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redneck12 March 21st, 2013 14:06

New SMG Coming From WE
Looks kind of like an MP7

Uberg33k March 21st, 2013 14:14

That looks dangerous.... for the shooter! O_o

Deadpool March 21st, 2013 14:19

They probably don't have the rights to make the MP7, so they kinda make it look different.


Originally Posted by Uberg33k (Post 1775407)
That looks dangerous.... for the shooter! O_o

Dangerous how?

Felonies March 21st, 2013 14:21


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1775413)
They probably don't have the rights to make the MP7, so they kinda make it look different.

Dangerous how?

Think he means the charging handle.

Deadpool March 21st, 2013 14:25

It's only bouncing from the recoil, it's not receprocating like a SCAR.

Strelok March 21st, 2013 14:27

They're gonna waste time on developing this when they could've made an UZI carbine, or finish their thompson :/

ShelledPants March 21st, 2013 14:39


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1775418)
They're gonna waste time on developing this when they could've made an UZI carbine, or finish their thompson :/

Agreed, but with Umerex removing HK from KWA, WE has a market hole to fill.

K3vX March 21st, 2013 14:46

It is a MP7, with a few variants to prevent H&K from suing them, since they don't own the rights for them, I guess.

Edit: I was too slow.

redzaku March 21st, 2013 15:05

maybe they should give it a raptor style charging handle to secure it
but all in all, i would buy it, if and when it lands

Uberg33k March 21st, 2013 15:05

My worry is that it fails and comes flying out. I know we wear protection I'm just saying.

McCrea March 21st, 2013 15:14

Umarex one will be done by VFC. WGC has some video of it.

K3vX March 21st, 2013 15:18

Will the VFC one be as good as the KWA one? I only hear praises about the KWA one, and I want to pick up one myself one day. But I fear the day I will want one, they will be rare due to the discontinued state :(.

ILLusion March 21st, 2013 15:29


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1775427)
Agreed, but with Umerex removing HK from KWA, WE has a market hole to fill.

The hole is already filled. The license has been given to VFC, who's made a dimensionally accurate MP7... and from the prototype videos I've seen, the recoil on it looks to be even stronger than the Marui version.


Originally Posted by K3vX (Post 1775452)
Will the VFC one be as good as the KWA one? I only hear praises about the KWA one, and I want to pick up one myself one day. But I fear the day I will want one, they will be rare due to the discontinued state :(.

The Marui MP7 has already surpassed the KWA one.

The VFC one looks like it will surpass both - what remains to be seen, is how VFC's magazines will stand up, as they've historically been crap.

Styrak March 21st, 2013 15:30


Originally Posted by illusion (Post 1775456)
the hole is already filled. The license has been given to vfc, who's made a dimensionally accurate mp7... And from the prototype videos i've seen, the recoil on it looks to be even stronger than the marui version.


K3vX March 21st, 2013 15:31


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1775456)
The Marui MP7 has already surpassed the KWA one.

The VFC one looks like it will surpass both - what remains to be seen, is how VFC's magazines will stand up, as they've historically been crap.

I was saying that because I've rarely see a Marui MP7 around here, and a lot of KWA. Glad to hear the VFC is promising, and if it fails, there is still the Marui.

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