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Fire Power Multi-Shot Spring Shotgun (Full Stock) Q's
Hi fellas.
So, I'm thinking about picking up a spring shotty; the one mentioned in the thread title. I spotted one in a local army surplus store for $80, and I want a shotgun for sure. I was just wondering; do any of you have any experience with this shotgun? It's a tri-shot, and says that it fires between 290-310 fps w/ .2g BB's. Also, a secondary question: Though low in fps, since I plan on using the shotgun in close quarters out in the bush, can I get away with using .3g BB's in this sucker? What's the heaviest BB you'd risk in this guy? I know I wouldn't get much range using higher weight BB's in such a low-powered shotgun, but range isn't what I'm going for in a shotgun (I have my main arm for that). Thoughts? Opinions? |
They are great, Though made in china it won't last forever but you're only paying 80 duckets for her so it's not bad. The playing style is very different, but very gratifying.
I figure upgrade the spring to get a solid 350 fps, and stick some .35g BB's in her.
Like I said, not looking for range... but I bet bottom dollar mo fo's won't want to get hit with it up close and personal. >:] |
I've never heard of anyone taking these springers apart and changing springs n such. My understanding was that they're as good as you need em out of the box.
I don't even think it's possible to take them apart.
I run .28s in mine with no upgrades. Works great. Had a couple of guys that were not calling their hits in some CQB action when hit with AEG fire (semi only) so I brought out the shotty and they definately started calling their hits.
Sounds like Ultimate Airsoft, lol!
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