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Kuji August 9th, 2012 17:41

Painted receviers, can collecters get AV'd? WARNING LARGE PICTURES
Hey guys haven't been active in a while. Anyway last time I was here we had a discussion about painting the clear lower frames of my cansoft KJW MEU and M9 GBB's. Done. I used Krylon Black plastic paint paint then finished it off with flat clearcoat. Here is the result:

Also for the M9 i picked up a a G&G tracer unit, had to buy the threaded barrel and a thread adapter, but I love the look of the gun:

Anyway next month I will turn 18 and I will be able to be AV'd. Now I think of myself as an airsoft collector, not a skirmisher. I prefer to own the guns and fire off a couple shots (in my mom's basment ;p), and not go to games, don't have the time to go. So is somebody who just collects the guns still able to be AV'd? Thanks men.

Danke August 9th, 2012 18:01

Yes a collector can usually be AV'd. It's not like the UK where you need to provide a defense to possess an airsoft gun.

Snipetek August 10th, 2012 08:54

Yes. I don't see a reason as to why you can't become AV'D in my eyes.

Juic3 August 10th, 2012 09:39

I would say no on the onyl basis that once ive sold the gun to you, i dont know what you will do with it.

Exemple : Im 15, i get AV'ed on the fact that im a collector. I buy a gun from you on the fact that its gonna be a wall hanger. BAM next thing i know is that you are shooting your friend with it.

So imo, no...

Tex August 10th, 2012 09:51

Age verification is just that it is verifying someone is over the age of 18. It is not gamer verification or maturity verification if it was either of those not too many around here would have the tag.

and freak
A, how do you know what I will do with that same gun? or anyone else that is already AV'd for that matter.
B, What I do is not your business or problem

and C, how is this about a 15 year old getting AV'd ? AV'd means 18+ OP is nearing 18 and wants to know if he will have to go to games to get AV the answer is no but it may be easier to get AV'd at a game you do not have to actual play to be verified of age.

Juic3 August 10th, 2012 10:16

i missreaded his post. I readed has if some1 who just collect gun could be AV'ed what ever his age.

Tex August 10th, 2012 10:37

Well then, yeah that won't happen.

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