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bigbuzz666 January 21st, 2012 12:05

looking to buy ESS goggles, but...
As the title says, I'm looking to buy some ESS goggles/glasses...

But I would like to have opinion from other ESS users...

Looking for a pair of goggles AND a pair of glasses:

-Turbofan or V12 (not sure for this one as they can be opened for fog purposes) for the goggles
-Crossbow or ICE for the glasses. Any major difference between those?

Any other options i should look for, i.e Wiley X?

wildcard January 21st, 2012 12:16


Originally Posted by bigbuzz666 (Post 1592811)
As the title says, I'm looking to buy some ESS goggles/glasses...

But I would like to have opinion from other ESS users...

Looking for a pair of goggles AND a pair of glasses:

-Turbofan or V12 (not sure for this one as they can be opened for fog purposes) for the goggles
-Crossbow or ICE for the glasses. Any major difference between those?

Any other options i should look for, i.e Wiley X?

the ones with turbo fan wont fit with the usage of some helmets, it also depends on how is your face structure. I switched from ESS to revision bullet ant they offer the same certificaton and safety rating but on a slimmer profile, which allows me to use a mesh mask and helmet combo with out the goggles being pushed up or knocked around

Danke January 21st, 2012 12:24

I have the Profile turbofans. They're the best thing I've ever had.

If something like these didn't exist I'd have pulled the plug in my first year.

cadpat_tact January 21st, 2012 12:44

I cheaped out and got the regular ESS Profile, no turbofan. I just use anti-fog solution.

They offer great protection for the eyes, but they don't fit comfortably with a metal mesh half-mask (the type that covers your ears). I'll use the goggles and a shemagh to soften the impact of bb's on my teeth for outdoor games but for CQB I'll wear a paintball mask for full coverage.

superesc January 21st, 2012 14:12

I'm testing out both the ESS and the Revision, but right out of the box I notice the Revision one is better in built quality and fitting with my glasses. Will post more once I try them out in a game.

Kokanee January 21st, 2012 14:24

I've been using the ESS Profile NVG goggle (no fan) for about 5 seasons now - awesome goggle with wide field of view, comfortable as well. I found that in humid conditions, or when I was really active and sweating bullets they would fog up, but I just removed the thin foam membrane the is over all the vent holes around the sides - problem solved!

Imagine my surprise as well when in '08 I was deployed to the 'stan and was issued guess what - ESS Profile NVG's!

Drake January 21st, 2012 14:42

bigbuzz666 I don't know if you wear corrective lenses and/or plan to use Rx inserts.

I do and in my case have opted for ESS Profile NVGs for goggles and ESS ICE 2.4 for glasses: both can use the same Rx insert, which is a big plus (only need to update prescriptions for one set of inserts).

As Kokanee stated, they'll fog in high humidity conditions -- usually the inserts fog first since they're in contact with my skin around the edges. I use dish washing liquid to control fog. Most of the time I use the ICEs so that also helps.

The Profile NVGs work with helmets (L/XL MICH and M/L AirFrame in my case) and with a TMC half face mesh mask. I've also used the NVGs comfortably for extended periods in conjunction with an organic vapor half mask respirator (non airsoft use).

Fuji January 21st, 2012 14:51

I have a pair of ess crossbow glasses. They are much easier to change lenses and have more options than the ess ice also newer.

bigbuzz666 January 21st, 2012 14:54


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1592868)
I don't know if you wear corrective lenses and/or plan to use Rx inserts.

I do not wear prescription lenses...

And what is the main difference (other than the price) between the Crossbow and ICE glasses? EDIT: posted my question at the same time than the previous reply with the answer...

MMatersk January 21st, 2012 15:33

I use both my Revision Desert Locust and ESS low profile without turbofan. I have to say the Revision is alot better built and comfyier, slightly bulkier than the low pro's. Both are excellent choices all comes down to personal preference.

Trev140_0 January 21st, 2012 19:50

1 Attachment(s)
Just upgraded my ESS with twin fans and nunchuck battery.

Blows like the wind now. Original 9V set up was pointless.

Attachment 28728

bigbuzz666 January 21st, 2012 19:55


Originally Posted by Trev140_0 (Post 1592993)
Just upgraded my ESS with twin fans and nunchuck battery.

Blows like the wind now. Original 9V set up was pointless.

Isn't it a little violent for goggles??? Next step is what, carry a 12V car battery in you back pack so you can use you fans to fly ang give air support??? :D

But i have to admit that it must be quite efficient!

ShelledPants January 21st, 2012 20:12

I'm a huge believer in ESS NVG's. They are fantastic and comfortable.

As for glasses, I use the CF issue Revisions with little to no problems (the strap not staying on is the worse I can say about it...

Kokanee January 21st, 2012 20:18


Originally Posted by Trev140_0 (Post 1592993)
Just upgraded my ESS with twin fans and nunchuck battery.

Blows like the wind now. Original 9V set up was pointless.

Attachment 28728

Ghettofabulous! Pack your bags, we're going to the Dolce and Gabbana show in Milan....

A 9v shouldn't have had a problem turning those fans to get enough air through to clear fogging, but if you don't have a problem with wearing the battery you have rigged up, then all the more power to you.

Trev140_0 January 21st, 2012 22:33


I know, I know.

But as some side info, the 9v typical turns the fans WAY slower. I played a few games with the 9v set up and it simply could not move the air. Second, the 9V battery box is no longer strapped to your head. So now it goes down your back into your chest rig. Cant even feel it.

All kidding aside the fans go like stink now. Like 50% more kick.There is no way there will be fog up. Berfore, these fans could not keep up, and the 9v would burn out half way through a game.

This battery? naaa....... tucks into your chest rig and rock and roll. The coil cord makes it stay in its place behind you.

Ps, this was not my idea. There is a few other builds like this in google--Im not that clever.

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