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Redtail November 21st, 2012 15:20

G&g umg max
I have been looking at this gun for cqb but it does 430FPS and I need to lower it to around 300, I am on a budget. The people at buyairsoft say to use the SAT variable velocity adjuster, but I heard a M90 spring will work too, which one would work better?


Spike November 21st, 2012 15:21

*edit* thought you were talking about a barrel mounted velocity reducer.

My vote goes to the spring.

Styrak November 21st, 2012 15:23

If you know where to look you can get that gun for much less....

And a spring change is the only real viable option.

FirestormX November 21st, 2012 15:40

Definitely the spring (and maybe give it to a gun doc to install for you, if you're not familiar with doing it yourself).

Though, an M90 spring will probably have it shooting well above 300. Probably closer to 330.
A lot of CQB fields will have a limit no lower than 350, so it shouldn't be a problem, unless you have specific reasons for wanting an FPS of 300.

Styrak November 21st, 2012 16:04

Firestorm, M90 means 90m/s which translates to 295fps. Different brands of "M90/S90/MS90" type springs will have differing strengths, but they should be around there.

Captncouth November 21st, 2012 16:27

shop around, cause that price is too much. Seems like they just refuse to get in line lol. also, most max guns come with a replacement spring in the box, at least my MP5 did. It was shooting 473 out of the box now 335-340.

Tier One Tactical Equipment November 21st, 2012 16:37

The 'Max'd' line of G&G airsoft was a line specific to CAS and buyairsoft. It's G&G's TopTech line with a higher velocity spring installed to meet the old import standard of 425-ish fps.
There are several places to get G&G airsoft guns at reasonable prices in Canada.

Get Age Verified and see what opens up for you.

Maalkus November 21st, 2012 16:38

If you want to permanently shoot at the lower velocity, I'd go with the spring swap. But if you want to jump between outdoor field use and indoor CQB, the VVD would be your best choice.

I use the VVD in my G&G UMG (UMP) becuase the field limits will vary depending on what field I'm at and I don't really feel like ripping the gearbox apart every time I go somewhere new. Also the VVD has a full rack of metal teeth, which is an upgrade from the factory standard. Two birds with one stone.

FirestormX November 21st, 2012 16:44


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1728208)
Firestorm, M90 means 90m/s which translates to 295fps. Different brands of "M90/S90/MS90" type springs will have differing strengths, but they should be around there.

Wow, I'd forgotten such a simple naming convention. =/
I stopped paying attention to airsoft for a long while - then I came back, and all I remembered was M90 springs were the weakest springs that guns usually run.

Don't I feel stupid now. :(

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