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sixpence November 13th, 2012 06:27

ICS L85 Hop Up Unit - Problems
Hi Folks ! I am a Owner from a ICS L85A2. Its a well made done AEG, except the HU. The HU is weak, mayby have Leaks. The Gun made 65 - 265 fps only IMO not enough. The Gun should have 330 - 390 fps. Its possible to overrun the HU, its doesnt have a Stop.

Does anybody know, which HU fit the ICS L85 ? or have another Solutions ?

Many Thx for Help ;)

phospher5 November 13th, 2012 22:00

so are you saying you have over adjusted the hop-up unit?

FYI my ics l85 runs 335 fps on med but I upgraded the spring, with the stock spring and set on low it runs around 275.

sixpence November 14th, 2012 06:32

Hi ! IMO its not possible to adjust the HU correctly. Thx for the Info about the Medium, which Spring do you use ?

phospher5 November 14th, 2012 23:54

1 up from stock, and my friend has an l85 as well, newer than mine. he shoots just around that 275 mark. He has not adjusted the hop up at all since getting the AEG new. can you get it replaced under warranty?

we have not had much in the way of hop up issues.

CDB November 15th, 2012 00:28

The hop up on mine was crap out of the box but after adding an SCS Concave spacer and gaurder clear hop up bucking and Prometheus tight bore the thing is a tac driver now.

sixpence November 15th, 2012 10:29

Thx for Info ! Whre can I find a "SCS Concave spacer" ?

CDB November 15th, 2012 18:25

PM Darklen (Bob) from Bent Barrel Airsoft (he is a super moderator here on the boards), they are in short supply these days but he might be able to point you in the right direction.

Fong242 November 15th, 2012 20:16

It's pretty weird that you get 275 fps with the L85... With the stock spring, I don't recall getting lower than 350. Anyhow, on mine, the hopup adjustment does have a limit so you can't turn it forever... Something's broken?

Seems like it's time to take a look inside your L85! :)

sixpence November 16th, 2012 05:57

@CDB many Thx for Infos !

@Fong Yes, you are right, its Time to bring it to an AEG Doctor. After the last Look it seems all OK, but all the Rubbers are not in right Position after turn the HU Wheel....anything ist strange

Fong242 November 16th, 2012 07:38

I just noticed that you are from Austria: I'm not aware of the Autrian airsoft laws... maybe you get weaker stock springs to reduce the joule output which would explain the lower fps.

Anyhow, you should check the hop-up unit (the adjustment screw should not make more than a complete turn), the hop-up rubber, the nozzle and if the gearbox is correctly seated (it's doubtful this is the cause of the problem but it's worth a look).

Let us know how it goes.

phospher5 November 16th, 2012 21:05

Have you taken the gun apart yet? how does the hop-up look?

sixpence November 17th, 2012 13:59

@Fong Yes, a Comrade informed me, there are two Variants from ICS : One for Europe with weaker Spring and an international Version with M120 Spring. I will send ICS my Serial Number to clear this.

The Rubbers are always "twisted" after Movement the HU...

I keep you informed...

sixpence January 24th, 2013 11:13

ICS ist not answered for a long Time, mayby there are not interested to help out. Last Stand, Gun doesnt work properly, now have not more then 100 fps and cannot find any Fault...

Function only out of the Box for one Day.

Exteriour is fine , well done but the Internals, especially the HU, are a Piece of Crap.

Searching around for another one which fitted into the Gun, but without any Success.

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