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JCUTT1NG June 6th, 2013 19:22

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coach June 6th, 2013 19:33


Originally Posted by JCUTT1NG (Post 1803295)
Hi everybody,
I'm just going to start off by saying I'm new to Airsoft and the forum.
I'm looking for a full face mask for protection in both Airsoft and Paintball, and I can't stress enough how much I hate it when the lens fog up! I'm looking for something that would be high quality, preferred, and either True Thermal or Anti-Fog. It would be a bonus if the mask is affordable, please help me out!

If it needs to be compliant with paintball, get full face paintball goggles. Full stop.

Look for JT's with thermal lenses and fan.

Hectic June 6th, 2013 19:37

Proto EL switch or FS switch. With the EL buy a thermal lense with the FS it comes with.
For airsoft id suggest some ess with a fan Full face isnt reall needed for outdoor airsoft and if you want it get a mesh lowwer so you can still use your sights on your gun.

For all the above id still suggest a good antifog as even the thermal lenses or ess with fan will get fog or condensation at times so a good anti fog will help with that. Fogtech works well also there is this stuff that comes in a paste kind of form smear it on let dry buff off (cant recall the name paintball places have it tho.)
^^Handy link.^^

JCUTT1NG June 26th, 2013 22:44

Thanks for the help!

JayGus June 26th, 2013 23:29

Look at the JT stuff, used to run those for a bit, they worked quite well. Eventually upgraded to the Sly Profit mask, and never looked back those are my #1 recomendation to anybody willing to spend the 150$ on em...Dye makes some solid stuff too though. Though, for airsoft, i opt for the ballistic glasses (check out the revision bugeyes...think thats what their called) if your willing to leave your face unprotected (good tradeoff considering you wont be able to get a proper cheekweld with a mask)

Thats just my.02

And to build on Hectic's post, that paste stuff is called Catcrap. Sold in paintball sores and out here, Mark's Work Waerhouse has it too. You can usually find it anywhere that sells eye-pro in my experiences.

sdkfz June 27th, 2013 13:11

I use a JT FLEX8 and initially used the JT fan, you'll hear a hum the whole time (not to bad really) but at least it's got a switch and a battery will last a number of games however it's fairly cheap, wiring will break and the fan bearings will go and make it unusable. I ended up getting a small computer fan (20-25mm I think) and hard wiring it to a 9v battery, it destroys batteries after 4-5 hours and I didn't put in a switch in but it's effectively silent.

My goggles fog up terribly after like 15-20 minutes and at least for me no anti-fog or thermal lens would help, a fan was the only thing that resolves the problem completely, and it's kind of nice having cool air blow on your face. If you can you can get away with just running the fan for a minute or 2 when you start to fog up because it clears the issue pretty quick.

Pirate June 27th, 2013 14:44

I love my dye i3. Never had a fogging issue and the i4 is even nicer.

-=ArchAngel=- June 27th, 2013 21:52

i personally use the dye i4. Super expensive, but totally worth it imo. Looks cool, plus, has never ever fogged in the 3+ years i've had it.

Pinanni June 28th, 2013 14:56

I would have to agree with Pirate and Archangel. I used to run a Dye i4 for paintball, was the best investment i ever made.

My gf who wears glasses and hates contacts, bought one because it fits over her glasses. Great protection and great anti fogging lenses. I've played outdoors on VERY humid days with my mask and never had fogging issues.

Mike27MB February 18th, 2014 18:36

Rather than fullface, I'd recommend goggles/glasses whatever on top, then a metal mesh mask on the bottom.
These mesh masks are awesome...for airsoft.
Paintball, never tried, but goodluck.

You'll taste paint for a week..

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