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Stealth February 3rd, 2013 20:53

Gate PicoSSR - The MOSFET that'll blow your mind
Well, it blew my mind anyway.

There's a FET somewhere in this picture:

Oh, there it is. Boner jams.
I did a more risky install and soldered it directly to the Deans connector MERF 3.2 style rather than having some lengths of wiring between the FET and plug. Hopefully it holds up, I added some bonus solder to the top of the negative plug. Sloppy-ass work. LOL

Performance Report:
Just wrapped it up and here's what it looks like at the end of the buffer tube. It's very inconspicuous and is holding up fantastic.
The finished product (was going for a John Noveske N4 Desert Crusader Tribute thing. Turned out to be a cute little SBR instead)

Did a quick round of testing. Specs of gearbox:
Modify SMOOTH Modular Nano-Torque gearset (which BTW are not smooth at all and sound like crap. And you can't shim them. Don't get these gears.)
X High Tech ultra high torque Neo motor
Turnigy Nanotech 11.1v 1400mah 25-50C lipo
400fps spring (found it in my parts bin)

It holds up very well to a mild build - relatively high discharge battery and neo motor.
Under sustained semi-auto fire (3 rounds per second for 30 seconds) the FET does get a bit warm, similar to the GDS-4005.
I'm going to put in an M150 spring soon...

phloudernow February 3rd, 2013 21:04

What are the features on it? is it up on your website yet? thinking of putting one in my LCT AK

Edit: Nvm found it on your website :D THIS IS AWESOME

K3vX February 3rd, 2013 21:08

Nice idea to install it. Damn that mosfet is small.
I ordered the AB one, and will probably post pictures when I install it.

horto February 3rd, 2013 21:57


JLiang February 4th, 2013 00:05

Brb retrieving wallet

nstahl.19 February 4th, 2013 00:26

Nice, much smaller then the smallest one I was considering. How stable is soldering it directly on the connector, looks good.

Stealth February 4th, 2013 13:03


Originally Posted by nstahl.19 (Post 1755875)
Nice, much smaller then the smallest one I was considering. How stable is soldering it directly on the connector, looks good.

Holding up fine so far - I think it'll be fine if force is applied along the FET's long axis. Still I wouldn't start yanking on it or anything.

Neat feature - they give you 3 pieces of heatshrink with glue-lined interiors so when you heat up the heatshrink, the glue will melt and form a protective waterproof barrier on the FET.

M.Garcia February 4th, 2013 13:32

Quick question. Is it recommended a MOSFET is used for all AEGs? Or only ones with certain requirements?

PrIeSt February 4th, 2013 14:19

Never hurt to have one on all guns.

That's tiny. With some fancy work you could put that little guy right inside the gear box I'd bet!

lurkingknight February 4th, 2013 15:22

if there is room, shrink wrap each wire, and then get the bigass shrinkwrap and wrap the entire deans end and both wires... this makes it a lot more stable cause now you're bracing the entire length of the wrap against 2 wires.. the tradeoff is space.. you won't be able to bend that segment that's essentially triple wrapped.

Desmodus February 4th, 2013 16:00


Originally Posted by M.Garcia (Post 1756061)
Quick question. Is it recommended a MOSFET is used for all AEGs? Or only ones with certain requirements?

Definitely, it saves your trigger contacts and especially with Lipos. I must get these FET's for my guns!

Stealth February 4th, 2013 19:10

Just finished up the mechbox and did a quick round of testing. Updated first post.

wind_comm February 4th, 2013 19:16

the ASM thread on this would like to point out your cold solder joints.
might it be contributing to your FET heating slightly?

not powerful enough for some of us crazier folk =D but might go into some lower end builds. also, the whole "not enough space" argument goes out the window now. cool beans.

Stealth February 4th, 2013 19:23

Oh wow we made it to ASM. Must be doing something right.
Yeah I already admitted my shitty joints and John was ragging on me this morning. I was more tired and excited to get the thing hooked up to be bothered with the aesthetics of some solder joints. The joints are solid, it just looks bad.
It most certainly isn't my proudest work. I've done better.

Agreed, it's not for crazy builds (>500fps and/or 40+rps DSG builds). But as Terry said, it'll work very well for 98% of airsoft guns.

Spike February 4th, 2013 19:27

I would be terrified to place it there.... it feels like you'd forget and snap it.

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