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Officier Darkov May 3rd, 2013 09:50

Thief in my last event - Voleur à mon dernier évènement (Québec)
If someone tries to sell silencers, tokyo marui p90 mags, tight bore, metal m4 mags , sight protector for halo sight, please report his name to me, as soon as possible.

We got a thief in my last event (Nanowar)

Thanks a lot.

S'il y a un gars qui vend des silencieux, mag tokyo marui de p90, canon tigh bore, mag de m4 en métal, sight protector pour halo sight, rapportez moi son nom asap, on a eu un voleur Ã* mon dernier évènement de Nanowar.


Aper May 3rd, 2013 10:22

Bonne chance ... surtout que ta game était postée hors-ASC en plus ça veut pas dire que le ptit-coune vient sur ASC. Je garde les yeux ouverts.

MultipleParadox May 3rd, 2013 10:43

Check sur les pages facebook reliées au airsoft

Ya plusieurs groupes où semble se passer pas mal de transactions

Aquamarine May 3rd, 2013 23:56

Where were they stolen from?

BennyBoy May 4th, 2013 00:20

Sucks man, hope you find this or these bastard(s). Kinda odd these to steal too..

Basic-Wedge May 4th, 2013 14:26

That's just sickening!

It says a lot about airsoft that situations like this are so rare. On the contrary, we hear stories of players going to extreme lengths to return lost kit to its rightful owner.

If you do determine a culprit, please do share the name.

Swattiger May 4th, 2013 14:44

I will keep an eye on this.

NANA May 4th, 2013 18:06

This crap makes me sick. We all know how much kit can cost. Having to replace broken stuff is part of the game, but when filthy animals steal your stuff its just a new low and an extra large piss off.

As said above every player I have had the pleasure to game with will go way out of their ways to return found kit.

We play a game based on honor, respect and trust. Its sad that people feel the need to break that trust and steal some ones hard earned gear.

Please keep this updated. I hope you find the trash that did this.

kullwarrior May 4th, 2013 18:21

Unless you have unique identifable marking (non-removable) say good bye to it. Its going to be hard for you to prove that the goods person A selling was yours.

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