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Mr.Shiney May 16th, 2012 14:24

British/Commonwealth Level One Gear Thead
So to ensure that all of those that are attending and wish to participate as a Commonwealth member, have a common understanding of the gear required.

This list is not complete for all commonwealth kit, but a basic list of what would been needed to be on the field with a basic Level One Impression. This is an impression that at close inspection would be close in representation that can be had, keeping in mind that some of the items may be reproduction.

You will need the following for a Level One Impression.


Keep in mind that if you are wearing a Battle Dress Tunic as your outer most layer, It should have all the Unit and National appropriate badges on it.

Battle Dress Tunic

Battle Dress Trouser

Para Smock (optional for Airborne Impression)

Para Trousers (optional for Airborne Impression)

Ammo Boots

Pattern 37 Gaiters


Pattern 37 Belt

Pattern 37 Braces

Pattern 37 Canteen and Carrier

Pattern 37 Basic Pouch

Pattern 37 Bayonet Frog

Pattern 37 Entrenching Tool (optional)

Pattern 37 Small Pack (optional)

Pattern 37 Large Pack (optional)

Headware: All commonwealth members have the choice of three, Cap Comforter, Helmet and Beret. If you are wearing a Beret, you will need the appropriate Kings Crown Cap Badge.

Para Helmet

Standard Helmet

Cap Comforter


Optional Extras

Sniper Veil

Toggle Rope

F/S Commando Rubber Training Dagger

Pattern 37 Holster - Only for thoses that would have been issued a Pistol. Most Privates/Corporals would not have been issued a Pistol. (exception Bren Gunner, was issues a pistol)

Pattern 37 Pistol Ammo Pouch - Only for those that would have been issued

Pattern 37 Compass Pouch - Only for those that would have been issued

Pattern 37 Map Case - Only for those that would have been issued


leecas May 16th, 2012 14:33

This is all good and well for a Level I Living History event and we were asking for 100%.

But this is a Level I with an 80 - 100% impression.

I really don't think they need to go this deep, at least not for this one. For example... if they didn't have the badges... they're good to go. If they just had the basics... they're still good to go.

All that you have mentioned above isn't necessary to get a player on the field for this game. And we are not asking to pass a close up inspection to get on the field. Again, all that you mention and suggest is great to get a re-enactor to snuff for a living history event but not necessary for a player to attend this event.

I would also suggest that you re-title your thread because when I look at it from the furom page it looks just like Brian's thread.

McCrea May 16th, 2012 15:30

As far as I know (I might be wrong) but commando unit didn't wore badges when they were behind the lines...

shiftsup May 16th, 2012 16:11


Originally Posted by McCrea (Post 1654759)
As far as I know (I might be wrong) but commando unit didn't wore badges when they were behind the lines...

You'd be correct. Former unit badges maybe. Hey, post some "working on it" pics. I'd like to see what you are doing.

McCrea May 16th, 2012 16:16

Just got the battledress yesterday ;) Still missing some key components like the cap comforter or the jerkin but they're coming soon

shiftsup May 16th, 2012 16:28

Cool, I have a similar kit as well (I think).

Please post up some pics when you can.

If I can convince my wife to hold a camera steady and not laugh I'll do a "shiftsup's wwii impressions photo thread" some day.

In regards, to British dress code for the O-Q wwii game wouldn't P37, P40 BD with a P37 belt, MT Pouch and helmet /beret/ cap comforter be sufficient for a 10' look?

backspasm May 16th, 2012 16:54


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1654791)
In regards, to British dress code for the O-Q wwii game wouldn't P37, P40 BD with a P37 belt, MT Pouch and helmet /beret/ cap comforter be sufficient for a 10' look?

I would say so yes. Cross straps and Bren pouches are also a good idea to put water/mags in as well. 2 water bottles will fit in 1 pouch snug.

shiftsup May 16th, 2012 17:00

I only suggest the sufficient minimums so this event doesn't have to turn into money for those not yet equipped and to maintain the suspension of disbelief required.

Keeping the starting from scratch kit expenditure around $300 (roughly a weeks work @ minimum wage?) or less sounds fair.

Level One full marching order kit is great but that's a healthy chunk of change.

BootYourFace May 16th, 2012 22:49

Thank you so much for this information!

McCrea May 16th, 2012 23:06

I will have a nice webbing, (pouches, belt, braces, water bottle + carrier) mostly made in the 50s, but almost looks the same...with RAF anklets (they are blue but you have to blanco them soo they will turn green) to sell for about 60$ + shipping... If anyone is interested please send me a pm.

I'm selling it because I got a deal on a webbing that fits me without mods ;)

Mr.Shiney May 17th, 2012 05:38

When it comes to the web gear here is a guideline:

There were four basic orders of wear for WE 37; a fifth was developed unofficially in the field.

Drill Order:
Drill order, consisting of belt and side arms (bayonet, or pistol for officers) was used on special parades and duties in camp/barracks. Jack Summers noted in The Tangled Web that "This order has come to be associated with ceremonial parades and duties, but in wartime many ceremonial parades...were performed in battle order with respirators at the alert!"

Skeleton Order:
Skeleton order, consisting of belt, braces and basic pouches (or cartridge carriers for those issued them in lieu), was used for training parades, drill and duties under arms.

Battle Order:
Battle Order, as originally conceived, was designed so as not to have anything hanging below the waistbelt; the water bottle was to be carried in the haversack. In reality, the haversack was usually filled to capacity, leaving no room for the water bottle. It, and the entrenching tool were usually suspended below the waisbelt on the brace ends.

Full Marching Order:
Full Marching Order was the complete issue of web equipment, with the addition of the large large pack, usually worn when a unit was moving one location for another permanently. The haversack was worn on the left and the water bottle on the right with the respirator slung. Spare kit was carried in the soldier's kit bag, though often the kit bag was transported as baggage.

Fighting Order:
Variations on wearing the web equipment began to evolve while the Canadians trained in England, as Battle Drill put men and gear through increasingly more challenging situations. In Sicily, however, contacts with battle experienced soldiers of the British 8th Army led to quick revisions in how best to carry equipment in action, leading to the adoption of "Fighting Order." The small pack, or haversack, was quickly discarded due to its distinctive outline and the mess tins were instead added to a water-bottle carrier, and worn suspended from the brace-ends, in a spare water bottle carrier, on the left side of the waistbelt, opposite the water bottle. The gas cape was used to wrap spare clothing, rations and kit, then tied to the back of the waistbelt with spare blanket straps.

Pockets May 24th, 2012 09:10

ya, this will be a good reference when i get around to making a canadian loadout =)

McCrea May 24th, 2012 09:21

Stuff coming in today.... might post a in-progress picture of my British Commando loadout tonight ;)

McCrea May 25th, 2012 12:02

Tried the kit yesterday (too late to take pictures, will try this evening) and talk about sweating all the water in your body in a hour... Man, were they really fighting in this wool in the hot summer days?

Time to get in shape lol!

Mr.Shiney August 21st, 2012 00:24

Seeing how OP WOODSMAN is a level one event. Anyone with any questions about Commonwealth kit, for those that are developing a WW2 load out, feel free to PM me.

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