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Phantom2k5 September 29th, 2012 18:58

G&P MRP M4 and King Arms M16 Clip issues
Hey guys,

Just bought a G&P MRP M4 GP909 it came with a 130rd clip and they work beautifully together. I bought 5 extra King Arms 120rd M16 clips and none of these clips work properly. They fit in the gun just fine but I can only fire the first round, after that first bb it's inconsistent whether or not it'll shoot. I tested the clips on my friends cheaper SRC M4 and they work just fine on his gun, and his 300rd clip works just fine on my gun.

Neither the stock clip or the King Arm clips have a wind up gear on the bottom, they are just spring feed.

I'd appreciate any insight someone can shed on this issue.

AngelusNex September 29th, 2012 19:09

Mag, it's a magazine, I'm sorry but it hurt to read that.

Now to be helpful, some guns are picky what mags will work in them try holding the mag forward, if that helps then putting some loop side Velcro in the magwell on the aside closest the trigger should solve the problem.

Fucking phone deleted most of that on me when I corrected the auto correct fails

zone 69 September 29th, 2012 20:58

1 Attachment(s)
Also if the hold forward thing make's them work you can put some black tape on the mech box in the rear to fix this I had the same thing happen to me with my G&P M4 metal body and king arms mags.

You mite have to add-minus a few layers of tape to get it just right.

I found with my gun putting anything in the back side trigger side of the mag well made it to tight to fit some of my other mags.

Just to add I use King arms 68 rds, TM short 150 rds, D-boys 300 rds, and all fit and feed fine.

JerryMcGoulBerry September 30th, 2012 01:11

Please don't say clip. it a mag anyway, G&P is like that. That's why I don't recommend their guns. next time try the mags before you buy them. also try putting some duct tape on the back or front of the mag. hope this helps.

JLiang September 30th, 2012 01:22


Like everyone else said above me, it is a MAG, or Magazine. Not a Clip. I can bring out the comparison image if you need of a clip and a mag.

Anyway, some guns are just picky about their mags. You could try identifying problems in the mags (since it seems the magwell is most likely not be the problem) and go from there. What do you mean, 'inconsistent fire'? Is the BB coming out at all, or is it rolling out? We need a bit more detail.

Phantom2k5 September 30th, 2012 01:29

"The detachable magazine is often controversially referred to as a clip."
Source -

I wasn't able to try out the clips before I bought them as I live in Regina and we are very limited for airsoft dedicated stores.

And what I mean by inconsistent is that only say 1/10 cycles of the gun firing would actually contain a BB. Unless I detached the "magazine" and reattached it.

Thanks for all the input so far.

JLiang September 30th, 2012 01:56
^The truth

Anyway, so when it doesn't fire, no BB rolls out at all? Does the sound of the piston striking the Mechbox sound muffled, or does it sound the same as if in normal fire?

And if you're in Saskatchewan, I would recommend Sasksoft Armoury. They stock lots of good stuff.

Stealth September 30th, 2012 09:42

Do the mags feed if you're using your hand to push the magazine upwards into the body. If so, then SURPRISE - it's not your mags. It's your mag catch. On that particular model of gun, the mag catch is a bit loose in the body - presumably due to the tolerances of the metal body.

I have the G&P LMT MRP (newer version than the one you have) and what I did was cut out a thin strip of plastic and superglue it to the bottom of the mag catch such that it sits higher. After that, all my mags feed perfectly.

Mist3r.B September 30th, 2012 09:56


Originally Posted by Stealth (Post 1708832)
Do the mags feed if you're using your hand to push the magazine upwards into the body. If so, then SURPRISE - it's not your mags. It's your mag catch. On that particular model of gun, the mag catch is a bit loose in the body - presumably due to the tolerances of the metal body.

I have the G&P LMT MRP (newer version than the one you have) and what I did was cut out a thin strip of plastic and superglue it to the bottom of the mag catch such that it sits higher. After that, all my mags feed perfectly.

+1, all my G&P needed this alteration

Phantom2k5 September 30th, 2012 12:31


Originally Posted by Stealth (Post 1708832)
Do the mags feed if you're using your hand to push the magazine upwards into the body. If so, then SURPRISE - it's not your mags. It's your mag catch. On that particular model of gun, the mag catch is a bit loose in the body - presumably due to the tolerances of the metal body.

I have the G&P LMT MRP (newer version than the one you have) and what I did was cut out a thin strip of plastic and superglue it to the bottom of the mag catch such that it sits higher. After that, all my mags feed perfectly.

Could you do a picture of what you are referring to?


Phantom2k5 September 30th, 2012 13:48

Also as a quick side note. I measured the mag catch hole on the stock G&P mag vs the King Arms they are exactly the same. However the width of the King Arms mag is 1mm shorter than than G&P mag, which gives it a bit more noticable wobble when inserted into the gun. I haven't tested the press forward method but just based on my examinations this looks like it might be the cause if the gun isn't always hitting the pin to release the bb's into the hopper.

JLiang September 30th, 2012 22:53

I think what Stealth means is to apply pressure upward from the bottom of your magazine.

You should push your mag up into the magwell, in an attempt to release the small notch that keeps the BBs in the mag until you want them out.

This way, you can test to see if it's the Rifle's problem or the Magazine's problem, and based on posts above, it seems to be the rifle.

HKGhost October 1st, 2012 00:26

The part that's causing the issue is where the bbs come out of the mag. Some mags have a longer bb retainer and it will require the mag to sit deeper into the magwell for that mag to feed. The mag catch hole on the mag should be about the same on all mags. If you glue a piece of something onto the mag catch like stated above, this will raise the mag so it will feed better. What I've done in the pass is to file down the bb retainer a bit and that always worked for me. As a warning though. If you do the filing method, take of a bit at a time. Once you go too far, bbs will no longer be held in and that mag will become useless. Good luck.


Originally Posted by Phantom2k5 (Post 1708884)
Also as a quick side note. I measured the mag catch hole on the stock G&P mag vs the King Arms they are exactly the same. However the width of the King Arms mag is 1mm shorter than than G&P mag, which gives it a bit more noticable wobble when inserted into the gun. I haven't tested the press forward method but just based on my examinations this looks like it might be the cause if the gun isn't always hitting the pin to release the bb's into the hopper.

Phantom2k5 October 1st, 2012 12:45

Hmm I think I've found a solution. Toronto Airsoft has a 5 pack of Velocity Arms 120rd mags for the m4, I sent them an email asking if they work with my gun and they said they are 100% G&P compatible. So I may just order those and my buddy said he would buy the ones I have. So hopefully the new ones work.

Stealth October 1st, 2012 13:34

You know tolerances of G&P bodies vary wildly right?

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