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MultipleParadox February 2nd, 2013 15:48

Yet another Need recommendation for Comms
Hey guys
Currently have a ZElement ComtacII and Peltor PTT that I'm selling as I didn't like the bulk, and I'm looking for something lighter, less bulky

Of course the throat mikes immediately came to mind, but I'm reading a lot of divergin opinions on the matter. Most post about throat mike here say to stay away, while other reviews and what not I find elsewhere seems pretty good. I'm thinking Devgru or iAsus (Devgru seems to have an edge and most comments I see are positive, and iAsus seems to be a bit more hit or miss)

Oh and have a Wouxun radio; If I recall properly it's kenwood pins right?

So I would like to have your inputs about that; Devgru throat mic or not? Or totally something else, as long as it's light, won't hinder me and make me sweat like crazy.

Thanks for your inputs
(Links to in-stock items you may suggest would be appreciated)

Danke February 2nd, 2013 17:25

If you have a throat mic you can't whisper; you have to speak clearly.

With a boom you can speak more quietly.

Berkut February 2nd, 2013 17:31

Try this, if you don't like wires :-)

And yes you will need Bluetooth dongle for the radio.

Reaper87 February 2nd, 2013 18:01

The acoustic tubes with the PTT that attaches to the front of your shirt or vest is great. Nice and light , never fell out of my ear. Teammates were using the same set up they could whisper so quietly the person beside them could nt hear him but we could hear him loud and clear through our ear pieces.

MultipleParadox February 2nd, 2013 19:04

Reaper, Skeletor: I'm not familiar with the so-called acoustic tubes; Care to educate me?


Originally Posted by Berkut (Post 1755403)
Try this, if you don't like wires :-)

Thanks but no thanks; The wire is not the problem but the bulk of these;


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1755400)
If you have a throat mic you can't whisper; you have to speak clearly.

With a boom you can speak more quietly.

You're sure about that? I read the exact opposite on a few reviews of thu Devgru O_o


ThunderCactus February 2nd, 2013 19:09


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1755400)
If you have a throat mic you can't whisper; you have to speak clearly.

With a boom you can speak more quietly.

somewhat disagree
back when I first got my NT3 black ops, I could whisper quietly and as long as the volume was up on the receiving radio you could hear me PERFECTLY. Of course that depends on your neck size and how well you speak to begin with.

Problem with iasus throat mics is if you don't put it back in the provided box every time you put it away, the wires get fucked up like immediately. And then you sound all garbly. Also they use braided cables now instead of spring coiled, and they're just crap to deal with.

Danke February 2nd, 2013 22:17

OK, disambiguation. The typical throat mikes in the world of airsoft don't handle whispers well.

Side note on acoustic tubes. The one in the top link has a plug that will kill background noise. The one in the bottom link has a molded earpiece that will let you hear background noise.

Kimbo February 2nd, 2013 22:28

I agree on the speaker mic. I've tried 3 or 4 throat mics, didn't like any of them.

Unless you get some real active ear pro like Sordins or comtacs and mod the mic, the cheapest best alternative IMO is the speaker mic. Get a good waterproof one and it'll last forever.

MMatersk February 2nd, 2013 22:52

Purchased my throat mic setup from Steve at SRStactical. Love the mic! and the plus side about throat setups, it doesn't hook on branches and things when you run/crawl through dense foliage.

MultipleParadox February 2nd, 2013 22:55

Thanks for your inputs, it's appreciated!

Also, what about bone-conductive stuff?
Anything that works in the 150$ range?

OM3GA February 2nd, 2013 23:11

There are a few options for bone conduction ear pieces in that price range that will perform decently. Now whether or not the price is worth it over a normal acoustic tube set up, that is up to you to decide. Personally I'm right on the edge of thinking it is and isn't worth it, I will say I like the technology and how they work but they are a little pricier.

Edit: oops, I forgot the link

MultipleParadox February 3rd, 2013 00:50

Thanks Om3ga, that looks pretty much like a great solution for me, I'll look into this!

ThunderCactus February 3rd, 2013 11:31

Oooooooo I like the look of those! I want!

MultipleParadox February 3rd, 2013 12:25

Before I order one of those, I don't quite remember the pin config of the Wuoxun KG-639... Kenwood 2 pins right?

ThunderCactus February 3rd, 2013 13:01

would say yes, the UVD1P is 2pin kenwood
Tried googling it, didn't come up with much for the 639E

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