Airsoft Canada

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Blackthorne April 12th, 2012 15:48


bean April 12th, 2012 16:22

Cant be embeded here apparently

Brian McIlmoyle April 12th, 2012 16:24

works fine for me..


coach April 12th, 2012 16:34

Private video?

Kokanee April 12th, 2012 16:39


(video worked fine for me)

Ozone06 April 12th, 2012 16:42

Do want!

I looked for a log in /sign-in but I can't find it or see where it is anywhere on the site :( I'll sign up for an alpha/beta!

Will there be some sort of age verification system? I see the Facebook log in option but the age in FB can easily be spoofed

Blackthorne April 12th, 2012 17:21

I have changed the settings to allow viewing anywhere..sorry about that folks!


Originally Posted by Ozone06 (Post 1637197)
Do want!

I looked for a log in /sign-in but I can't find it or see where it is anywhere on the site :( I'll sign up for an alpha/beta!

Will there be some sort of age verification system? I see the Facebook log in option but the age in FB can easily be spoofed

We are doing the BETA with hosts, there will be an opportunity to test it at those games if you are local to them. That info will be released after we negotiate timings participation with hosts.

We are not doing age verification, ASC does that very well and we don't see any reason to duplicate. :D You still have to actually show up to the game so your age will be verified at the game attendance, as it is now.

PrIeSt April 12th, 2012 20:00

I host a lot of weekend games. Would lovet o Beta test as we discussed.

Really hope you implement an RSS feed for games :) for site integration!

Scarecrow April 14th, 2012 22:11


Originally Posted by takagari (Post 1637318)
I host a lot of weekend games. Would lovet o Beta test as we discussed.

Really hope you implement an RSS feed for games :) for site integration!

A lot of comms automation, such as email notifications when changes happen to the game, auto cancellation if minimum player count is not met by a set date, etc. It will do all the heavy lifting of signup management.

PrIeSt April 14th, 2012 22:20

Sweet. But I mean rss output so I can for example list an output of all Manitoba games on my website. Click through to your site. But display on mine

Scarecrow April 14th, 2012 23:00


Originally Posted by takagari (Post 1638464)
Sweet. But I mean rss output so I can for example list an output of all Manitoba games on my website. Click through to your site. But display on mine

RSS is one option. Another we have is an embeddable .jpg output of the game summary that can be embedded into post #1 on any or multiple dboards. Any time the game changes we update the .jpg and all post #1s across the internet get updated automatically.

baker_Jeff April 15th, 2012 00:21

As I posted on Facebook, very interested in this! I think this will be fantastic for new players looking for teams and games. We get hundreds of new players coming in to the store every month, and sending them to the local forum is sometimes intimidating and discouraging for them as they have to deal with being AV'd, dealing with forum BS, cliques, etc.

I host a few WW2 games in the summer, would love to setup our big WW2 using this!!


Curo April 15th, 2012 01:45

I'm assuming this is user generated aswell so that you can add airsoft stores and such as they open?

Scarecrow April 15th, 2012 06:23


Originally Posted by baker_Jeff (Post 1638499)
As I posted on Facebook, very interested in this! I think this will be fantastic for new players looking for teams and games. We get hundreds of new players coming in to the store every month, and sending them to the local forum is sometimes intimidating and discouraging for them as they have to deal with being AV'd, dealing with forum BS, cliques, etc.

I host a few WW2 games in the summer, would love to setup our big WW2 using this!!


Yup. AV is something ASC does. I'm neutral on it. Ops-Center is not a replacement for dboards insofar as discussion goes. But it will be a great centralizer of players, hosts and vendors for everyone... worldwide. The geo-location orientation makes the website local to the user, therefore, the site appears to be local no matter where you hail from. We see it boosting Airsoft worldwide.

Jeff, you'll be able to fully use this tool for your game, and we encourage you to. It will save you a ton of admin time.


Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber (Post 1638509)
I'm assuming this is user generated aswell so that you can add airsoft stores and such as they open?


Its totally crowdsourced. Hosts add games, players sign up and vendors and players alike have access to a flat rate bannner placement system that is economically sensible compared to the likes of Google's Adwords and Adsense.

We think its an idea thats come.

Renegade) April 15th, 2012 12:48

AV started with ASC because of the Buy Sell Classifieds, OPS-Center wont have any classifieds so no reason for any AV system.

When a host states an Age Req for a game they are running, players signing up will know they may need ID at the gate, or to not sign up if they dont meet the requirement.

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