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Privateryan32 May 30th, 2013 19:10

airsoft transport in public bus
i want to know if it allowed to transport airsoft replica in public bus like longueuil or mtl without be put on the ground like a fucking terrorist lol

Madrigal May 30th, 2013 19:11

on your lap? no, of course not -.- concealed in a case? as far as I know, yes.

Privateryan32 May 30th, 2013 19:13

yep concealed in a flambeau case like hard plastic with lock?

Madrigal May 30th, 2013 19:14

hell, I carry mine in a guitar bag. whatever keeps them out of sight.

Hectic May 30th, 2013 19:17

Yeah id opt for a soft case or guitar/bass case as opposed to something that is obviously a gun case. But yes id agree there shouodnt be a law against bringing airsoft on a bus.

Deadpool May 30th, 2013 19:25

And please, don't wear full BDUs and/or your vest on the bus.

Privateryan32 May 30th, 2013 19:32

lol pas mon style hehe sa vas toute etre dans une valise comme ma belle valise au mall te rapelle pas deadpool ma belle rouge vi n sur roulette lol

EchoFourTwelve May 30th, 2013 19:38

I mean, while we're at it...sorry if i'm hijacking the thread, but how would one transport a rather large PC on a bus? lol

Deadpool May 30th, 2013 19:46


Originally Posted by Privateryan32 (Post 1800990)
lol pas mon style hehe sa vas toute etre dans une valise comme ma belle valise au mall te rapelle pas deadpool ma belle rouge vi n sur roulette lol

C'était plus un avertissement en général, pas diriger vers toi.

MultipleParadox May 30th, 2013 20:10

Ya pas de raisons que tu te fasse arreter ou regarder suspicieusement si c'est dans un case

Common senses

HauntedTank May 30th, 2013 20:29

Why ask us?! Contact the bus/ transport company.
They will tell you exactly how you can transport it or not.


L473ncy May 30th, 2013 20:45


Originally Posted by EchoFourTwelve (Post 1800992)
I mean, while we're at it...sorry if i'm hijacking the thread, but how would one transport a rather large PC on a bus? lol

Get a lan party computer bag. I think I saw thermaltake makes one. I'm sure Antec and Corsair do as well.

Take your pick:

@ OP:

Best is to take it in a guitar case. Don't raise suspicion. Bass guitar case plus a small bag for your "amp" and you'll fit in fine. Don't wear your full BDU's or anything like that, just plain street clothes and BDU pants (it's the "fashionable thing" these days with kids and their "military chic fashion"). ie. This is fine (except replace those pants with your real BDU pants and try not to look like a hipster).

EDIT: Amp bag like this: Maybe put some band or music stickers on it to really get into the role that you're just another guy taking the bus.

Acid44 May 30th, 2013 21:09

I just carry mine in the box it came in, but with anything signifying that it's a "gun" duct taped over (warning labels, picture of gun on the side, etc.)

Also, large PC? As in Personal Computer? Or am I missing something here?

Drake May 30th, 2013 21:10

+1 guitar case. A gun case is going to attract tons of attention.

Back in the day, I use to carry my stuff in a guitar case, kept BDU (camo) pants on and combat boots, throw on a heavy metal tshirt or something, everything else in an old backpack. You blend right in.

DaRkCoMmAnDo May 30th, 2013 21:28

PC means plate carrier. As for that, you could always get a duffel bag.

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