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Mr. Gruntsworthy August 19th, 2013 20:13

A quick preferences/gear survey
I'd like to get an idea of what your preferences are for a few things. Think you have a minute to do it up? (if a question isn't appliccable, just say N/A)

1) What weight BB do you use in your main AEG?
2) What weight BB do you use in your sidearm?
3) What weight BB do you use in your sniper rifle?
4) How many weapons do you carry out into a game? (including sidearms)
5) How many upgrades have you made to your main gun?
6) What is your preferred weapon class? (ie. SMG, machine pistol, AR, DMR, etc)
7) What is your preferred 'role?' (ie. Sniper, support gunner, etc)
8) What would you do for a klondike bar

R.I.T.Z August 19th, 2013 20:31


Originally Posted by Mr. Gruntsworthy (Post 1826370)
I'd like to get an idea of what your preferences are for a few things. Think you have a minute to do it up? (if a question isn't appliccable, just say N/A)

1) What weight BB do you use in your main AEG?
2) What weight BB do you use in your sidearm?
3) What weight BB do you use in your sniper rifle?
4) How many weapons do you carry out into a game? (including sidearms)
5) How many upgrades have you made to your main gun?
6) What is your preferred weapon class? (ie. SMG, machine pistol, AR, DMR, etc)
7) What is your preferred 'role?' (ie. Sniper, support gunner, etc)
8) What would you do for a klondike bar

1) .25
2) .25
3) Kinda own one?
4) 2
5) Define "upgrade"
6) Whatever is appropriate
7) Whatever I get assigned
8) Disclose TokyoSevens real gender

Forever_kaos August 19th, 2013 20:33

I'll bite...

1).28 or .3's. Experimenting with .4's but those are once and awhile, bigger games.
2).25, though I hardly run a sidearm.
4) I always take 2+ rifles, only carry one.
5) 4? Polarstar, hopup unit, rubber and barrel... ? 5 If you count "upgrading" the nozzle.
6)Rifle, SMG, battle rifle/DMR (K98)
7) The one who shoots.
8) This...

bizkilter August 19th, 2013 21:07

1) .25-.3
2) .25
3) .3+
4) 2. A rifle and a sidearm
5) The only stock bits left on my main rifle are the lower receiver and the trigger.
6) AR
7) Assault/Rifleman
8) Many dirty, dirty things...

scottyfox August 19th, 2013 21:13

1) What weight BB do you use in your main AEG? .28
2) What weight BB do you use in your sidearm? .30
3) What weight BB do you use in your sniper rifle? N/A
4) How many weapons do you carry out into a game? (including sidearms) 2
5) How many upgrades have you made to your main gun? Well, not sure you want a number, but to a TM SOPMOD/SOPMOD CQB-R: Upgraded spring, 9.6v proprietary batts, gold contacts kit thingie cause the stock battery contacts suck. All by
6) What is your preferred weapon class? (ie. SMG, machine pistol, AR, DMR, etc) AR
7) What is your preferred 'role?' (ie. Sniper, support gunner, etc) Civilian human terrain team member that doesn't want to get killed.
8) What would you do for a klondike bar? Replace klondike bar with bottle of bourbon and just about anything.

Drake August 19th, 2013 21:21

1) What weight BB do you use in your main AEG?
I don't AEG. If GBBR counts, then usually .30

2) What weight BB do you use in your sidearm?
Usually .30

3) What weight BB do you use in your sniper rifle?
I don't sniper rifle

4) How many weapons do you carry out into a game? (including sidearms)
1 - 3, depending

5) How many upgrades have you made to your main gun?
Define upgrade? And I have multiple "main guns"

6) What is your preferred weapon class? (ie. SMG, machine pistol, AR, DMR, etc)

7) What is your preferred 'role?' (ie. Sniper, support gunner, etc)
We don't do "roles" we play milsim.

8) What would you do for a klondike bar
I'd mock you mercilessly until you cry like a little girl.

lurkingknight August 19th, 2013 22:25

1) What weight BB do you use in your main AEG?


2) What weight BB do you use in your sidearm?


3) What weight BB do you use in your sniper rifle?


4) How many weapons do you carry out into a game? (including sidearms)

TO a game? 2 AEGs, pistol INTO the game? 1 AEG 1 pistol.

5) How many upgrades have you made to your main gun?

how many upgrades have I NOT made to my main gun?

6) What is your preferred weapon class? (ie. SMG, machine pistol, AR, DMR, etc)

I generally have an affinity to smaller/shorter guns, p90 is my primary aeg. I have a pretty long g36 as my backup though.

7) What is your preferred 'role?' (ie. Sniper, support gunner, etc)

I like shooting bitches.

8) What would you do for a klondike bar

nothing. I'd go and buy one myself cause I'm no one's dancing monkey.

Cobrajr122 August 19th, 2013 22:36

1) 0.30 ~0.36
2) 0.25~0.28
3) N/A
4) 1~2
5) Inner + Intense hopup work (not much to do with P*)
6) DMR
7) DMR/Support
8) That is confidential

R.I.T.Z August 19th, 2013 22:39


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1826434)
nothing. I'd go and buy one myself cause I'm no one's dancing monkey.

What if I were to give you a Banana?

NANA August 19th, 2013 22:42

1. .28
2. .28
3. .32+
4. 2, main and pistol.
5. There are no "stock parts" left in or on my gun.
6. AR but ive taken a liking to SMG as of late.
7. What ever I need to do to finish the mission.
8. Never been a fan.

K3vX August 19th, 2013 22:49

1. .25 - That will change once I finish my air seal optimization
2. .28
3. N/A
4. AEG + Pistol, 2
5. Hop-Up, Shimming (for now)
6. AR, I run a G36c right now
7. Ask my squad leader
8. Sweet, sweet love to an individual of my choice

lurkingknight August 19th, 2013 23:45


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1826438)
What if I were to give you a Banana?

then I'd eat your banana and still go buy my own klondike. :)

Aj619 August 20th, 2013 00:00

1:what ever is avalible
2:see number 1
4:one to two
5:hop up and rubber
6:what ever is around I own an ar but me and my buddy share guns
8:many many things

Ricochet August 20th, 2013 09:16


Originally Posted by Mr. Gruntsworthy (Post 1826370)
I'd like to get an idea of what your preferences are for a few things. Think you have a minute to do it up? (if a question isn't appliccable, just say N/A)

1) What weight BB do you use in your main AEG?
2) What weight BB do you use in your sidearm?
3) What weight BB do you use in your sniper rifle?
4) How many weapons do you carry out into a game? (including sidearms)
5) How many upgrades have you made to your main gun?
6) What is your preferred weapon class? (ie. SMG, machine pistol, AR, DMR, etc)
7) What is your preferred 'role?' (ie. Sniper, support gunner, etc)
8) What would you do for a klondike bar

1. 0.28g BB Bastards
2. 0.25g BB Bastards
3. Nothing yet
4. '3' Primary, Secondary, Knife
5. '4' Motor mod, Hop-up mod, rear stock mod, Magazine mod
6. DMR
7. Infiltration
8. Your sister, mother, whatever...

Strelok August 20th, 2013 10:06

1) What weight BB do you use in your main AEG?

.28's, I just adjusted from .25's due to outdoors play. I find them much more effective.

2) What weight BB do you use in your sidearm?

.28's as well, or .30's if I can get ahold of them.

3) What weight BB do you use in your sniper rifle?

.30's currently, I'm having hopup issues with my VSR, however I'm still getting great results. I would rather be using .36's

4) How many weapons do you carry out into a game? (including sidearms)

While playing, Usually just a Primary (PPsh41,) and my secondary (TT33) just incase. I do bring a few other guns depending on whats needed in a game. VSR10, SG550, AKS74U, RPK, etc... Much to list!

5) How many upgrades have you made to your main gun?

None, currently. I'm happy with how its performed outside of the box, aside from a repair on the wiring.

6) What is your preferred weapon class? (ie. SMG, machine pistol, AR, DMR, etc)

Mixed bag. I'm a huge fan of SMGS, they make a big part of my collection since I like a more compact, versatile gun. But I do tend to carry others depending on the situation.

7) What is your preferred 'role?' (ie. Sniper, support gunner, etc)

I'm a fan of Support and Sniper. I started out doing one or the other, so its kind of stuck. Trying to start moving more, so i've made an effort to be more up front.

8) What would you do for a klondike bar

I would steal the souls of a thousand orphans, pack them into a pickle jar and draw a smiley face on it. Then use it as a ritual peice to summon the greatest ice cream candy bar the world has ever seen.

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