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patrikhomemade November 22nd, 2012 18:02

ASG Dan Wesson 6" Silver - Range + mods

I just ordered the Dan wesson 6" gun, and have intentions to use it in a LARP with the limit of 1joule (109/MS) (dno the exact FPS)

However, with the original gun. and the power down shells i've heard it goes all down to 80ms,
AND since the gun doesnt come with hop up, the range is (from what i've heard) not very impressive, like 10-15metres at max...

Sooo.. I would like to be able to shoot atleast 30-40 (if possible i wouldnt mind more)
And have the velocity at 109 m/s...

So, in terms of HopUp, are there any easy way to mod it into the gun? Or will i need to drill/saw etc? (i wont have the equipment for that most likely)
And in terms of power, Can i lower the power in some way, and in that case how do i measure it? Or should i use the half power shells, and increase the shooting power? (adding more pressure to the hammer spring for example, or w/e it was called)


The goal is, to get my Dan Wesson to shoot as far as possible, but maintain a legit velocity. (Max 1 joule)

Is there anyone enthusiastic here who could poke me in the right direction, or am i asking too much, considering i'm being a complete noob at this?

Dimitri November 22nd, 2012 18:07


Originally Posted by patrikhomemade (Post 1728671)
AND since the gun doesnt come with hop up, the range is (from what i've heard) not very impressive, like 10-15metres at max...

15 meters is about 50 feet. For a airsoft pistol that isn't bad. At least in my opinion. About 1/3rd the range of a AEG.


Gotrice23 November 22nd, 2012 18:09

I Googled "Dan wesson hop up" and I got this:

Hope that helps.

patrikhomemade November 22nd, 2012 18:18


Originally Posted by Gotrice23 (Post 1728677)
I Googled "Dan wesson hop up" and I got this:

Hope that helps.

Thanks for not making me feel like a retard... lol

Should have googled first!! :)

Cheers... Now i have a guide for hopup atleast.

Whats an AEG??? The guy in the guide mentions swapping the regular Dan Wesson barrel to an AEG Barrel with hop up.
And in that case where do i get one? :>

@Dimitri, i know its not very bad, its just that.. for some reason i thought i was ordering a gun with hop up, thus expecting abit longer range.. So it was kind of a dissapointment that it didnt come with hop up already (i mean, sure its a budget thing aswell i guess, but it makes no sense to sell a gun for 150$ without it imo) Sure the airsoft larp i'm heading to is a zombie apocalypse, so i will probably not dare to waste any amunition on longer than 50 feet anyway, since i'm a horrible shooter... But still, i would love atleast to have the opportunity to shoot that far if i so wished.

Kozzie November 22nd, 2012 22:33

An AEG is an electric gun

Lowering FPS Dan Wesson

patrikhomemade November 23rd, 2012 13:01

Thanks, found a the guides i am looking for.
Only thing that remains now is to find where the hell to get the items needed :P

MultipleParadox November 23rd, 2012 13:19

It's time to get your reading skills up to date, all the info you need is around here already ;) Note there might be some valuable info over at as well. Again the key is to read and do some searches first. Good luck

patrikhomemade November 23rd, 2012 13:47

I guess it might have to do with english being only a 2nd language, so my reading skills might not be sufficent :P (and i'm living in sweden, so most shit is'nt even called the same things)
Thanks though :))))

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