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Swifty June 30th, 2013 18:23

Led flashbang grenades
Looking for some kind of LED FLASHBANG grenades. Kind of disappointed when I found out that real FLASHBANG grenades aren't legal. I found this one on YouTube

thought it was kind of cool and promising. Not sure if anyone has any other leads or input.

Cobrajr122 June 30th, 2013 18:30

eh, solid light, only lights up on 1/2 of the ball. Would like to see it in a dark room though.

For the last 2 months I have been working on a design for something similar, now that im back home from work, im sourcing some parts locally to get working.

pugs144 June 30th, 2013 18:32

Sceptical. Flashbangs are about speed and surprise; these discoballs have neither IMO. In the time it takes to toss enough of these things to backlight your target you could have already illuminated him with your weapon light AND engaged him.

R.I.T.Z June 30th, 2013 18:50


Originally Posted by Swifty (Post 1811387)
Looking for some kind of LED FLASHBANG grenades. Kind of disappointed when I found out that real FLASHBANG grenades aren't legal. I found this one on YouTube

thought it was kind of cool and promising. Not sure if anyone has any other leads or input.

what made you think flashbangs would be legal to civies?

and I'll stick to my 300 lumen strobe

also these things don't look like they'd disorient anyone, its a light you toss into a room....

Aper June 30th, 2013 18:56

I kinda lol'ed at the flashbang aren't legal disappointment thingy ...

PrIeSt July 1st, 2013 10:34

Me three.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2

coach July 1st, 2013 11:02

Fail. Developed by retired FBI agent for swat? Sigh...

From the video, you'd be better off tossing a couple chem lights and yelling bang!

Flashbangs are supposed to disorient or distract your vision and hearing. These ones do neither. Also flashbangs would work in both dark and bright conditions. These ones would only be effective in near total darkness.

IggysPiggy July 1st, 2013 12:45

If you've ever been in a room with a flash bang going off you would never have made this thread. Are you in the market to hurt the ppl your playing airsoft with? They can be dangerous and can cause severe bodily harm as well as permanent damage in some cases.

Your one of those guys that wants a 800 lumen flashlight, just don't do it.

Also the fact your surprised they aren't legal tells me you prolly shouldn't touch one anyways, little more research on your part would tell you a great deal about why.

Swifty July 1st, 2013 19:52


Originally Posted by IggysPiggy (Post 1811586)
If you've ever been in a room with a flash bang going off you would never have made this thread. Are you in the market to hurt the ppl your playing airsoft with? They can be dangerous and can cause severe bodily harm as well as permanent damage in some cases.

Your one of those guys that wants a 800 lumen flashlight, just don't do it.

Also the fact your surprised they aren't legal tells me you prolly shouldn't touch one anyways, little more research on your part would tell you a great deal about why.

I've never been "flashbanged" before and I have no police or military training/experience, so I apologize for offending anyone with my comment. The little I did know about flash bang grenades is what I've seen in video games and movies, so obviously my knowledge is limited (and I'm admitting that). I was under the impression that flashbang grenades only caused a bright light which temporarily blinded people. Now that I understand their severity, and have admitted my downfalls, maybe we can move on to the latter portion of my post, in which I was asking about LED flashbang grenades.

Lets take airsoft grenades for instance, at some point someone said that would be cool if we had grenades, and after people like Iggyspiggy were finished calling him stupid, this person created a civi-legal airsoft grenade, which if used in the right context could be safe.

What I'm asking for isn't a real flashbang grenade which will rupture eardrums and cause permanent corneal damage, but an airsoft-style flashbang. That isn't too much to ask is it? If such a thing does not exist, I think you are mistaken if you think there isn't a market for one.

With flashlights and strobes being quite popular, I think an LED grenade could be effective mainly in CQB. Of course it would need to be set to start on impact, strobe maybe for 2-3 seconds and then shut off. Call me crazy, I think that sounds cool.

Swifty July 1st, 2013 19:55


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1811530)
Fail. Developed by retired FBI agent for swat? Sigh...

From the video, you'd be better off tossing a couple chem lights and yelling bang!

Flashbangs are supposed to disorient or distract your vision and hearing. These ones do neither. Also flashbangs would work in both dark and bright conditions. These ones would only be effective in near total darkness.

Haha, thanks Coach! I agree, would only work in darkness. But flashlights and strobes work well in lit conditions. So there's got to be a threshold somewhere.

Swifty July 1st, 2013 19:56


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1811388)
eh, solid light, only lights up on 1/2 of the ball. Would like to see it in a dark room though.

For the last 2 months I have been working on a design for something similar, now that im back home from work, im sourcing some parts locally to get working.

Props for trying to develop something!

Aper July 1st, 2013 20:50


The little I did know about flash bang grenades is what I've seen in video games and movies
This is exactly your problem. Get the proper informations first, and then come back with some ''real life'' arguments that'll make this thread worth the time of others.

I can start a shitload of threads about "things I saw in movies and games" too, but fortunately i've been on this forum long enough to know better. You'll find out soon too, the hard way or easy way ;)

Swifty July 1st, 2013 21:18


Originally Posted by Aper (Post 1811714)
This is exactly your problem. Get the proper informations first, and then come back with some ''real life'' arguments that'll make this thread worth the time of others.

I can start a shitload of threads about "things I saw in movies and games" too, but fortunately i've been on this forum long enough to know better. You'll find out soon too, the hard way or easy way ;)

Thanks Aper, your comments have been noted; but you clearly missed the point of my post, as I expressed the fact that I am looking for a safe alternative to the real thing.

Does anyone have any useful input?

Note: the word useful.

R.I.T.Z July 1st, 2013 21:27


Originally Posted by Swifty (Post 1811720)
Thanks Aper, your comments have been noted; but you clearly missed the point of my post, as I expressed the fact that I am looking for a safe alternative to the real thing.

Does anyone have any useful input?

Note: the word useful.

Drop the attitude?

Honestly I dont see there being any airsoft safe alternatives.
I mean We have thunder B sound grenades which are not allowed to be used in most indoor/cqb facilities, where they thrive. and if an effective "flash bang" was made I dont see it being cost effective or be able to be used during the day.
I mean I've got a bright as hell flash light, and it works well during the night but during the day? Its pretty much useless.

Swifty July 1st, 2013 21:35


Originally Posted by Swifty (Post 1811720)

Does anyone have any useful input?

Note: the word useful.

I thought I was being polite! :)

I hear you, such a thing would only be feasible in a dark scenarios. The one that I linked to in that YouTube video is supposed to retail for $50-$80 which isn't bad.

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