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AnthB September 19th, 2013 16:26

New KWA MP7 in need of Npas / power down bolt.
Anyone have a good store with a link to where I can find these items ? Spur of the moment purchase and looking to make this gbb an indoor only gun but i would like to add that angry supp. to it. Ideally the Npas putting it down to 300 ish then adding the supp. would get it to around 350 would be great for me.

Thanks in advance.

Reaver_RRTS September 19th, 2013 16:51

contact KWA direct, they ship to canada and carry the Low Power Bolt. I'm saving up for one for my MP9 (it's shooting around 450-500 fps on .2s stock... yeah wtf lol)

Only other company I saw with it is AirsoftGI and it was out of stock.

ILLusion September 19th, 2013 17:22

Why do you want to add the Angry Gun suppressor if you want to power it down?

Why not just use the VFC suppressor in that case?

The benefit of that, is not having to take the accuracy degradation that you'll get with the Angry Gun suppressor.

coach September 19th, 2013 17:25

Airsoftparts had some in stock when I was there this past weekend

Reaver_RRTS September 19th, 2013 17:26


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1834727)
Why do you want to add the Angry Gun suppressor if you want to power it down?

Why not just use the VFC suppressor in that case?

The benefit of that, is not having to take the accuracy degradation that you'll get with the Angry Gun suppressor.

I agree with that the ANGRY GUN kit INCREASES FPS a bit and can also damage your hop up after a while. I didn't see him mention the AG kit first read through so i was like 'wtf ILLusion' until i reread it lol. If it's purely for lowering FPS, dont get the AG kit. Get a regular suppressor that's foam filled, it might absorb some of the gas and weaken it SLIGHTLY but don't quote me on that.

lurkingknight September 19th, 2013 17:29

the 5ku suppressor is a much better option, especially if you want to keep it indoor velocity. It has no inner barrel extension.

The low power cbq bolt can be ordered from directly. Call or email the pro shop requesting the part they will ask for your shipping info and ship it out to you usps. Don't order it off the website otherwise they'll ship ups.

ILLusion September 19th, 2013 17:30


Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS (Post 1834729)
Get a regular suppressor that's foam filled, it might absorb some of the gas and weaken it SLIGHTLY but don't quote me on that.

This theory is unfounded. There's no such thing as the foam "absorbing" power... it's not like the round has to punch through the foam.

When the round leaves the muzzle of the inner barrel, it has already reached terminal velocity. There is no additional compression at that point. Any "loss" in power between the muzzle of the inner barrel and the muzzle of the suppressor is exactly what would normally be experienced in deceleration from that distance, regardless of whether there were a suppressor attached or not.

Reaver_RRTS September 19th, 2013 17:32

Just a quick thought that it MIGHT, didn't say it would, but there you go. Regardless, AG kit is not suggested.


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1834731)
This theory is unfounded. There's no such thing as the foam "absorbing" power... it's not like the round has to punch through the foam.

When the round leaves the muzzle of the inner barrel, it has already reached terminal velocity. There is no additional compression at that point. Any "loss" in power between the muzzle of the inner barrel and the muzzle of the suppressor is exactly what would normally be experienced in deceleration from that distance, regardless of whether there were a suppressor attached or not.

docholiday September 19th, 2013 17:47


Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS (Post 1834720)
contact KWA direct, they ship to canada and carry the Low Power Bolt. I'm saving up for one for my MP9 (it's shooting around 450-500 fps on .2s stock... yeah wtf lol)

Only other company I saw with it is AirsoftGI and it was out of stock.

They do not have it in stock...

Anybody have another source?

coach September 19th, 2013 18:07


Originally Posted by docholiday (Post 1834737)
They do not have it in stock...

Anybody have another source?

Already gave it to you


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1834728)
Airsoftparts had some in stock when I was there this past weekend

AnthB September 19th, 2013 18:07

I wanted to lower the fps and put the angry supp. on basically for look and a little bit of a longer barrel. If it will do more harm than good, should I just go to the low power bolt ? Out of the box it says its shooting 370 fps. As long as I can get to 340-350 with very minimal effort ( since its my first gbb ). If an AG kit is the same thing as an Npas cool. I just learned about these things today after picking this gun up.

Just checked out airsoft parts site. Pretty cool place.

docholiday September 19th, 2013 18:11


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1834744)
Already gave it to you

Asked about the low power bolt not the NPAS :P

coach September 19th, 2013 18:14


Originally Posted by docholiday (Post 1834748)
Asked about the low power bolt not the NPAS :P

Read the title and his post:


Originally Posted by AnthB (Post 1834713)
Anyone have a good store with a link to where I can find these items ? Spur of the moment purchase and looking to make this gbb an indoor only gun but i would like to add that angry supp. to it. Ideally the Npas putting it down to 300 ish then adding the supp. would get it to around 350 would be great for me.

Thanks in advance.

docholiday September 19th, 2013 18:15


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1834749)
Read the title and his post:

* I asked about the low power bolt, he might have asked about NPAS, but i didn't.

coach September 19th, 2013 18:16


Originally Posted by AnthB (Post 1834745)
I wanted to lower the fps and put the angry supp. on basically for look and a little bit of a longer barrel. If it will do more harm than good, should I just go to the low power bolt ? Out of the box it says its shooting 370 fps. As long as I can get to 340-350 with very minimal effort ( since its my first gbb ). If an AG kit is the same thing as an Npas cool. I just learned about these things today after picking this gun up.

Just checked out airsoft parts site. Pretty cool place.

The angry gun suppressor is going to increase your fps.

Typically people install the npas or a flute valve ( or low power bolt) to decrease to indoor safe gps and then add the angry gun to bring it up to outdoor fps

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