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Bakasaur June 10th, 2013 20:45

Cyma M14EBR, Wonderful Surprise
Hello Ladies and Gents,

I bought a Cyma M14 EBR not too long ago, and I'm pleased to say it's a fantastically solid gun. I can shoot over 400fps with a deviation of +-3fps, and a grouping of four-five inches (Windy/raining out when I did the test) at 125 feet.
It's turning out to be a sick DMR.

For the amount of money I put into it, this is incredible.

My list of parts for gearbox:
Modify V7 spring guide
Madbull shimset
Madbull PX MIM piston
Systema 6mm steel bushings
Modify Polycarb ball bearing Piston head
Magic Box M14 heat dispersal aluminum/teflon coated cylinder
Magic Box M14 Aluminium Double o-ring cylinder head
Magic Box POM air nozzle
Cyma OEM gearset
M110 Spring
SHS hop up bucking
0.25g King Arm BBs

Next on the list to buy:
Tightbore barrel
Magnum high torque/high speed motor
Guarder High Torque Gears
Guarder Anti-Reversal Latch
New crane stock

Here's a few pictures of my setup, lemmie know what you think :)

Special thanks to Sha Do for helping solve the hop up problems, really appreciated.

pestobanana June 10th, 2013 20:54

4-5" at what range?

Bakasaur June 10th, 2013 20:57


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 1804657)
4-5" at what range?

Oops, I need to edit that in..

Hectic June 10th, 2013 21:06

What have you done to the hop up?
What kind of bbs are you using?
What kind of effective range are you getting? (200-250feet?)

Bakasaur June 10th, 2013 21:21


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1804665)
What have you done to the hop up?
What kind of bbs are you using?
What kind of effective range are you getting? (200-250feet?)

Just edited that in, sorry..
I just threw a new bucking on, and I'm using .25s.
No idea of effective range just yet, I haven't gamed it. I'm shooting the length of my yard (125ft) with only a few inches drop.

Dasright June 10th, 2013 21:22

I bought a CM032EBR a while ago and the stock motor is weak, definetly not the neodymium magnet motor. The FPS deviation ranged from 300 to 350 FPS stock. I see you fixed the compression issues but how was it stock? How is your rate of fire right now?

Bakasaur June 10th, 2013 21:30


Originally Posted by Dasright (Post 1804669)
I bought a CM032EBR a while ago and the stock motor is weak, definetly not the neodymium magnet motor. The FPS deviation ranged from 300 to 350 FPS stock. I see you fixed the compression issues but how was it stock? How is your rate of fire right now?

Stock it wasn't too bad, oddly enough. My fps did have major deviations, but accuracy was pretty good. I played against my friend, managed to get him in the facemask every shot.

My rate up fire hasn't gone up significantly as I'm still using the stock motor/gears, it went from about 12-13rps to 13-14rps. Not a major difference. I would probably see more impressive change when I swiss cheese my piston and finally get a new motor.

Kos-Mos June 10th, 2013 21:39

The CYMA is a perfect clone of the TM.

However it lacks quality control so you either get an awesome rifle or a piece of shit.

Both of mine where incredible out of the box 380 ±5 and tight group (sub 6") at 1250-150'.
should not have sold that gun...

Wrath144 June 10th, 2013 22:52

I recommend you don't change the gears. If you must, SHS. Definitely not Guarder. Also, with a strong enough motor, there is no reason at all to get any sort of torque-up gears.
Magnum motors are extremely inefficient, I'd say either grab a SHS high torque or Lonex A1/A2.
Don't cheap out on your tightbore. PDI 6.05 or Prometheus 6.03 is what I recommend.
Changing your hop-up rubber will make the biggest difference on groupings and range. PDI W-hold is more or less the best option for traditional rubbers, but R-hops are where its at for range and accuracy.

ebfud June 10th, 2013 23:44

Glad to hear good things about the CYMA looking to pick up this exact gun.

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