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HAMR July 20th, 2013 01:21

Face Protection
So I have a G&G m4 cqb s with a tactical scope mount (scope riser) and a 1-4x scope and my paintball mask cheek protector gets in the way of looking down the scope.

my question is this:

If I were to remove the cheek protection (cutting or otherwise) would I still be able to use it in games

R.I.T.Z July 20th, 2013 01:23

As long as you do not touch the actual goggles you should be fine

Pinanni July 20th, 2013 06:50

I've actually gamed with a guy recently who's done that. He simply just cut the right side off so he can cheek his gun.

HAMR July 21st, 2013 00:23

Awesome thanks guys, it's an $90 mask so I didn't want to mod it until I knew.

Magnaroth July 21st, 2013 18:45

Most of the places I've played don't even care if you have face protection, just eye pro. Unless it's a serious CQB environment. I know lots of people who run with just gogles, or some use mouth guards to protect their teeth.

Either way, I cut my paintball mask so the part that protects my face kindof looks like a skull. I like it.

HAMR July 21st, 2013 19:47

That's what I'm planning to do, I've been playing paintball for 8 years and due to the cost and having a giant grapefruit hang off my gun I've switched to airsoft, I didn't know if airsoft's face protection was as strict as paintball so now I can mod my mask thanks to everyone's input.

Zack The Ripper July 21st, 2013 20:03

An even better thing to do would get a separate pair of goggles and some face mesh.

However if you don't feel like spending money of a good pair of Smith Optics or ESS eye pro and a $15 face mesh, then what was mentioned above is valid.

Personally I just run a mouth guard and my SO OTWs. "Some people call me a wild man..."

HAMR July 24th, 2013 08:44


Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper (Post 1817552)
An even better thing to do would get a separate pair of goggles and some face mesh.

However if you don't feel like spending money of a good pair of Smith Optics or ESS eye pro and a $15 face mesh, then what was mentioned above is valid.

Personally I just run a mouth guard and my SO OTWs. "Some people call me a wild man..."

I would do that but I have to wear glasses :( my E Vent paintball mask can allow for my glasses otherwise I would wear goggles that would solve all my probs yo lol

do you know if there are prescription goggles?

Drake July 24th, 2013 09:22

There are prescription inserts for a lot of goggles and shooting glasses. The inserts mount behind the actual polycarb lens.

Pinanni July 24th, 2013 17:03


Originally Posted by HAMR (Post 1818226)
I would do that but I have to wear glasses :( my E Vent paintball mask can allow for my glasses otherwise I would wear goggles that would solve all my probs yo lol

do you know if there are prescription goggles?

Revision makes an insert to fit into their goggles. You send them your latest prescription and they ship it to you.

HAMR July 24th, 2013 18:54

THIS, is why I love this forum lol

Thanks guys

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