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msk-sarge February 13th, 2012 16:56

echo 1 asr cylinder upgrades?
I Have recently bought the Echo 1 ASR sniper and love it right now but i would like to upgrade the cylinder to a fully welded one so that when i put in a 550-600 fps spring it wont pop the crimps on the stock one. Is there a piston that would fit?

and before anyone says you don't need it shooting that fast you will kill someone i plan on using .43 gram bbs with it so that it will shoot slower but still give me the range and better accuracy

Deadpool February 13th, 2012 17:02


Originally Posted by msk-sarge (Post 1605057)
and before anyone says you don't need it shooting that fast you will kill someone i plan on using .43 gram bbs with it so that it will shoot slower but still give me the range and better accuracy

Then you haven't learned anything.

Guns are always chronied with .20g BBs.

It's not really about FPS, but about Joules. There a chart in here somewhere to calculate the joules in reference to the the FPS and weight of the BB.

You won't be able to game it unless you are a level 3 or 4 certified sniper.

GRIM February 13th, 2012 17:10

Depends on host for the BA though.

Some require BA Cert Some dont.

That being said whats the point in going higher than the stock imo the stock Asr I have shoots plenty fast for all the games.

msk-sarge February 13th, 2012 17:22

where i play airsoft is at soldiers of fortune and they don't require a BA.

and what upgrades for it would you recommend then cause i got such long ass arms i had to add 2 inches to the stock to make it easier to cock while prone lol
i would also like to get the fps over 500fps

and PMC what gram bbs do u shoot ?

Deadpool February 13th, 2012 17:30


Originally Posted by msk-sarge (Post 1605065)
where i play airsoft is at soldiers of fortune and they don't require a BA.

and what upgrades for it would you recommend then cause i got such long ass arms i had to add 2 inches to the stock to make it easier to cock while prone lol
i would also like to get the fps over 500fps

and PMC what gram bbs do u shoot ?

What FPS do they accept?

remember that FPS are always with .20g. Not with whatever you shoot.

msk-sarge February 13th, 2012 17:35


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1605068)
What FPS do they accept?

remember that FPS are always with .20g. Not with whatever you shoot.

on the sites it varies i have not had a chance to crony it yet but the average on the sites i have looked at say about 440 to 470 and thats about the average the sites say and idk the max it can take

Deadpool February 13th, 2012 19:35


Originally Posted by msk-sarge (Post 1605069)
on the sites it varies i have not had a chance to crony it yet but the average on the sites i have looked at say about 440 to 470 and thats about the average the sites say and idk the max it can take

I meant at SOF, what's the max FPS they allow people to play with?

msk-sarge February 13th, 2012 19:37

they havent really told me a max but so idk ive asked and the answer i got was as long as your not trying to shoot a guy in the head at 500+ within 20 ft we dont care

ceazer February 13th, 2012 20:36


Originally Posted by msk-sarge (Post 1605130)
they havent really told me a max but so idk ive asked and the answer i got was as long as your not trying to shoot a guy in the head at 500+ within 20 ft we dont care

not sure were u got that from but for aeg its 425 fps and bolt action is 450 fps both using .2s! and i havent heard or seen a field that allows higher then 500 fps in canada

L473ncy February 13th, 2012 21:11


Originally Posted by ceazer (Post 1605167)
not sure were u got that from but for aeg its 425 fps and bolt action is 450 fps both using .2s! and i havent heard or seen a field that allows higher then 500 fps in canada

I know one place out here in the west that allows 550 on .20's as long as you have BA Sniper level 2 IIRC.

@OP: Seriously though, most good snipers will have their guns tuned to between 400-450-ish and just use heavyweight BB's (.36 or .40's) it will go slower but that's honestly the best speed so that it doesn't act like a whiffle ball and go all over the place. Just ask people like Amos or Stalker.

Kos-Mos February 13th, 2012 21:15

You haven't been here long enough.
Most allow 500 with the certification.
I played at 575 a while back, but had to use a sidearm for anything under 100'.

There is no reason why you would need to upgrade your BAR anywhere that high.

If you really want an accurate gun, start with a decent 6.01 tightbore and use only high quality BBs (Bastards are really good in .36).
Also change the hop-up unit for a PDI while you are at it.
Then change the stock cylinder and piston to a PDI vaccum or LayLax 3-pieces.
Then get a zero trigger to let you have a more precise break-off, resulting in more consistent shooting.
Then replace the stock with something adjustable, like the PRS from Magpull. It takes some work to fit, it is not a direct bolt-on.
Then you will have to get a good quality scope. Don't buy a chineses replica, buy a real hunting scope. About the same price, but the hunting scope is more accurate and usually a lot clearer.

Then, and only then, buy a 9mm spring guide with bearing and a stronger spring to bring your rifle to 430fps (if not already there).

Theses are spherical BBs, not bullets. They don't shoot further the harder they leave the barrel. Take a ball of paper, what ever how hard you throw it, it won't go much further. Throw is slow and steady and you might be able to hit the same spot over and over. You have 1 chance with a BAR. The enemy has about 20 per second. The "range" you have over him can be covered in maximum 2 seconds, so you better not miss that first shot.

ThunderCactus February 13th, 2012 21:15

I run 440fps with .3s
Im accurate out to 260ish, max range around 300ft

It's worth noting you actually start to LOSE accuracy above a certain relative velocity, .20s work well at 300fps, but not at any higher velocity.
.3s work well at 440fps, but they don't work so well at 470fps.
etc etc

GRIM February 13th, 2012 21:40

Exactly whats said above... Higher FPS doesn't give you a more accuracy.

A Quality Tight bore and and hop-up would def be your best choice.

I use .28g or .3g whatever I can get my mits on.

But Last I chronied was 456fps with .2gs.
BBBastard BBs

georgehutchison February 13th, 2012 22:38

I wouldn't let that gun anywhere near our games period. I took a round to the forehead from about 100 ft from a bolt shooting around 550 fps/.20. Everything went fuzzy and I went to the safe area and was sick. I got a nice concussion from that hit and a huge bump.

There is a reason why players take the sniper courses. The player that hit me is a very well known sniper in Ontario. I seen him at the last second and as I ducked I received the hit. He was aiming center mass but it was a accident it hit square in my forehead. I Have removed a BB from a players head that lodged in from a gun shooting 450 fps at a distance of 25 ft. Can you imagine a accident from a new player shooting 500-600. There are only a small handful of players in Ontario I would let use that power at any of my games.

msk-sarge February 13th, 2012 22:40

ok well ill start with the barrel and hop up system (i already have the piston from the echo 1 asr upgrade kit installed as it didnt fit my friends vsr 10 clone and i was gunna get the spring and guid for it soon to)

where could i get a tight bore barrel and hop up unit?

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