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MaybeStopCalling August 3rd, 2012 13:55

Imperial Engravers Review
Well, I was going to put this off until later this weekend, but my airplane broke down and I'm stranded in Ottawa for at least a couple of hours. So, I figure I might as well write this now.

If you've seen some of my posts (You probably haven't and you have no idea who I am in all probability, but humour me.) You'll know that I am building a replica of a Colt Canada C8FTHB out of a WE M4 GBBR. Now, one of the distinct features of the C8, and most CF weaponry, are the trades, which are nearly never found OEM and thus must be custom engraved.

Dave @ Imperial Engravers was more than happy to do this. Imperial Engravers is located at Queen & Parliament in Downtown Toronto, and apart from engraving, they also do powdercoats. Stealthee and I happened to be getting our recievers done at the same time, so we split an order for powdercoat, which came out to about $10 a person. The reciever was sandblasted, recoated with the new powdercoat, and in my case, laser engravings were done. Total cost came out to about $100 dollars ($40 for powdercoat, $60 for Laser Engravings. Deep CNC Engraving is pricier, but available if required.) Turnaround was extremely quick. I dropped off my reciever on Monday, the proof was sent to me for approval on Tuesday, and I was able to pick up the finished product early Thursday.

This is the second project I've done with Dave, the first being a custom M9 pistol. I've been consistently pleased with the quality and professionalism of his work. The powder coat is tough as nails and the matte finishing reminds me of a parkerized finish. As for the laser engraving... I'll let you decide:

Dave can be reached at

Basic-Wedge August 3rd, 2012 14:12

That's beautiful. I've been an admirer of their work for some time.

You started with a blank receiver, correct? I have the WE metal receiver with Colt trades molded in. I wonder if Imperial Engravers has a means of filling those in and etching over the resulting surface? I've looked, but I just can't find anyone selling blank receivers. :(

lurkingknight August 3rd, 2012 14:18

I was going to visit family in july and drop off a silencer to be done, but alas, work recalled me and I haven't been able to head down there. I'd really like to have them do my piece given their reputation, but I just haven't been able to get the time and shipping just a silencer is not worth it.

MaybeStopCalling August 3rd, 2012 14:27


Originally Posted by Basic-Wedge (Post 1687363)
That's beautiful. I've been an admirer of their work for some time.

You started with a blank receiver, correct? I have the WE metal receiver with Colt trades molded in. I wonder if Imperial Engravers has a means of filling those in and etching over the resulting surface? I've looked, but I just can't find anyone selling blank receivers. :(

That's correct, I started with a blank reciever.

leblanc74 August 3rd, 2012 14:50


Ares August 3rd, 2012 16:14

That looks sweet. The next step in my C7A2 convertion is painting of the furnature and then the engraving. I will defenetly be getting Dave to do it.

Stealthee August 3rd, 2012 19:17

So you're Green Synergy!? Lol. I finished putting my carbine together. Will post pics later tonight. You'll be blown away, it looks so goood. This also my second time with David and his gang, I highly highly recommend him to all!

Boyso August 3rd, 2012 20:56


Originally Posted by Basic-Wedge (Post 1687363)
That's beautiful. I've been an admirer of their work for some time.

You started with a blank receiver, correct? I have the WE metal receiver with Colt trades molded in. I wonder if Imperial Engravers has a means of filling those in and etching over the resulting surface? I've looked, but I just can't find anyone selling blank receivers. :(

Just trade it for someone with a blank. Engraved ones are worth 200$, don't just fill those trades.

Basic-Wedge August 3rd, 2012 21:31

The other gas gun users on my team all have receivers with the Colt trades, so a simple swap won't work...

I emailed Dave at Imperial, and he replied, saying their sandblasting and powder coating will cover the old trades. I was stoked to hear that! :D

ARC-74 August 9th, 2012 12:30

Dave @ Imperial Engravers kindly sent this in progress photo of my G&G lower.
All I can say is WOW!! & it looks awesome!!
I can't wait to see this after the powder coat.

jordan7831 August 9th, 2012 18:35

Be sure to share the finished project when you get it ARC

Rommen August 9th, 2012 23:14

Wow with these results I think I'm going to have to contact him for my KJ M4. I know nothing about refinishing/engraving metals, can zinc aluminum alloy (pot metal) be done?

And keep the pics coming ; )

Kwokwai August 9th, 2012 23:44

I had my WE 1911 tactical done up by Dave a few years back as a Springfield Armories Operator. Good work overall.

MaybeStopCalling August 10th, 2012 01:18


Originally Posted by Rommen (Post 1689936)
Wow with these results I think I'm going to have to contact him for my KJ M4. I know nothing about refinishing/engraving metals, can zinc aluminum alloy (pot metal) be done?

And keep the pics coming ; )

It's possible. I think everything here is pot metal :D

ARC-74 August 10th, 2012 12:36

A little teaser after the powder coating.
When I get it back, I'll post some more photos.
Is it monday yet?

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