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Issei August 6th, 2013 17:45

airsoft smg suggestions
I am looking to buy an smg airsoft gun. I am not sure what is good or any problems that may exist. So please post and let me know

Strelok August 6th, 2013 18:13

Kinda vague of a request.

What do you want from it exactly? Do you want a GBB system for realism? Electric BB hose? what are you intending to use it for?

Any particular model of SMG would be helpful, too.

Bellerophon August 6th, 2013 18:14

To give a fair recommendation, first I'd need to know your budget, secondly I'd need to know if you prefer gas or electric airsoft guns. A very brief summary:

- generally less expensive
- rarely needs maintenance (though regular maintenance is highly recommended)
- works in most weather
- as smaller guns usually can't fit a regular sized battery, battery life can be a problem in electric SMGs
- relatively slow trigger response unless extensively modified

- generally more expensive, mags especially so
- high maintenance (usually easier to maintain though, only mechanical knowledge required)
- fast trigger response, though the response and rate of fire slow down substantially after periods of rapid firing due to cooldown
- blowback is very fun
- usually does not work in cold weather

Issei August 6th, 2013 18:29

ok for the details
i want ither gas or electric
for price im hoping to spend maybe 350 but thats with extra mag but if i go over its no biggy
not a big fan of m16 m4 anything like that
i like the ww2 guns

im really loooking for a brand and a type mac 11, mp7, uzi, scorpian, p90, pp19 ect

slowbird August 6th, 2013 18:49


Originally Posted by Issei (Post 1822206)
i like the ww2 guns

im really loooking for a brand and a type mac 11, mp7, uzi, scorpian, p90, pp19 ect

If you like WWII guns maybe a M1A1 Thompson (tommy gun)?

Can't recommend a brand though. I am new as well.

Brian McIlmoyle August 6th, 2013 19:17

Submachine gun, is different than a PDW, figure out what you want it for.. then decide what you want.

When ever someone says submachine gun, I think MP5 -- if you go AEG, go there, Cyma seems to be making very solid ones in your price range.

MP7- GBB - KSC .. also WE ( though I don't own one of these yet to say anything about them)

Issei August 6th, 2013 19:22

i already know i want something small compact and fast firing

Kuro_Neko August 6th, 2013 20:49


Originally Posted by Issei (Post 1822206)
ok for the details
i want ither gas or electric
for price im hoping to spend maybe 350 but thats with extra mag but if i go over its no biggy
not a big fan of m16 m4 anything like that
i like the ww2 guns

im really loooking for a brand and a type mac 11, mp7, uzi, scorpian, p90, pp19 ect

For your budget, you can forget about gas, so go electric. As to the list of guns, you've got a mix of machine pistols, PDW's and submachine guns. You need to decide which of those types you want to begin with. If this is to be a primary weapon I would advise against a machine pistol. PDW's are doable as primaries depending on the gun in question and the type of play area you have. A submachine gun would probably be best. I'll second the recommendation of the MP5.

For the record:


Machine Pistol:
Å*korpion (despite being listed as a submachine gun by it's manufacturers, and despite the token foldout stock, anyone with eyes can tell it's a machine pistol)

Submachine Gun:

Issei August 6th, 2013 21:04

i like the pp 19 mac 11 and mp7 outta those

Zab August 6th, 2013 21:06

I only deal with and own WW2 weapons, i own the G&G Kar98, ICS M1 Garand which are both pretty expensive $450+ ! I also own the King Arms M1A1 Thompson which i think will be right up your alley. It shoots a good 390fps and very accurate as well, i own the full metal and wood version for $500+ but they also make a fake wood with plastic lower receiver (the body is full metal tho) for around $250 area... I highly recommend it my friend ! Be warned though once you start collecting these WW2 weapons it will take over your life and wallet lol.

Issei August 6th, 2013 21:08

ya and i hate plastic unless its a decent poly some guns have just the worse outta material

Issei August 6th, 2013 21:12

what are good brands for mp7, pp19 and mac 11

Kuro_Neko August 6th, 2013 21:33

An airsoft pp-19 exists but I've never seen one for sale or heard any first hand accounts of its quality. TM makes a good MP7. The only good MAC-11's I'm aware of are all gas which would be out of your budget. Please be aware I do not advise the MP7 or MAC-11 as a primary weapon. From what I've seen of the PP-19 it might do as a primary, but locating one in Canada is going to be very difficult.

Issei August 6th, 2013 21:35

kwa makes a gas mac 11 ive seen it for like 250 or something close

Kuro_Neko August 6th, 2013 21:46


Originally Posted by Issei (Post 1822330)
kwa makes a gas mac 11 ive seen it for like 250 or something close

That's true, and from what I understand it's a pretty good weapon. But then it's $50 per mag. if you're going to be running it as a primary you're going to need at least five. If you're lucky, the weapon will come with one mag. So $250 for the gun and one mag, plus $200 for four more mags brings you up to $450, which is a hundred dollars over your budget. And really, you're probably going to want more mags then five. Probably more like eight or ten, which will push the total cost up to $650-750. That's why I said gas is going to be out of your budget. It's not the gun that kills your wallet, it's the mags.

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