Airsoft Canada

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Gaetano May 24th, 2012 19:02

I only have a $100 budget including shipping

this is the only "good" gun that I could get with my price range...

I wanted to buy a full auto ak or any smg online but 99.9% of them are from the states that sell for $100-

Im sad...

ex May 24th, 2012 19:06


Kos-Mos May 24th, 2012 19:06

WTF... I hope this is someone as bored as me joking..

5kull May 24th, 2012 19:11


Originally Posted by Gaetano (Post 1657953)
I only have a $100 budget including shipping

this is the only "good" gun that I could get with my price range...

I wanted to buy a full auto ak or any smg online but 99.9% of them are from the states that sell for $100-

Im sad...

Lol, buy a rubber knife, you will get the same range and it will last longer;P

Gaetano May 24th, 2012 19:14

Could anyone link me to a site where I can buy Canadian shipped guns for a price range of $100?

And yes, Im serious about this gun if I cannot find anything else.

Forever_kaos May 24th, 2012 19:18

You could buy a decent mechbox for close to $100, that's a start?

You're looking at $200-300 for the gun alone.

Debrief May 24th, 2012 19:20

Canadian Tire is your only bet if you only have $100.

I don't mean to "flame", but I'm taking a wild guess that you're under 18. Save up $400, turn 18, and get something worth your money. Canadian Tire "AEGs" aren't good for anything, except for maybe taking 1337 facebook pictures in the mirror with a clear AK.

Gaetano May 24th, 2012 19:24

I am 18.

And I just want to buy one to have fun atm.

phloudernow May 24th, 2012 19:24

buddy if your budget is a hundred bucks for airsoft, don't even bother. you gona need a minimum of at least 300 - 400 bucks to get started off with gun, mags, bbs, batteries and a charger

Gaetano May 24th, 2012 19:32

Was wondering if this would be a good cheap gun to start.

Is it Canada legal since it says 350-380 fps?

And one question, if it is over 366+ fps, but if it looks like exact ak-47, would it be illegal or does the 366+fps counteract all laws?

HackD May 24th, 2012 19:33


Originally Posted by Gaetano (Post 1657953)
I only have a $100 budget including shipping

this is the only "good" gun that I could get with my price range...

Im sad...

Sorry to break it to you, but if you want to have fun, there is nothing that is good in that link... it's crapsoft, not airsoft. It'll likely end it's days in very short order, as you smash it against a tree in frustration.


Originally Posted by Gaetano (Post 1657975)
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap gun to start.

Is it Canada legal since it says 350-380 fps?

And one question, if it is over 366+ fps, but if it looks like exact ak-47, would it be illegal or does the 366+fps counteract all laws?

Read the FAQ's!

Gaetano May 24th, 2012 19:36

Sorry for that post but if it is over 366+ fps, but if it looks like exact ak-47, would it be illegal or does the 366+fps counteract all laws?

Forever_kaos May 24th, 2012 19:37

Go out to a game, rent/borrow a gun for your first time and have mad fun that way.
While at said game, get Age Verified.
There's a ton of info regarding importation and the like in the AV restricted section.

Save up more as time goes on, pick up some OT if you work.
If you don't, get a job, finish school whatever. Saving up is key.

If you are looking for something to just "Have fun" and pick off pop cans, perhaps a pellet gun is better suited for your needs.

Taxt May 24th, 2012 19:39

$100 will get you nothing unfortunately.
Get verified and you may find somebody who will sell you some old barely breathing Kraken.

Debrief May 24th, 2012 19:43


Originally Posted by Gaetano (Post 1657979)
Sorry for that post but if it is over 366+ fps, but if it looks like exact ak-47, would it be illegal or does the 366+fps counteract all laws?

Do your own research, we're not going to spoonfeed you the importation laws. Importing without doing research will just get you a CBSA notice in your mailbox.

If you are in fact 18, get age verified, all the relevant information is on here if you get AV'd.

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