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oxproskillzxo January 28th, 2012 21:01

are springers ever good?
i've bought a few springers over the years.
one thing i noticed was that, springers don't shoot with consistency and breaks very easily due to made in china cheap plastic.

so i want to know if it's just that the springers i've bought where cheap toys, or are they all like that?

R.I.T.Z January 28th, 2012 21:05

Springers are usually crap.
There are few exceptions to this
sniper rifles shotguns and the like
other then that no they're not worth anything.
Best bet for a starter would be an aeg,

MaciekA January 28th, 2012 21:06

It's possible you bought cheap toys.

The Tokyo Marui VSR-10 is a spring-powered gun and it is pretty much universally recommended as a fantastic rifle and one of the only worthwhile sniper rifles to buy and upgrade.

That's said, I'm not sure everyone would classify it as a "springer" per se.

oxproskillzxo January 28th, 2012 21:08

k, thanks for the info.

R.I.T.Z January 28th, 2012 21:11

Also maybe. If you waited till you're 18 got verified you wouldnt be playing with cheap walmart springers and you wouldnt get your name on the cbsa black list for illegal importation of a replica.

ThunderCactus January 28th, 2012 21:11

As said, my VSR-10 is a springer and it's the most long range & accurate thing out there

Springers are inherently more accurate and more consistent that AEG's and GBB'S, due to the VERY CRITICAL fact that your air nozzle is in the closed position before the piston is released, and there's usually no gap between the cylinder head and air nozzle.

What's inconsistent on the cheaper springers is everything else. O-rings, hop rubber, barrel, seals, piston head, very weak FPS so you can't use heavier BBs, etc

JLiang January 28th, 2012 21:11

If by 'springer' you mean any type of gun that uses a single cocking motion to load and fire the BB, then it's usually not good. However, if you have something that normally shoots one projectile/burst of projectiles at a time anyways, like a Sniper Rifle, or a Shotgun, then that's as far as you get. There are some very, very good spring sniper rifles out there, although with shotguns, I prefer gas.

But, like MaciekA said, the term 'springer' is usually only reserved for the cheap clearsoft (if it can even be considered that) that you normally find at, say, Walmart or the likes. It all depends on the gun.

surebet January 28th, 2012 21:26

The TM spring pistols are of rather high quality, but you rarely see them in Canada. There are a few other exceptions but for all intents and purposes spring pistols and riffles are crap.

Side note, I don't consider sniper riffles as "springers", though the cheap Well & such cheapo riffles are almost as bad as the bargain spring pistols.

CDN_Stalker January 28th, 2012 21:38

Depends on the springer, the most consistant springer I ever had, of which I did much of my various ammo testing (check out BB Bastards tests I did a bunch of years ago), I got the most accurate results between weights and brands from my TM Mk23 springer...... and I used it at games as well as a last resort backup, til I lost my mag at a game..... :(

Literally I'd get +/- 3fps from it, most consistant gun I own!

takatsu January 28th, 2012 22:52

Since sniper rifles are like that in real life... well some/most, i like to just call them bolt action hahaa

Although there's some good spring pistols out there, for the most part for games it'd be difficult to go cqb with one.. so there's really no point, and therefore springers are not recommended

Cliffradical January 28th, 2012 23:34

TM springers are great... but they're TM springers.

There's a few crappy shotguns out there that are great for CQB until they break, but you'll have to be veeeeeeeeerrry careful about what you buy and what you expect and no matter what, waiting till you're 18 and/ or getting AV'd is the best course of action.

oniwagamaru January 28th, 2012 23:51

Yeah Id have to say that TM springers are definitely high end for the most part! It is definitely satisfying to get a kill with a springer more so than an AEG. I still have love for my TM 1911 springer lol!

Strelok January 29th, 2012 00:11

If you're talking about the stuff you buy from walmart? Well, yes. Its going to be very shitty. Some single bb shotguns being an exception. But in most cases yes. They will be shit.

However, Sniper rifles (Not that clone BS), TM 'Tri shot' Shotguns, Maruzen and TM springers and ETC will be quite good, and can be upgraded to be amazing.

ThunderCactus January 29th, 2012 01:53

All the vets went to silly avatars and stalker still has his chuck norris in cadpat pic lol

Sandbar1911 January 29th, 2012 14:00

it may seem funny but I have a Delta elite 1911 springer that I use as a backup during the winter months and it is accurate out to a 100 feet with .25's...go figure

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