Bag (M1 Garand Individual Aerial Container) as a pillow.

I woke up Sunday morning with a worm or two on my face.

leecas September 23rd, 2013 16:29

I also own two half shelters that makes up a two man "pup" tent. Most IGs were lucky if they had a wool blanket to sleep in. Tents would not have been used up at the front.

But for an encampment two men tents would have been correct. Bell tents and Officers tents.

You use to be able to get the Half shelters at What Price Glory but they have been out of stock for a long time... that's were I got mine (this is what I started with).

It's tough to find any vendors to by things like the period sleeping bags and such... you really have to watch for that kind of stuff on ebay.

I'll be posting more pictures of the Allied camp later tonight on the AAR.

deltaop1 September 23rd, 2013 18:51

Thank you both for providing your feedback, it is much appreciated.

Wandering through the internet I discovered this WW2 supplier website that seems to sell a WW2 GI Pup Tent at a decent price.

I will continue doing some further research.

COL.TIKER September 23rd, 2013 19:04

picture from the wwii forums aar

B@K3R September 24th, 2013 07:19


Originally Posted by deltaop1 (Post 1835625)
Thank you both for providing your feedback, it is much appreciated.

Wandering through the internet I discovered this WW2 supplier website that seems to sell a WW2 GI Pup Tent at a decent price.

I will continue doing some further research.

That's a post war tent. WW2 Pups are completely open on one end.

I would look out on ebay. Great place to find gear. Or if you are going to the states, hit up some army surplus stores. Do some research so you know whats good or not. You can also join our site as its full of knowledge

shiftsup September 29th, 2013 21:06

WPG Pup tent re stock

Get one now before they are gone.

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