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Livat April 17th, 2013 17:27

any aifsoft OUTDOOR fields around GTA?
I'm looking to find a place to play. new to airsoft, just got myself a new G&G CM16 Raider-L GBB and a IRA style loadout. now just looking to find a field somewhere around Toronto (GTA) if possible. or even a team that plays on a private field, willing to take in a new member? really would love to start playing outside. don't really wanna play CQB. my gun is a little hot and I don't want to make any adjustments, to bring it down.
any info on this, would be great.

cheers. :D

Uberg33k April 17th, 2013 17:31


Originally Posted by Livat (Post 1785523)
I'm looking to find a place to play. new to airsoft, just got myself a new G&G CM16 Raider-L GBB and a IRA style loadout. now just looking to find a field somewhere around Toronto (GTA) if possible. or even a team that plays on a private field, willing to take in a new member? really would love to start playing outside. don't really wanna play CQB. my gun is a little hot and I don't want to make any adjustments, to bring it down.
any info on this, would be great.

cheers. :D

I'm in the same situation. Would like to know this as well. :)

Hectic April 17th, 2013 17:52

There are lots but i guess it depejds on what you consider GTA.
There are three fields open to the public that are within an hour or so of toronto. Finch Field in rockwood (near guelph) game there on the 28th. Warsoft Nation in Ohsweken (near hamilton) Ill be there saturday. They run games most weeks check their website. And Flag Raiders paintball (lot of the hosts have games there more so in the off season) check the gamez and events schedual for ontario on theese boards. There are a handfull of private fields too but u will have to come out to some regular games and make a good name for yourself and make some aquaintences befor you get invited to those fields.

Trev140_0 April 17th, 2013 17:54

Drop me a pm I you are looking for a private field that screens players.

Please if you contact me go into detail. Age, experience, goal on a typical day.

Our field is weed free, and all players are basically here to play, enjoy the day.

Respect each other and the game rules.

PM me, or go try out an open field. There are plenty

Uberg33k April 17th, 2013 18:03


Originally Posted by Trev140_0 (Post 1785531)
Drop me a pm I you are looking for a private field that screens players.

Please if you contact me go into detail. Age, experience, goal on a typical day.

Our field is weed free, and all players are basically here to play, enjoy the day.

Respect each other and the game rules.

PM me, or go try out an open field. There are plenty

PM sent. :)

NANA April 17th, 2013 18:08

I run games every sunday at Whitby airsoft. Its a little outside of toronto but still close enough that its not crazy. We have a good crew that comes out and are always looking for good new players.18+ ,no bullshit, 400fps max. That is the limit not the goal. Follow the rules and you will do fine.

Send me a pm if you would like to come out.

Hectic April 17th, 2013 18:15


Originally Posted by yte (Post 1785537)
I run games every sunday at Whitby airsoft. Its a little outside of toronto but still close enough that its not crazy. We have a good crew that comes out and are always looking for good new players.18+ ,no bullshit, 400fps max. That is the limit not the goal. Follow the rules and you will do fine.

Send me a pm if you would like to come out.

400 for bolt actions too? I run 500 have for years with no complaints or injuries. Always looking for new places to play.
Lemme know.

Livat April 17th, 2013 19:45

thanks for all the info guys! its a great help.

Mr. Gruntsworthy April 17th, 2013 21:32


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1785546)
400 for bolt actions too? I run 500 have for years with no complaints or injuries. Always looking for new places to play.
Lemme know.

yte will fill you in with a final word, but if I recall, when I asked he said he allowed 450fps for bolt actions, and that's once you've played a few games. Honestly, the terrain there makes anything over 450 unnecessary anyways.

Hectic April 17th, 2013 21:41

Nah you just gotta know how to use the lay of the land to your advantage. Anything ovef 150ft engagements benifates from useing 36 or 40 bbs but most guns 400-450 fps cant use even a 36 efficeiently. Not that i need to run my bolt action just 500 fps is the lightest spring i got its prety useless under that this is why i spent the time to get my lvl2 to make the most out of my bolt action. Run 36 or 40 depending on temprature and wind conditions and enjoy kill shots out to 300ft plus.
Like i said tho no biggie i run assult alot of days too

NANA April 17th, 2013 21:51

450 for bolt action.

But those with the knowledge, skill, practice and proof that they know what they are doing will be judged on a case by case bases. Those who have PASSED the airsoft sniper course that I have read about for example.

BennyBoy April 17th, 2013 22:03

Hectic April 17th, 2013 22:22


Originally Posted by yte (Post 1785628)
450 for bolt action.

But those with the knowledge, skill, practice and proof that they know what they are doing will be judged on a case by case bases. Those who have PASSED the airsoft sniper course that I have read about for example.

Yup i got it did it in 08 id say check the link in my sig but you have to have acess to the sniper bunker to see it. Should get ShaDo or Fox to make the list public so hosts and such can see it for quick reference. Save me from printing it out for every new host i meet lol.
But yes i have passed the course and use a sidearm or my mp5k for engagements within 100feet (in most cases if the target is well paded with chest rigs pouches and or plate carriers and such ill take the shot)
Sory OP for cluttering your thread

BennyBoy April 17th, 2013 22:34

I was a downed pilot that needed rescuing and the other team didn't know that and shot me in my dingleberries, those mofos!
That was Finch's field, good place to play. Pretty cheap and comes with food. :)

skalnok April 17th, 2013 22:49

there are several field up in barrie if you are willing to drive 45- and hour for a game

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