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dracomat April 20th, 2013 03:39

What is better:Galaxy vs Cyma vs Cybergun Mp5k?
I have been looking through Youtube alot but I have not seen manny reviews
about Mp5k's. I want to know what is better. In terms of accuracy (dont care about fire rate)
durability of the externals and durability of the internals. Once again I am going to do extensive modding and tuning of it's gearbox so I need a model that will last.
Please Ignore all random features that are irrelevant and rate the gun on it's
over all modding potential and durability.

I would really apreciate the help

and if there is a better Mp5k than the ones I listed above please
Include It in this duscussion.
If any of u see a diffrent MP5k posted in this thread please feel free
to include it in your feed back.

Thank you for helping me to decide on what gun 2 get!

Deadpool April 20th, 2013 06:35

These are all basically the same chinese clone of the Tokyo Marui.

There are alot of better companies out there, starting with TM, there is also classic army and G&G that are way better then the one you mentioned

tom9109 April 20th, 2013 09:44

The CYMA is quite a bit better than the galaxy. Its got a 'solid' feel to it and is quite heavy. I have one and have handled the galaxy as well. I'd say go CYMa but I haven't used the Cybergun or handled it.

Kos-Mos April 20th, 2013 10:10


The galaxy has a plastic upper receiver.

I would suggest you get the MP5K PDW, and if you want it without the stock, buy a end cap. It's easier to find than a stock that fits properly.

Other than that, V3 mechbox so it's reliable and easy to work with... very similar to a G36C.

venture April 20th, 2013 10:16

Don't forget the ics gsg522 in mp5k trim. They are blowback,.metal upper receiver, quite good shooters and less expensive than the tm.

Redzephyr April 20th, 2013 10:35

Seconding that the CYMA MP5k is heavier than you'll probably expect it to be, if that's a concern. I haven't fired it, so I can't speak to that.

mzo April 20th, 2013 11:03

I have a CYMA MP5-J and I am very pleased with it, however since I have not owned any other brands I cannot make a brand comparison.

Hectic April 20th, 2013 12:23

I have the cyma its solid

AngelusNex April 20th, 2013 14:12

the CYMA is quite impressive.

ElbadoKing June 5th, 2013 03:38

Cyma ak's are good but I tend to stay away from there MP5's to many lemons

Juke16 June 5th, 2013 19:34

As the owner of a TM MP5K PDW, I can guarantee you that you will get solid performance out of it up to at least 100 feet with 0.2g BBs, even in windy conditions. It shoots 285 FPS consistently and is extremely quiet. Having compared it to other MP5Ks, it looks great, only complaint is that the plastic is creaky and reassembling it is a hassle because of the way the fire selector pieces have to be put back together on the lower body. I also have a CYMA MP5 RIS (Aftermath Broxa), it's not bad for the price I paid when it was on sale ($110), I've used it in -10 degree weather and the V2 gearbox didn't explode on me. It's also been thrown around and dropped a couple times and the only thing that's been broken on it is the plastic charging handle (common problem with MP5s anyways).

One thing I forgot to mention was that MP5Ks use V3 gearboxes vs V2 gearboxes used by normal MP5s, while both gearboxes have tons of aftermarket support, V2 gearboxes like to shatter in the winter while V3 gearboxes are pretty much indestructible.

sushicake June 5th, 2013 22:08

CYMA better quality then the galaxy. Bought one in hong kong for about $50 CDN broke the upper in half just trying to remove the lower. Thank god I got it for cheap.

Jonathan 93 November 5th, 2013 16:51

Guessing choice has been made but wanted to add more information and maybe a related question

The mp5k uses a cageless version 3 gearbox and the galaxy/TM are identical replicas though the CYMA has some compatibility issues.

Galaxy and CYMA can be picky about magazine makes as well.

The galaxy has a better design cocking handle then the CYMA as it doesn't come in contact with the front of the receiver.

Question time!

Will a CYMA mp5k upper receiver accurately replace a TM and therefore Galaxy ABS upper receiver?

Juke16 November 5th, 2013 17:06

Galaxy dimensions are slightly off spec of TM dimensions, you should just get a CYMA MP5K, much cheaper that way and less painful than swapping bodies. CYMA V3 gear boxes are nearly indestructible as long as you don't mess with them.

GBBR November 5th, 2013 17:09

Cyma all day long!

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