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Atomic_235 August 21st, 2005 17:32

0.12g BB
Can i use the 0.12g BB for an AEG?

CDN_Stalker August 21st, 2005 17:50

Don't bother, even if you can get them out past 40ft accurately, the guy you shoot probably won't feel them. Use .20g at a minimum, .25g (even in a stock AEG) are best, since they carry through dead grass and brush better. The lighter the BBs, the worse it performs, higher chances of even the lightest obstruction causing the BB to head elsewear. Sure, shooting in your basement with .12g is fine, but make sure to pour them all out into a bowl and look around them carefully for misformed ones. Cheap BBs have lower quality, and lower quality will jam & break your expensive AEG.

Personally, I started loading the first (first in, last out) 5-6 BBs as red .12g BBs into my locaps (the rest being AE .25g) to tell when I'm near the end of the mag. Saves embarrassing moments of "Crap, I'm out of ammo!!!" at the worst times, but also keeps the dry firing of the gun to a minimum.

FOX_111 August 21st, 2005 17:52

yes, but you won't have good result

Thoses BBs are too light and will not go straight.
Also, some brand of .12g are very low quality and could damage your hopup. Im thinking about Canadian tire 0.12g bb... On some of them, you can see the mold mark.

Stick with .20g
.12g are for cheap sprigners and gas grenade.

conrad August 22nd, 2005 01:34

I never knew till a few days ago that Tokyo marui makes 0.12 bb's for their low power guns(cheap guns)

their bb's are probably high quality 0.12gram so they should not damage the gun, but they wont shoot great unless your shooting at close range targets.
I tried a lo-cap mag of canadian tire bb's in my stock tm ak-47, and at close range they were fast and accurate but at longer distances 10 meters and more its horrible.

(I made sure to check every bb before putting it into the loading rod and I went through a lot of bb's to get enough good quality 0.12 gram canadian tire bb's to fill the lo-cap)

Bordush August 22nd, 2005 03:03

That's wierd. Has anyone seen Greylocks? Is he OK?! :D :wink:

HGI August 22nd, 2005 03:31

^^ lol

I watch a guy shoot those yellow CT .12g bb in a upgraded m4.... what a great laugh that was.

They're great for traps-c4 ect ect since they're a lot cheaper than using good bbs

Greylocks August 22nd, 2005 06:24

There are times when things are not worth answering.

Droc August 22nd, 2005 07:28

then why bother?

0.12s work great for CQB when accuracy isnt required. Set your hop-up correctly and your off to the races.
A cheap alternative.

Brian McIlmoyle August 22nd, 2005 10:33

.12, for CQB
I tried the .12 bbs in my G19 yesterday, 2 guns and easily 150 bbs through both of them.

for close range indoors they performed fine. I have done a check of the bb quality.. and did not find any that seemed flawed ( I did not inspect all 10000 bbs, I did a random sample.)

In my opinion, they are fine for indoor shooting, and we intend to work indoors exclusivly .. and play without mercy rules the lighter round makes sense.

I reserve the right to change my opinion with greater experience.

Atomic_235 August 22nd, 2005 11:22

Thank you for the informations! :tup:

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