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daishi October 16th, 2012 13:54

Holosight covers

So at my field recently we've had a rash of people getting their optics shot out or otherwise destroyed.

I own a generic eotech replica holosight, and I was wondering if there is anything I can put over the front of the sight to protect it from incoming bb's.

I don't have my own tools and what not, so buying one pre made is what im looking for.

BennyBoy October 16th, 2012 13:58

Apparently it's huge but it will get the job done.

Danke October 16th, 2012 14:02
Or one like this. Out of stock but lots of folks make them.

mcguyver October 16th, 2012 14:18

Go buy a replacement faceshield from anyplace that sells safety supplies. All you need is a pair of scissors and something to heat the material to bend it, like a microtorch or even a lighter.

Build a form out of thin cardboard or thick paper, like the stuff from gift boxes. Then, once you get the shape just right, trace it onto the poycarbonate, cut it and heat the sides to bend it into shape. Works like a hot damn, you can make a dozen shields for about $5, and they can take quite a beating. I use them to protect real Eotechs, they have taken strikes and been bashed up against branches, etc.

Danke October 16th, 2012 14:28

Borrow one of the shot out optics to make your form.

Pull the hood off and put an extra layer of lexan over the lens so you don't scratch the new covers.

Then do what mcguyver says.

Eien October 16th, 2012 14:45

I got a Guns Modify Eotech cover for my 553. Works great.

SuperHog October 16th, 2012 15:12


Originally Posted by BennyBoy (Post 1714623)

Apparently it's huge but it will get the job done.

Had one until it took a hit then it shattered. I doubt cheap shields are really shot proof.

Highly suggest you take a shot at one before using it at a game.

lurkingknight October 16th, 2012 15:48

take measurements, call a plastics manufacturer and have some cut for you in the thickness you want. I had some lexan disks made to put into my scope cover cap. Costs a couple bucks more but you can pick thicker stock that will stop a BB. The stuff they use on those optic shields is way too thin for 400 fps.

DustMagnet October 16th, 2012 16:13

ASC Thread

Darklen October 16th, 2012 16:34

I have these in stock. They sell pretty evenly.

EOTech Killflash

Guns Modify EOTech Lens Cover

daishi October 16th, 2012 17:01

Since the kill flash is mesh wouldnt that impair targeting speed? And im asking fir normal and low light situations.

SuperHog October 16th, 2012 21:08

You may want to contact Capital Airsoft, they sell Speed stuff. Maybe they can ask Speed to make up some shields for us holosight owners.

Looks like only shields for Contour camcorders at 6mm thick. I am sure versions for the holosight can be easily made up.

BennyBoy October 16th, 2012 23:33


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1714651)
Had one until it took a hit then it shattered. I doubt cheap shields are really shot proof.

Highly suggest you take a shot at one before using it at a game.

better that than an expensive holo :) that's pretty hard to say...

Eien October 17th, 2012 03:34

This reminds me, there was something the japanese did I saw a month ago. Quite interesting if you want to save on money.

LongStone October 18th, 2012 01:38

trying to get these to market, Ultimate Airsoft will have some at the field soon.

they will retail $15+
rated 1 or .5 joule impact
they will sustain multiple hits

played's opening day both my camera and Eotech clone were hit.
camera, CCD lens totally shattered, holo with the guard unaffected

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