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Grey Ops November 15th, 2011 10:31

A-TACS FG is here!
I'll post more deets/pics as I get them, for now here you go (click here for full article that I'll be updating):

Firewalker November 15th, 2011 11:05

I'll be buying the bdu's when they come out. So badass!

Pesky November 15th, 2011 11:34

Sooo badass!!!!!
i will most definitively be buying the bdu's once they come out for sure!

Wantabe_Warrior November 15th, 2011 12:11

Dammit! My wallet curses you!

Conker November 15th, 2011 12:37

Effective but buttfuck ugly and over fucking rated over fucking marketed. A goddamn countdown? Seriously? Fuck this shit.

Brian McIlmoyle November 15th, 2011 13:09

A-Tacs = new "Airsoft-pat"

upside , multicam is "oldschool"

z0ng November 15th, 2011 13:34

Rats, and I haven't even finished converting all my kit over from CADPAT to Multicam yet!

SuperHog November 15th, 2011 13:36

I like my old school . It still works.

kullwarrior November 15th, 2011 18:54

I'll keep my UCP....
Stay unique my friends

Schoolboy November 15th, 2011 19:02

It Looks like my vomit after A Crossfit WOD. well at least my breakfast. (Spinach, Peanut butter and Broccoli)

Specialist17 November 15th, 2011 19:27

+1 to kull

Eeyore November 15th, 2011 19:33

Does it work well? Isn't that all that matters?

Deadpool November 15th, 2011 19:44


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1561485)
Isn't that all that matters?

Not to the gearwhore sheeps!

lt_poncho November 15th, 2011 21:06

Looks alot like Sweedish or Finnish camo Type whatever - where is Porkchop when you need him? The guy is a walking camo wikipedia...

Those pictures; who was the lucky airsoft crew? Do they know their target market or what?

Donster November 15th, 2011 21:24


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1561243)
A-Tacs = new "Airsoft-pat"

upside , multicam is "oldschool"

No school like the old school

But let's be real, as far as I'm concerned, this is ATAC's answer to MC. I notice a striking similarity between this and MC. And IMHO, MC is tried, true and tested. At least from my own personal experience.

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