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Ryan92 November 3rd, 2011 15:51

Dropping $1200 tommorow on gear.. What should I pick up
Alright. So after playing for about a few days at xtreme tactics (indoor arena) I decided its time to buy my own gear. I checked out the shop they own and it seems like they have everything.

So i'm thinking about picking up the following. Correct me if im wrong or you have a better idea.
The prices are all guesses and word of mouth

G36C.....$600 or so. Debating on getting a different gun. Don't know yet
Mask.....$80 or so. I want a very breathable mask.
Vest......$120? I need a slightly decent one. I want to be able to store a ton
Extra Batteries.....No clue
Helmet...$80? Not sure

If i'm missing anything let me know. Just want to get a rough idea before I go to the store there. Still really unsure about the gun I want.
I also am thinking about laser sights or some other sort of aiming device. Not sure yet.

BuSaPuNk November 3rd, 2011 16:00

If your willing to drop $1200 on gear after only playing a few really need to stop playing. LoL

In all seriousness you should source your gear peice by peice and see what you like in terms of vests/rigs and such. Plus you wont need alot of room for batteries in your vest if you invest in good batteries ie LiPo or high MAH batts they will usually last you a whole day.

Curo November 3rd, 2011 16:00

Well that all depends on the brands or camo you want.

seabass November 3rd, 2011 16:00

See if the store has an age verifier. And get mags!

Ryan92 November 3rd, 2011 16:02

I heard they do, But they wont do it anymore. Too many people I guess

jordan7831 November 3rd, 2011 16:05

Dude, slowww dont. Take it easy and progress into this sport. Like others have said get AV'd first before dropping a butt load of cash on gear. You will find that in the classifieds there is basically all the kit you could ever need right here and available without dropping 1200 on it.

seabass November 3rd, 2011 16:07


Originally Posted by jordan7831 (Post 1555952)
Dude, slowww dont. Take it easy and progress into this sport. Like others have said get AV'd first before dropping a butt load of cash on gear. You will find that in the classifieds there is basically all the kit you could ever need right here and available without dropping 1200 on it.

Once you ave been around the block a few times you will learn what you like/need. I know I would have saved a ton of money over the years if I had of just been a bit more patient

Ryan92 November 3rd, 2011 16:10

Oops, I guess I was not exactly clear lol. I plan on spending 1200 TOTAL during the next year or so. Not in one trip. Ill just Buy the gun and maybe a mask and that is it. They only charge about 20 bucks a visit and they give you a vest and such. Considering for then next 4-5 months It will all be CQB arena for me.... Damn winter

I just rather use my own mask so I can get used to it and the ones they have are not very breathable

lurkingknight November 3rd, 2011 16:21

which make of g36? remember that g36 mags have the nub to link the mags together, but they get in the way when you pull them out and put them in pouches.

This is solved with the m4 magwell conversion, something I'd do if I bought a g36, and run pmags or emags.

Think basics. What you need to start playing.

something to carry mags
eye protection
something to carry water

This doesn't necessarily mean vest/plate carrier right away.

Grudge November 3rd, 2011 16:25

The MAA has two age verifiers for ASC. Amos is one of them and he is on here as well. He may be able to hook you up gun wise as well, or at least tell you which ones are best in the MAA buy and sell (he's probably work on most of them). Also there are a few more places to get gear from than just XT. They are good, xt that is, as they usually have all the basics in stock, but their prices can tend to be a bit high.

Ryan92 November 3rd, 2011 16:50


Originally Posted by multitech (Post 1555966)
The MAA has two age verifiers for ASC. Amos is one of them and he is on here as well. He may be able to hook you up gun wise as well, or at least tell you which ones are best in the MAA buy and sell (he's probably work on most of them). Also there are a few more places to get gear from than just XT. They are good, xt that is, as they usually have all the basics in stock, but their prices can tend to be a bit high.

What about cabbellas on ellice? or is the stuff they have there just garbage.

Reason for the G36C is because of the stock that can collapse. That's a huge selling point for me.

Ill try and get age certified. Because i know XT wont do it.

Steven November 3rd, 2011 17:10

Get AV'ed, no doubt. You can probably find a G36 that's better than the stock one your looking at for cheaper if you look around for a while in the classifieds.

LongStone November 3rd, 2011 17:16

good advice here to check things out before you drop a lot of coin.
- molle vest (you can always change your load out)

- mask/goggles/glasses will depend what field you play (ie. panitball fields that allow airsoft)
- mossy oak shooting glasses amber lens (rated) $10 @ Canadian Tire
- balistic goggles #35-$100
- bitter end mesh goggles (these can take some getting used to, try them first) $50 -$100 shipped
- get a mesh face mask if you want one rather than 1 piece mask and goggles, they breath better and you'll actually be able to use your sights
wouldn't bother with a helmet unless you have a strong personal preference for them.

$600 for the gun... I'd get age verified first and check the threads, highly probable you'll find a much better deal. some people here don't like ICS (i've been happy with mine) but you can get a decent entry level gun for about $400

you shouldn't need more than 1 spare battery unless you are a speed baller ;-) get some standard cap mags and you'll out grow that quickly.

my 2 cents.

Ryan92 November 3rd, 2011 17:20


Originally Posted by LongStone (Post 1555990)
good advice here to check things out before you drop a lot of coin.
- molle vest (you can always change your load out)

- mask/goggles/glasses will depend what field you play (ie. panitball fields that allow airsoft)
- mossy oak shooting glasses amber lens (rated) $10 @ Canadian Tire
- balistic goggles #35-$100
- bitter end mesh goggles (these can take some getting used to, try them first) $50 -$100 shipped
- get a mesh face mask if you want one rather than 1 piece mask and goggles, they breath better and you'll actually be able to use your sights
wouldn't bother with a helmet unless you have a strong personal preference for them.

$600 for the gun... I'd get age verified first and check the threads, highly probable you'll find a much better deal. some people here don't like ICS (i've been happy with mine) but you can get a decent entry level gun for about $400

you shouldn't need more than 1 spare battery unless you are a speed baller ;-) get some standard cap mags and you'll out grow that quickly.

my 2 cents.

Thanks for the reply, About the mask. Anyway you can send me a link as to what it looks like? I just want something that will protect my face and still allow me to breathe

LongStone November 3rd, 2011 17:25
I bought mine (black) from Army Issue
bitter end has them too (bottom of page)

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