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CR0M June 3rd, 2012 22:20

what do you prefer, cqb or field?
Ive only been doing airsoft for the past 3 years but today was the first time I did an actual indoor cqb session, and I gotta say I did not care for it all. Was wondering if I'm alone here? It was at sgt splatters in toronto, not sure how it ranks up there for people who do like cqb. If you do like cqb, or even prefer it I was wondering why?

PrIeSt June 3rd, 2012 22:28

I prefer a mixture. a large field with a heavy cqb area.
I tend to stay outdoors all summer and just deal with indoor fields in the winter

Unless I get to travel south :D

skalnok June 3rd, 2012 22:33

im with takagari on this one, i love outdoor fields with heavy cqb areas

snipermk0 June 3rd, 2012 22:38

I incline more towards CQB. More intense firefights instead of walking 2 miles to enemy camp, getting shot and going all the way back to respawn.

scubasteve June 3rd, 2012 22:48

Outdoor for me. My buzz saw is a tad to big for XT. lol

CR0M June 3rd, 2012 22:51

maybe it was just the dim light of sgt splatters but I couldnt see any of my bbs' , and I couldnt tell where I was getting hit from and because I couldnt see my bbs I wasnt sure if I was hitting anyone or if someone else hit them.

I know these places share with paintballers, not a huge deal for me, but I would imagine that if you prefer cqb you must get tired of cleaning up paint no?

akko June 3rd, 2012 23:19

Outdoor with a hint of CQB ,keeps things interesting for me.

Rommen June 3rd, 2012 23:22

Prefer field for sure. Much nicer being outdoors, and it is a more dynamic environment. Yes CQB is dynamic too but once you have your SOP down it gets repetitive fast. Plus I love being in the woods lol

Brian McIlmoyle June 4th, 2012 00:57


Originally Posted by CR0M (Post 1662250)
maybe it was just the dim light of sgt splatters but I couldnt see any of my bbs' , and I couldnt tell where I was getting hit from and because I couldnt see my bbs I wasnt sure if I was hitting anyone or if someone else hit them.

I know these places share with paintballers, not a huge deal for me, but I would imagine that if you prefer cqb you must get tired of cleaning up paint no?

Why do you need to see your bbs? Are your sights not set?

And If you could not tell where you were getting hit from, that is because you did not see the shooter.

CQB requires the development of certain skills and technical proficiencies. It is a very different environment from the field.

Air soft guns are great tools for use in CQB situations, they have an effective range within the distance of most engagements in CQB situations.

Airsoft guns are poor simulators for field engagements.. The field game lacks realistic engagement distances, you can see people clearly long before you can engage them, and bushes are effective cover.

It's just not that good from a realism standpoint.

CQB on the other hand is an excellent simulation and really tests the skills do the shooter.

I'd rather play CQB any day of the week over a field game.

CR0M June 4th, 2012 01:12

well maybe I need to give it another try then, and since there is a few southern ontario people in here who prefer CQB, what is, in your own opinion, the best CQB place in southern Ontario?

Brian McIlmoyle June 4th, 2012 10:17


Originally Posted by CR0M (Post 1662290)
well maybe I need to give it another try then, and since there is a few southern ontario people in here who prefer CQB, what is, in your own opinion, the best CQB place in southern Ontario?

If you want to be good at this, you have to arm for it, gear up for it , and train for it.

People call airsoft a "sport" if you want to get good at a sport, you have to train, condition and prepare if you ever hope to be any good at it.

OP Rhino, in July should give everyone their fill of field and CQB .. if you are not signed up yet.. do so

If you want to learn CQB there is only one place that you can do that in any formal sense of the word, that is at my facility

TTAC3 , in Toronto..

Watch for some CQB clinics coming up in early July to get ready for Rhino

Rusty Lugnuts June 4th, 2012 10:25

I don't know about field games , but games in the woods seem the best to me. In the woods by the time you see someone they are in range. It's true that bushes aren't bullet-proof, but neither is chipboard. You can sweep with team-mates, set up ambushes, outsmart ambushes .. Have a strategy. the cqb games i played, everybody sprints forward as far as they dare and then digs in. I just like the pace better in the woods and nothing beats tagging a sniper

Curo June 4th, 2012 10:28

I prefer CQB just because of the rush you get from entering a room. But that all being said. Sgt Splatters. Is a well laid out facility and could be amazing to play at even with the low light (which I like). It's the grotesque amount of paint and that sand. That is the worse sand to exist upon this planet.

CR0M June 4th, 2012 10:29

Being good at airsoft im not really concerned with, having a good time is all i care about. Ive had great times at games where ive been a bb magnet. I gotta admit im kind of skeptical of ttac3. It looks like a maze inside a very small area, it looks alot like a "surprise your hit" kind of venue. What would you say sets it apart from other cqb venues?

Solo36 June 4th, 2012 10:37


Originally Posted by CR0M (Post 1662250)
maybe it was just the dim light of sgt splatters but I couldnt see any of my bbs' , and I couldnt tell where I was getting hit from and because I couldnt see my bbs I wasnt sure if I was hitting anyone or if someone else hit them.

I know these places share with paintballers, not a huge deal for me, but I would imagine that if you prefer cqb you must get tired of cleaning up paint no?

I had the same problem when I played my first CQB match but personally I prefer it over the field. However, I do really enjoy outdoor winter games. If your having trouble following your shots then you should get a good flashlight. Not only will you blind your opponents but you will be able to follow your shots :P

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