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ljohns35 November 1st, 2012 23:00

Ares G36 jam?
Hey guys! I own an Ares G36 AEG it was working fine until it stopped firing. I opened it up and took a look to see if it was the motor, I lowered the motor head and ran it.. the motor works fine until I raise it back into the gears and it wont budge and the battery, wires, and motor heat up. Any recommendations or advice on what can be done without having to pay to have it looked at?

lurkingknight November 1st, 2012 23:40

you can't do anything or find out anything without opening the gearbox... it's a mechanical jam, could be gears, could be piston, could be pistonhead. Hell even your motor could be dead, it will turn with no load but with load it won't pull..could be battery dying and not having enough juice to crank it over.

IF you have no money, then you'll have to open it yourself.

ljohns35 November 1st, 2012 23:56

Well money I have I would just rather not have to send it in if it's something I can fix or someone I know who knows their way around a gearbox can fix for free :P I kind of have a feeling it could be the gears. It fired about 3-4 rounds and then jammed on me

HeReigns November 2nd, 2012 00:06

Some of those Ares G36's came with upgraded springs for importation 430fps range. If you still have the stock spring in there its an easy fix. Chances are the gearbox is locked with the piston back.

You need to either press the bolt release located in the trigger area and get it to unlock, or remove the spring at the rear of your gearbox via the quick change option and gently press the piston forward with a pencil while holding the bolt release.

Put a lighter spring back in and you should be good to go.

ljohns35 November 2nd, 2012 01:06

Cool! I'll definitely give it a try and let you know!

ljohns35 November 3rd, 2012 23:15

So I took out the spring but at the end there's a screw holding a piece of rubber in place, should I take out that screw to get to the piston?

pestobanana November 4th, 2012 01:36

I know the ARES G36 has the fast spring change mechanism but If the rest of the takedown is the same as other G36s this will help

Airsoft G36 Take-Down/Disassembly Guide (EVIKE.COM) - YouTube

Also, my friend's ARES G36 came non functioning out of the box. I had to re-solder the wiring for him. Maybe you should take a look at that.

Can you also be more descriptive when you say it stopped firing? Do you hear clicks? Do you hear grinding? Do you hear nothing at all?

BennyBoy November 4th, 2012 02:49

have you tried with a different battery?

Scrivah November 6th, 2012 08:50


Originally Posted by ljohns35 (Post 1721108)
Well money I have I would just rather not have to send it in if it's something I can fix or someone I know who knows their way around a gearbox can fix for free :P I kind of have a feeling it could be the gears. It fired about 3-4 rounds and then jammed on me

It may be a pain at first, but taking down your gun and your specific version mechbox is something everyone should know. Best bet would be to find a buddy who knows his sh*t and get him to pass his knowledge on to you. Last thing you want to be doing is paying someone else to fix your gear everytime it has a fault.

Hope you figure out your issue! Like others have said something is most likely jamming up the gears. As long as you didnt mess with the motor pinion screw on the bottom of the grip its gotta be something in the box. Watch some youtube vids on how to open up your gun and box there will be dozens on the subject! Good luck!

ljohns35 November 7th, 2012 11:56

I have a friend who is almost a gun doctor and he's on my team I just joined. He's taking a look at it and thinks it may be carbon build up since when I explained what was going on, he said he had something very similar happen to his gun!

ljohns35 November 12th, 2012 16:16

So I gave it to a guy on my team and he said when he opened it up that the actual piston was effed up because I use a LIPO. Thanks anyways for all your guys suggestions

Scrivah November 12th, 2012 16:48

Don't mean to flame here but how come you are using Lipo's if you don't know how to even maintain (breakdown etc) your gun? Did someone suggest these for you or did you buy the gun from somebody with it? You are also aware that Lipos can explode with improper charging right?! Like I said before get to know your gun and work your way up from there. Use a Nimh until you know more and you will be better off.

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