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TheYellowDart July 19th, 2013 15:57

Mosfet reliability and failure modes
How are today's off the shelf airosft mosfets in terms of reliability and failure mode?

The first and last time I tried using a mosfet a couple of years ago, it fried after less than a couple dozen shots over the course of two days. It failed closed, so the aeg wouldn't stop firing on full auto until I unplugged the battery. Freaked out my wife too.

I'm thinking about trying a mosfet again, but don't want it to fail and get stuck on full auto. Especially if using a Lipo in a sealed up buffer tube that's cumbersome to get to.

lurkingknight July 19th, 2013 16:25

don't buy a cheap mosfet unit. I swear by products because of Terry's overwhelmingly good service and track record. He has a very low failure rate and his units are very well built.

wind_comm July 19th, 2013 17:24

if you really dont want it to fail, get an extreme-fire.

there are also plenty of homemade fets from reputable makers on ASM.

K3vX July 19th, 2013 18:11

Speaking of ExtremeFire mosfet. Can you disable the AB on the computerized FETs?
Which one would you recommend for ROF control without AB.

RaisinBran July 19th, 2013 18:45

Look for a hamster fet on ASM, apparently they are amazing and I have one on the way.

cetane July 19th, 2013 19:18

The gate ones stealth has on ok too

Oshiha July 19th, 2013 19:51

The cheetah 2N with triggermaster software let's you turn AB on and off, and let's you control the ROF as well. I have one and it was a great investment. Any problems, and terry usually replies to you in about 24 hours.

KenTsui July 19th, 2013 19:53

I've been using my home-made 3034 mosfet for over 3 years now. Still works fine.

Hectic July 19th, 2013 19:56

Gate merf 3.2. Nuff said. All the features you can shake a stick at round 60 bucks.

K3vX July 19th, 2013 20:32


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1817124)
Gate merf 3.2. Nuff said. All the features you can shake a stick at round 60 bucks.

This one's nearly perfect, except I want the ability to turn AB on and off, and I'm stuck with deans (not a con, but I can't try other things).

Ron-E July 19th, 2013 20:48

I have installed 4 MERF 3.2s on 4 different rifles and have yet to see one fail. I run them on 2 of my own rifles, not able to turn off AB sucks but the other features make up for it.

TANNER July 19th, 2013 21:07

+1 for the Gate fet's from airsoftstore. Never had one fail. Not a huge fan of the Xtreme fire fets as I always worry about the wires falling out (which they do often).

IggysPiggy July 20th, 2013 17:39

No matter what anyone says or builds Terry's track record can't be beat. Extreme-fire all the way.

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