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atomicdee February 15th, 2012 20:35

Mechanix Gloves in Coyote Brown
Hi All,

Does anyone know where this glove might be available? I found them on the official Canadian website but they were sold out. I thought I'd email to ask when they're coming back in stock and was told they've been discontinued in the coyote brown color.

Any help finding some of these would be great.


Drake February 15th, 2012 20:41

There's tons on ebay

MMatersk February 15th, 2012 20:48

Saw some at Homedepot Mississauga 1 pair of CB which I found to be a little strange because I always see them in greys and yellows there. Also try Lowes heard they carry them and have a decent selection

StrikeFreedom February 15th, 2012 21:22


Summers1000 February 16th, 2012 19:03

Try looking in a Princes Auto for a pair, you never know what you're going to find in there.

Jcotter February 16th, 2012 19:15

Kind of unrelated but the original gloves in blue were just on sale at crappy T for 8 bucks a pair.

pipefitter316 February 16th, 2012 19:22

c w a here in barrie has them, i just got a pair, brown or woodland, great little store for all your gear needs.

atomicdee February 17th, 2012 20:54


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 1606953)
c w a here in barrie has them, i just got a pair, brown or woodland, great little store for all your gear needs.

Sorry for perhaps some ignorance, but what's C W A?

CT does, in fact, stock mechanix gloves, but nothing from the tactical line. Great way to figure out the necessary glove size, though!

Starting to feel like I might just have to settle for black or woodland

rc_p120 February 18th, 2012 08:30

Farmboy February 18th, 2012 15:03

The coyote gloves have been discontinued

MultipleParadox February 18th, 2012 17:48

Not sure it's the model you're looking for, it's more khaki than CB (there's a bit of dark green in the color) but it's a good deal for good quality (probably) knockoff.

Kwokwai February 18th, 2012 23:08

Note that they state that it's the sized small glove. The same glove from Mechanix in medium is the equivalent of a sized 7 glove iirc.

Here's the link to the medium gloves:

Reignman February 19th, 2012 00:11

I'm not 100% sure but I remember someone using mechanix gloves in a game during wet weather and said they sucked cuz they fell apart. So I guess if your not using them in the rain the should be ok.

rc_p120 February 19th, 2012 00:54


Originally Posted by Reignman (Post 1608035)
I'm not 100% sure but I remember someone using mechanix gloves in a game during wet weather and said they sucked cuz they fell apart. So I guess if your not using them in the rain the should be ok.

I use Mechanix gloves at work all the time as a stage tech, rigging and unloading trucks and all that and they are tough. If they get wet they do absorb water but no damage to them, once they're dried its fine. They can last months. I stand by these gloves for sure.

Mitchell12 February 19th, 2012 02:29


Originally Posted by Reignman (Post 1608035)
I'm not 100% sure but I remember someone using mechanix gloves in a game during wet weather and said they sucked cuz they fell apart. So I guess if your not using them in the rain the should be ok.

I'm still on my first pair of mechanix after 4 years of use. I use them in the garage, airsoft, moving things and even handling people when I worked concert security a few times. The gloves are next to indestructible even when wet. The only damage to mine is from a blow torch and even that's only a singe.

Also I wash mine every few months or if they get full of oil and I want to use them for other work. I've never found a better work or general purpose glove.

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