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Slabby April 14th, 2013 13:13

Open Field In The Countryside Near Me
Hello, i have an open field near me and i was wondering if it is okay for me to play there? If i do should i be telling police or something? I live in the GTA.

Hectic April 14th, 2013 13:44

No you cannot play on public land.
If its private property you or someone you know owns you could play there provided you cant bee seen from the road and the land owner has proper commercial liability insureance. Just check the game schedual and go to a game at a proper field. Also if you go runing around in public with your "toy gun" you will wind up with a verry real gun stuck in your face and some nice bracelets for your wrists

HackD April 14th, 2013 19:31

No, No, absolutely not.

I know that this is the noob tank.. but come on.. the answer is pretty much common sense. Potentially being out in public view or potentially coming into contact with a member of the general public while playing, in one of the most populated areas of Canada, holding something in your hands that screams threat to the average over-liberalized gun-fearing Joe Public in Nanny-state Canada.. and this even remotely seems like a good idea to you?

You've been around since Nov 2012.. haven't you been doing ANY reading here before asking that question, to get a sense of what is appropriate in this hobby, and what is not?

Danke April 14th, 2013 19:37

Here's the last time this happened.

Dart April 14th, 2013 20:03


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1784292)
Here's the last time this happened.

that happened back in 2006, some things have changed..... and me thinks feeding trolls is bad.

Hectic April 14th, 2013 20:15


Originally Posted by Dart (Post 1784298)
that happened back in 2006, some things have changed..... and me thinks feeding trolls is bad.

Nothing has changed in regards to brandishing a firearm (or what looks like a firearm) in a public place. Robbing a bank with an airsoft gun is still armed robery and if you are cought brandishing an airsoft gun in public you can bet it will be seized and some type of charge will likely be laid (mischif or something along those lines)
Only thing changed is the laws around importation.

Dart April 14th, 2013 21:22

Where as the laws about possessing a replica have not changed the classification of our guns have. That is what I was trying to get at. They would not be considered replicas now, even if you lower the fps. Its how it was imported and the gun stays classified as that.

Hectic April 14th, 2013 21:40

Classified as an uncontrolled firearm.
Read up a bit more. The laws surrounding importation are totaly diferent from the criminal code.
Look at it like this. If you had a watergun that looks remotely like a real gun (ie its pistol shaped and black) and commited a crime with it (including brandishing it in public) you would be treated the same as doing it with a real gun. Even goinv into a bank or store with your hand in your pocket pointing a finger sayin "i have a gun give me the money" is armed robbery because its implied you are armed and the mental impact on the victom is the same.
You cant go to a public place with an airsoft gun end of story it doesnt matter what the importation laws are. Those laws mean noting once the guns are in canada they then fall under the criminal code.
Charges may be droped on a count of stupidity once the weapon is tested and deemed to not be a firearm but they will still charge you with mischiff or something along those lines.

Danke April 14th, 2013 22:01

Many things have changed with time but playing with gun shaped objects in an open field in the GTA will still garner very few likes.

And the same unit of measure applies from sea to sea.

foxtrot-one7 April 14th, 2013 22:52

Ok let's sum this up and close the pissing contest.

Don't be an assclown and ruin this hobby for everyone else.

Do your due diligence and homework regarding the property and get the proper permission and clearance.

Brian McIlmoyle April 14th, 2013 22:54

If in the GTA, discharge of a bb gun inside city limits is illegal.

Mr. Gruntsworthy April 15th, 2013 08:12


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1784292)
Here's the last time this happened.

That thread pisses me off.

Not only was what the OP did borderline retarded and irresponsible, but almost EVERYONE in that thread sounded like a god damn 12 year old, insulting him like that.

Yes, it was wrong, and HIGHLY dangerous, to play airsoft in public view... but the level of professionalism by those who replied in that thread is astoundingly bad. It's an entire thread of face-palm.

pusangani April 15th, 2013 08:32


Originally Posted by Slabby (Post 1784164)
Hello, i have an open field near me and i was wondering if it is okay for me to play there? If i do should i be telling police or something? I live in the GTA.

the f**k you think?

Nickaayyy April 15th, 2013 08:48


Originally Posted by Mr. Gruntsworthy (Post 1784442)
That thread pisses me off.

Not only was what the OP did borderline retarded and irresponsible, but almost EVERYONE in that thread sounded like a god damn 12 year old, insulting him like that.

Yes, it was wrong, and HIGHLY dangerous, to play airsoft in public view... but the level of professionalism by those who replied in that thread is astoundingly bad. It's an entire thread of face-palm.

It's name is G-Unit... That explain everything :D

Curo April 15th, 2013 09:41


Originally Posted by Mr. Gruntsworthy (Post 1784442)
That thread pisses me off.

Not only was what the OP did borderline retarded and irresponsible, but almost EVERYONE in that thread sounded like a god damn 12 year old, insulting him like that.

Yes, it was wrong, and HIGHLY dangerous, to play airsoft in public view... but the level of professionalism by those who replied in that thread is astoundingly bad. It's an entire thread of face-palm.

Not really.

The kid failed to think something through. He then asked if we could help him, cause even after doing all that he still wanted to think he got wronged. That it wasn't his fault. He didn't take responsibility for his actions.

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