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Cbielak May 24th, 2012 09:47

I've got some questions about where to get the best CADPAT uniforms. I came across 2 websites, cpgear and Questions:

1. Which is better? They are relatively similarly priced, what are the differences?

2. Do they use genuine CADPAT material? (without IR of course) Do they make the uniforms themselves? Or do they buy them from Frontenac for example?
(I noticed the cpgear uniforms are darker than

I emailed both and they told me that they have no material at the moment so size selection is limited. They will however be restocked sometime in the late summer/fall.

ShelledPants May 24th, 2012 09:57


Combat tunic in current Canadian digital camouflage pattern (CADPAT). Combat tunic is made in Canada, by a major contractor to the Canadian Department of National Defence.
CP gear is not issued, but it is damn good gear from all of the accounts I've heard.

PrIeSt May 24th, 2012 12:25

Don't bother buying te issued shit. I'm gonna be selling off a kiss cadpat vest soon if your interested hit me up.

The repro clothes from cp are pretty good. I think the flack tarn is surplus issued.

Cbielak May 24th, 2012 15:50

Hmm. Good to know. I'm not planning on getting anything issue, just looking for the real Cadpat material so that all the colours are correct. I already have a CF style Cadpat vest so all I need is a uniform.

Mordarski J.A. May 24th, 2012 20:11

Flecktarn's CADPAT is knock-off BDU's. They are made using the actual CADPAT pattern (manufactured by Frontenac) but are in the general "BDU" configuration rather than the Canadian design. CP Gear is a good source too, however they are offering the exact same uniform (also manufactured by Frontenac). There is also no difference in the weight of the Frontenac uniform and the issued uniform, the difference is the lack of IRR material in the civilian version.

If you have any Polish gear, I still have a few pieces in my collection I am willing to let go of (assuming they'll fit).

Hope this helps some!

PrIeSt May 24th, 2012 21:17

Good to know. Were moving to "bdu"style cadpat anyway. So all be te same soon!

Conker May 24th, 2012 21:43

What Skeletor said.

To be a little more detailed, "BDU" is the US cut from the 80's-90' (there were a couple variants in that timeframe, but not much), while the one the CF is moving to is the new "ACU" cut with mandarin collar, arm pockets and velcro, etc...

ACU (Army Combat Uniform) being the uniform cut, and NOT the camo (which is UCP; Universal Camo Pattern).

PrIeSt May 25th, 2012 09:17

Too be precise if were going to. Were going with "ICU"
Since this country can't just go mainstream and we must make everything unique. and there for usually twice the cost and the same or less quality :)

But if your looking to replicate the new soldier. Your also going to want brown boots, not black!

Mordarski J.A. May 28th, 2012 21:38

LOL "Intensive Care Unit"....and using UGLY boots.

Sorry, the soldier in me still prefers the ol' Mk3 combat boots. I can't say as though I'm a fan of the Mandarin collar, but if it's something that works (and works well) then all the power to 'em. Besides, I got out in 2007.....I don't have to wear that stuff LOL. I'm happy with my OD's!

Grey Ops May 28th, 2012 22:09

Sending you a PM about some stuff I stock Cbielak.

PrIeSt May 28th, 2012 22:11

Well from what I've seen and heard. All of the CF using purchased boots will be SOL.
Without a chit you will be required to wear Brown... So untill SWAT etc. get on board with a brown boot and a brown safety boot for those who require safety. Your SOL

Not to mention it seems they will be the same build as the desert boots. So.. Yay.

As for the uniform. I'm reading (although hard to tell) that it will be a velcro open.. Not zipper or buttons.....

As for the Flag. It seems they watched Stargate Atlantis and liked the one Rodney wore.. lol

Here's what he wore. lol

Tom Swift May 28th, 2012 22:13

Skeletor is that powerpoint available for general viewing? The one I saw was about the uniform itself and implementation through attrition of the current uniform. As I understand it production is currently underway or is starting up very shortly with uniforms going first to deploying and infantry units.

Mordarski J.A. May 28th, 2012 22:14

Velcro isn't exactly "tactical" at night, you could hear someone opening a pocket from a mile away.....the current buttons work perfectly to combat that.

But this is quickly turning into a conversation far away from the original question.

Tom Swift May 28th, 2012 22:21


Originally Posted by Mordarski J.A. (Post 1659461)
Velcro isn't exactly "tactical" at night, you could hear someone opening a pocket from a mile away.....the current buttons work perfectly to combat that.

But this is quickly turning into a conversation far away from the original question.

Already thought about that...

Tactical Velcro Opening Secret-Special Forces - YouTube

PrIeSt May 28th, 2012 22:34

As it stands now. The current uniform has either been stopped or really slowed down for production. If you try to trade in a pair of worn current issue pants. They will have most sizes out of stock.

And as for the brown boots. Hopefully manufacturers catch on. Can't find a decent safety version yet :(

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