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Col.Thumper July 27th, 2013 13:42

Need Help downgrade questions
hey..ok let me start by saying i got this gun used... built by GUMP back in the i have NO IDEA what is inside...
i do know it shoots about 400-420fps with .25s.... and in the 460 range with .2:confused:
im looking to get it down to about 360-375 fps.....
and looking at spring charts doesnt help my cause its most likely got ported cylinders or not... or whats going on in there.....

anyone can give me a hand.... and possibly meet up with some springs that would be awesome.....


ThunderCactus July 27th, 2013 15:07

won't change your FPS by much, an M110 shoots 370-385 no matter what gun it's in typically

Col.Thumper July 27th, 2013 16:43


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1819016)
won't change your FPS by much, an M110 shoots 370-385 no matter what gun it's in typically

Looking ti get it down to 360-370

Even with piston and chamber mods?

ThunderCactus July 27th, 2013 18:22

the asc spring chart is based on a fully upgraded P90 so it's a perfect reference
Things that affect a spring's final FPS; tightbore 5-15fps, piston head bearing 5fps, spring guide bearing 5fps

The cylinder porting makes no real difference to fps as long as it's the right length for your barrel.
The only piston mod that would affect fps is cutting a ton of holes in it, but not by much anyway.
You're almost SOL for 365fps, only spring I know of that does that is the systema M100 but they're prone to failure.
M110s are typically 370-385 and M100s typically 340-350
I'd say you best best is a prometheus MS110, it'll be in the 375-385 range depending on what's on your gun

Col.Thumper July 27th, 2013 19:38

Thanx again

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