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Mr P December 4th, 2011 19:03

ICS L85A2 Hop Up problem
Just recently bought an ICS SA80/ L85A2 and gamed it for the first time today. The gun was fantastic apart from one problem. For some reason the Hop Up is always making the BB arch upwards after about 100 feet, even on the lowest Hop Up setting.
Can anyone help me with my problem?
All help is highly appreciated :)

Fong242 December 4th, 2011 20:21

What's the weight of the BBs?

Mr P December 4th, 2011 20:33


Originally Posted by Fong242 (Post 1570502)
What's the weight of the BBs?

King Arms .25

R.I.T.Z December 4th, 2011 20:49

have you tried removing the barrel/hopup assembly and checking the barrel for any obstructions

Fong242 December 4th, 2011 22:20

Like you, I noticed that at minimum hopup setting low weight BBs would arc up. You can either modify the hopup unit to reduce the hopup effect or change the rubber.


Wrath144 December 5th, 2011 01:21

The hopup system was the main thing I hated about my L85 when I had it. Possible solutions are to use a rubber with the 'bump' shaved off, file down the 'nub pusher', or to put a small drop of glue on the part of the adjuster that contacts the wheel so it sits slightly higher.
As far as I remember, I used the shaved rubber. I've worked on a few different L85's though, and the filed nub pusher is definitely the more permanent solution.

Mr P December 5th, 2011 07:11

Thanks for the input so far, I wish I was more Tech savvy, if I were to get another hop up rubber, are there any recommendations, I'll take a look inside when I get five this week.
Thanks Guys

Wrath144 December 9th, 2011 13:44

Try the ARS Rubber. It has a smaller 'bump' than your average rubber, it may work better without modification.

Mr P December 10th, 2011 11:14


Originally Posted by Wrath144 (Post 1573070)
Try the ARS Rubber. It has a smaller 'bump' than your average rubber, it may work better without modification.

I can't seem to find one, would you recommend one of these SCS rubbers? Would it work with the ICS L85 Hop Up system?

Cheers :)

Steven December 10th, 2011 11:21


Mr P December 10th, 2011 12:01


Originally Posted by Steven (Post 1573390)

cheers mate :) don't know how I missed that :p
still curious about the SCS as well, wondering if it will fit the hop up.

Thanks again

Wrath144 December 10th, 2011 17:40

That will only make your overhopping problem worse, unless you file the pusher.
Also, thats not a rubber, its just a nub.

old_and_slow December 26th, 2011 12:40

Since I got it my ICS L85A2 (SA80) has been great except for the hop characteristics. Even with the hop off the BB's went skywards and off to the right.

The BB's going to the right is due to the hop applying 'lop sided' pressure due to its design and with the hop off some of the rubber bump was visible in the barrel.

This is what has worked for me..........

1. replaced the hop rubber with a madbull blue BUT i ground the hop bump off.

2. i threw the nub away and replaced it with a 5/32" ball bearing out of a bicycle head race set. 5/32 is just under 4mm and fits in the nub slot perfectly.

3. I reduced the height of the hop arm (the bit that pushes down on the nub) so that off was off and there was no protrusion into the barrel.

4. Now the new 'nub' pushes perfectly downwards onto the BB with no 'lop sided' pressure. When I applied the correct amount of hop the BB's fly straight and level with no deviation until the end of their flight.

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