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AlexBisnett June 10th, 2013 23:03

Finally have Money, not sure what to get.
So ive finally decided to spend the money on a good quality gun. My friend just picked up a vfc m16 and its awesome. I also have a kwa km16br ive been using but im looking for a gun thats a little smaller.

I was interested in the beta project ak47 and wondering if anyone has one. Looking to get a gun that is solid internally and externally with decent range for a field, if that was possible in an smg varient that would be awesome. Ive also checked out the vfc pdw, and would be happy with a vfc m4 or a solid m4 platform i could eventually upgrade.

I love basically any style of gun so let me know if you have some good suggestions. Something in the $500-$600 range preferablly.

mzo June 10th, 2013 23:09

If you want to get an AK get a Real Sword (which I don't own but have tried) which is amazing or get a VFC (I have not tried or own).

BennyBoy June 10th, 2013 23:15

I have VFC PDW and buddy has the VFC M4 Quake, both excellent guns.

AlexBisnett June 10th, 2013 23:19

I heard the e series werent that good from vfc, so id probablly like to get there other versions.

RaisinBran June 10th, 2013 23:23

LCT AK's are really nice too.

AlexBisnett June 10th, 2013 23:26

Yeah i think my local store has lcts too. I was also thinking about getting a cyma ak74u, i heard they shoot pretty hot and there pretty cheap with good externals. Would it be wise just to get one of those and then upgrade the gun as parts need to be replaced. I have a friend who had a plastic cyma ak74u and completly overhauled it and put a flat hop in it i think so i could easily get it upgraded from someone with experience on the gun.

Zack The Ripper June 10th, 2013 23:31

VFC MK18 is a beast from what I hear. Out of personal experience I know the G&G SCAR-L is a beauty internally and externally. The VFC SCARs are on the same level. I have also heard great things about the PWS Diablos (Made by G&G).

Personally, my G&G SCAR only has a 363mm tight bore barrel added (I use a suppressor with it) and the cylinder coated in Teflon to give it a nice sound. Runs on an 11.1v lipo brick with a ridiculous ROF, great trigger response, and the fantastic G&G hop up. There are people I have played against that can attest to its range and accuracy. The effective range is easily at 150ft and beyond. Best investment of $460 I have made, not including the TBB and external goodies.

Edit: I have put nearly 30k BBs through it and the only thing that failed was the trigger spring which needed a simple replacement. That occurred at about 20k.

AlexBisnett June 11th, 2013 11:32

Yeah im thinking about getting the pdw. Would i be able to down the line to upgrade it for more range and accuracy? I know its already good for cqb and medium range distances but id still like to upgrade it eventually and i love the fact that it takes m4 mags, so i wouldnt have to buy all new ones.

Hectic June 11th, 2013 11:44

Hop up rubber and inner barrel swap. Takes 10 minuts. Costs 60-100 bucks (maybe more depending on what barrel you get but go madbull and youll be closer to 60) and youll notice range accuracy and consistancy will be much better. Prety much all stock hop rubbers and inners suck balls. I swap all mine right outta the box

Zack The Ripper June 11th, 2013 11:44

Yeah you can. The big question is are you going AEG or GBB?

AlexBisnett June 11th, 2013 12:03

Going to go for the aeg version, but im not a big fan of peq boxes though. Could i put a different style stock on it and house it in the stock if that was possible? And thanks for the helpfull info about the upgrades. I wouldnt neccesarilly upgrade right out of the box but i guess it would be a good idea to change the bucking rubber right away. what rubber would you guys recommend for the pdw rather then the stock one it comes with? Not too worried about tightbore right about either.

Hectic June 11th, 2013 12:46
Battery in the hanguard.

Id change the barrel too (its cheap like 40 bucks) you wont be disapointed madbull 6.03
For hop up you could go pdi w hold or prommy smooth rubbed with bridge tensioner or baton ryuski (or whatever the heck its called)
Or the all mighty rhop

AlexBisnett June 11th, 2013 14:00

So this is what you recommend right?
Its going to be put in the vfc pdw ( ive finally decided on getting that gun )

This is for sure compatible with the vfc pdw? I know theres different hops for high fps vs low fps hops, so this one would be good?

Prometheus Bridge Hop-up Tensioner

PDI W-Hold Chamber Packing for AEG

thanks for the help

AlexBisnett June 11th, 2013 14:20

Or is this what i want?

Hectic June 11th, 2013 14:27

You cant mix the w hold with a bridge or flat type hop.
In order to use either a bridge or flat type you need a rubber that has no hump/bump inside aka a smooth rubber.
If you get the baton one it come with a smooth rubber and you can then test it as is or swap the flat nub with a bridge nub (i preffer the bridge nub as it centers the bb in the barrel beter then the flat) or you can get the bridge nub and find the prometheus smooth rubber (echigoya has em thats about the only place i found) ive had good results with the promy smooth and promy bridge combo.
If you go w hold then thats all youll need itll have a nub or you can use the stock nub.
The w hold is beter then stock the baton or smooth rubber with bridge is beter then both in my testing.

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