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ccyg8774 December 26th, 2012 03:41

What if... Some BBs are made of rubber?
First of all, I don't plan to do this very soon. Also I will not use it in game until it is proofed safe AND verified by the game organizer. This post is mostly for a theory-based duscussion, if anyone reading this want to try it in a game, this post will NOT decide whether you can/cannot use it, the decision will be made by the game organizer in most cases.

Possible Pros for rubber (elastic and soft) BBs:
Less impact force at same fps and same bullet weight.
Safer to players.
May allow higher fps/BB weight for DMR/Sniper rifle players, to get longer range without compromise safety at mid-range. (Again, this is up to the game organizer to decide and may vary between games. I am just thinking about the validity of the idea.)

Cons for rubber BBs:
More friction inside the barrel and decrease the performance. (actually not just the barrel)
More expensive to make.
Not sure if it have enough density to make high-weight BBs.
May have feeding problem.
May become rigid in the winter.
Higher chance of "ricochet".

What do you think?

(Oops, looks like I posted in the wrong section...)

ccyg8774 December 26th, 2012 03:49

I have once tried something that is hardly related to this topic: I once put a rubber pellet into a .177 cal air rifle and shoot it. (Again, no one should use .177 cal air rifles for airsoft game, with or without rubber bullet! This is just for experiment!)
The power of the bullet was greatly reduced (of course). But I don't have a chrono to get a kinetic energy measurement when I did that. As the weight of rubber pellet is much less than the lead pellet for air rifles, this result may not be very useful.

redneck12 December 26th, 2012 04:04

Interesting idea, but I don't know if you could guarantee an aerodynamic surface.

ccyg8774 December 26th, 2012 04:15


Originally Posted by redneck12 (Post 1739981)
Interesting idea, but I don't know if you could guarantee an aerodynamic surface.

I thought the surfaces of plastic BBs are not really aerodynamic surface anyway... Are they?

Skladfin December 26th, 2012 04:21


ccyg8774 December 26th, 2012 04:35


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 1739984)
definitely worth a try

Don't have rubber balls of the right size... And it is very difficult to rate the impact force. Any ideas?

ccyg8774 December 26th, 2012 04:59

As the BB being pulled from the back, it will be compressed and become larger in the "equatorial" position and push against the barrel, so the friction inside the barrel will be larger not only due to the different coefficient of friction.

GBBR December 26th, 2012 05:10

dont you think the BB would in a sense warp or deform in guns that are gas blow back where a loading arm would first strike each BB before firing?

Shirley December 26th, 2012 06:31

Would not work. The rubber would stick to the walls of the barrel causing it to probably bounce and rip apart.
Not only that, your accuracy is going no where.
I'd stick with plastic BBs.

wildcard December 26th, 2012 08:53


Originally Posted by ccyg8774 (Post 1739978)
First of all, I don't plan to do this very soon. Also I will not use it in game until it is proofed safe AND verified by the game organizer. This post is mostly for a theory-based duscussion, if anyone reading this want to try it in a game, this post will NOT decide whether you can/cannot use it, the decision will be made by the game organizer in most cases.

Possible Pros for rubber (elastic and soft) BBs:
Less impact force at same fps and same bullet weight.
Safer to players.
May allow higher fps/BB weight for DMR/Sniper rifle players, to get longer range without compromise safety at mid-range. (Again, this is up to the game organizer to decide and may vary between games. I am just thinking about the validity of the idea.)

Cons for rubber BBs:
More friction inside the barrel and decrease the performance. (actually not just the barrel)
More expensive to make.
Not sure if it have enough density to make high-weight BBs.
May have feeding problem.
May become rigid in the winter.
Higher chance of "ricochet".

What do you think?

(Oops, looks like I posted in the wrong section...)

Already been done, long ago during the late 70's and early 80's they were making rubber bb's for springer precision pistols they were .12 and .20 weights, they were also using it in the really old shell eject Marui (one of the very first airsoft gun I've owned) later on the company got bought out by toytec and MGC after toytec faced some financial trouble, eventually they all went belly up together The last thing that was ever produced was a complete springer pistol kit (Buffalo) but by that time Marui, Maruzen, JAC, an dothers dominate the airsoft market and all rubber bbs and plastic mushroom pellets were replace with plastic which are much cheaper and more consistent product to produce than rubber.

I have a production model of the CL slugshot shotgun, aside from not so CQB friendly and loud, the rubber slugs hurts like a bitch, its not the .12 rubber like the old conical type bullets these are .40 heavy duty rubber slugs similar to the madbull grenade slugs (but smaller) I dont think that rubber bbs will be replacing the plastic version anytime soon but its possible

wildcard December 26th, 2012 08:56


Originally Posted by Shirley (Post 1739993)
Would not work. The rubber would stick to the walls of the barrel causing it to probably bounce and rip apart.
Not only that, your accuracy is going no where.
I'd stick with plastic BBs.

The earlier airsoft gun use rubber bullet type pellets, not bbs but actual conical type projectile, the distance was probably around 20-25ft. every model from revolver to semiauto 1911 to KG9 were available unfortunately all were springers until the introduction of pump air (marui) and external gas system which by that time made these conical rubber bullets obselete

Aper December 26th, 2012 09:39

How about rubberized BBs covered in plastic ? Like a mini golf ball ? These bastards go the distances even with a minimum of force needed.

ShelledPants December 26th, 2012 10:06


Originally Posted by Aper (Post 1740008)
How about rubberized BBs covered in plastic ? Like a mini golf ball ? These bastards go the distances even with a minimum of force needed.

Higher probability of fragmentation on the receiving end, not to mention the kind of damage seen in a miss feed inside the gun...

Aper December 26th, 2012 10:41


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1740011)
Higher probability of fragmentation on the receiving end, not to mention the kind of damage seen in a miss feed inside the gun...

Can't be worse than the actual BBs we are using as for damage for a miss feed ? I've seen BBs break the feeding nozzles off GBBRs quite several times, and that only while doing a safety discharge of the weapon.

As for fragmentation risks, how can it be ? Ever seen a golf ball (a brand new one) shatter in pieces after several drives ?

The outer plastic shell over the BB must be quite thick in order for the rubber not to crack it when being fire (deformation because of the G force applied to the rubber, forcing the plastic shell).

Janus December 26th, 2012 10:44

I think that would raise the price of ammo with not enough benefit.

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