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davedave May 15th, 2013 17:22

JG G36C upgrades
Hey i've had my JG g36c for quite some time now, it is the older but from what i heard the better of the internals compared to the newer jg g36 coming out. Ive had this gun for about 4+ years and never did anything to it. What types of upgrades would some of you do to this gun making it stand up to the higher end aegs out there?

MaciekA May 15th, 2013 18:01

You can take these ridiculous plastic beaters very very far. Nobody will suspect anything until you're out in the field.

Mine has a version 3 Lonex gearbox / motor / motorcage, Extreme Fire SW-SF MOSFET, flat hop bucking/nub. Completely rewired, XT60 connectors, etc. The handguard and outer barrel have both been gutted and sanded and cut to shape (with a Dremel tool) to fit the max size of battery I can manage to get in there. That and I've thrown an M4 magwell into the thing (also did some sanding to it to improve feeding).

It's plasticky and squeaky but it shoots like a champ and is light as a feather.

If your JG G36 is 4+ years old I assume it's also possibly got a semi-clear body so you might want to find some Krylon Ultraflat black and give it a good spraydown.

davedave May 15th, 2013 18:34

How much was yur upgrades in total! that sounds like a really good setup, and suprisingly mines all black with orange tip! But im gona look around for parts similiar to this, im decent at jerry riggings things haha, only thing is mosfet seems confusing to me

KenTsui May 15th, 2013 18:54

I guess it depends on what your goal is. Higher ROF? Higher accuracy? Better longevity? We can open a whole can of worms here. :)

davedave May 15th, 2013 19:47

I honestly dont care about rof! i was wanting more accuracy maybe bit more fps shooting closer to 390 solid? and longevity would be importanat as well

davedave May 16th, 2013 00:29

would this fit my setup for g36? and what kind of nubs for hopup would bbe suitable?
i know id need a 247mm tbb but what wouldbe the best like a 6.03?

Magnaroth May 17th, 2013 17:51


Originally Posted by davedave (Post 1795985)

would this fit my setup for g36? and what kind of nubs for hopup would bbe suitable?
i know id need a 247mm tbb but what wouldbe the best like a 6.03?

That should fit your gun fine, with no modification needed. As for hopup nubs and buckings, the Promethius Purple are really nice, and not too expensive. It's not a flat-top, but it still works nice. As for your barrel; 6.03 is a good size. You'll get good accuracy with it, while not having to worry about the maintenance of a 6.01, which will jam if not properly maintained on a regular basis. The length of your barell is also up to you, I run mine with a 300mm barrel, and use a small surpressor to cover the extra length. I've noticed a markitable differnece in accuracy because of the extra length.

Personally, I'm looking into getting a Prowin hopup chamber for my G36, but Lonex are just as good from what I hear.

KenTsui May 17th, 2013 20:20

If you want accuracy, R-Hop or flat hop is definitely the way to go. You'll keep yourself busy for a long time with that. A barrel with high consistency also helps. My recommendations are Prometheus EDGI 6.03 (steel) and Madbull 6.03 (aluminum). Don't neglect your BB's. IMO it is the most important part of the equation.

To increase FPS, you'll need to improve air seal and system efficiency, and eventually work your way to the spring.

I won't go into too much detail. Here's a good read:

davedave May 17th, 2013 21:18

Thank you guys so much! i really appreciate the info... i've been thinking about just buying a new higher end gun like a g&p m4 varient but i still love the loook of my jg g36c lol i wanna make it a frankenstein that'll suprise everyone..

davedave May 23rd, 2013 04:42

Hey guys this is my product list thus far... needed your opinion if this will all be compatible and worth it on my jg g36c... SHS Type 2 cylinder ("M4 hole" - 229-430mm), Lonex Enhanced Hop-up Unit for G36 , Lonex Improved Hop-Up Bucking & Sleeve (70D) ,SHS V3 Bearing Spring Guide , Lonex POM Ventilated Piston Head, Lonex Aluminum Cylinder Head for Ver. 3 . I have no idea what would be an ideal piston . I want to run 390-400fps steady and rof no higher then 20.. the stock motor in the jg seemed okay, and my gears have no issues i dont beleive.

davedave May 23rd, 2013 04:44

im also interested in sorbo pads.. and is my gun 6mm bushings?

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