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Dagger October 25th, 2011 06:12

Team Pacific Recon
Due to continued unsafe playing and dozens of cheating complaints, resulting in the injury to one of my teammates, PR is now banned permanently from any Muskoka Wolves games. Ample warnings have been given and have been all but ignored. This is a permanent banning.

Brian McIlmoyle October 25th, 2011 17:53

Pacific Recon
I'm Distressed that it has come to this.

I think the leadership of PR needs to take a long look at their player base, There is clearly some inconsistency in behavior.

It's unfortunate that the behavior of what is a minority of members will cast a pall over the entire team, but this is the risk of establishing a team,
You are as good as the behavior and Character of your worst member. It's far easier to label a team than it is an individual.

The fact is that the issues and complaints have been consistent for some time, and all the promises to address and resolve the issues have not resulted in a reduction in incidents.

It's not easy to deal with these things internally, Friendships can be bruised, But your standing in the community is very clearly at significant risk, Few hosts will come out so forwardly as Dagger, but this is only the public "tip of the iceberg" Rest assured there is a consensus within the informal Hosts Community that this issue needs to be dealt with.

Fair or not, the perception is that you have an issue with persons who do not accept and acknowledge hits. and this perception is not new nor is it without grounds, nor is it punitive or petty. It's real and now very very public.

How this is dealt with by PR from here forward will establish your success in rehabilitation of the reputation of your Team.

Colin_S October 26th, 2011 11:11

As a player I've had my fair share of problems getting PR members to acknowledge their hits, spawning at the wrong location, etc and every time it happens I make sure I go and talk to the person who is not playing fair. Perhaps I should have gotten a name but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when I point things out.

As a host I have also received complaints about PR's conduct on the field (from people I trust and whom I have played with for years), though in these cases I have not witnessed it myself. When this happens, I make sure I tell the senior PR member at the game about it and hope that they sort it out, however the complaints usually continue.

I understand that we're playing a game where we're shooting small projectiles which carry little energy and that everyone is wearing a lot of gear (which is why I always tell people to fire for effect) but people are starting to notice the non calls and other things. It's a shame because the members that I do know, I feel are friends.

If the PR brass would like me to elaborate further on my observations, let me know here or privately. This is not meant to be a witch hunt and I hope that PR takes this criticism constructively.

echo2 October 27th, 2011 20:31

As one of the founding members of Pacific Recon team in behalf of the all members i would like to apologized for the bahavior( Not calling hits) of the team on some games they have played. This will serve a good lesson for the entire team that Airsoft is a game of respect and integrity. i have suspended all pacific recon badges on any games. (Please PM me if any of PR will attend any of your hosted games )As a team we will be conducting more training for the team on ROE and respect. Senior leaders are now conducting investigation on those members that are involve on the said games. I have addressed this issue in our bunker and informed all senior leaders that we will revoke the membership of any member/s that would not adhere to the ROE of the game. Just to inform all host that he have taken action on this issue when it was brought up to us before, thats why we have instructed team leaders to reach out to the OPS team every game break if all are ok and if there are issue so we can take the right action. once again our sincere apology to all. We will sending some invites to senior members OF ASC on our game training. this is to ask your assistance to observe our team re-assestment if possible. we are here to enjoy and learn the team camaraderie through airsoft games.

Official statement from Pacific Recon.

dodobirdy November 1st, 2011 13:49

I've had no problems with PR calling their hits, for i have in game footage from Wild Water Kingdom. But if they're cheating (fps changing) then thats a yikes.

rideout November 1st, 2011 16:14

I would also recommend you talk with your team about proper safety while in safe areas, keeping there goggles on when playing, wearing the proper goggles when playing, and that fun stuff I have to continually remind your team to do EVERY time your guys come out. Things like having ACTUAL barrel blocking devices, not gloves not boots not pouches you took off your vest. also the when your told to but a barrel sock on, you do so. I dont care if the mags out, no battery, and a unicorn shit in your barrel and plugged it up, its just for peace of mind. I havent seen to many complaints about not calling hits, as Colin said, if something of that nature pops up, its talked out and delt with. Flag raiders dosnt mind having your team out to play. Its a pretty solid group to play against, but you need to crack down on safety above anything else.

T-Hell November 1st, 2011 22:35

We have a Pacific Recon chapter here in Winnipeg and I am proud to play along side of them and against them. They are very honorable players who call hits. go out of their way to make sure their team chrony's their guns. their leadership has always said that if we have an issue with a PR player to PM him or call him and it will be dealt with.

PR Manitoba 2 huge thumbs up.

it is way too bad that this has happened in Muskoka. Hopefully this can be fixed up and everyone can enjoy the game

ShadowNet November 2nd, 2011 15:49


Originally Posted by T-Hell (Post 1555102)
We have a Pacific Recon chapter here in Winnipeg and I am proud to play along side of them and against them. They are very honorable players who call hits. go out of their way to make sure their team chrony's their guns. their leadership has always said that if we have an issue with a PR player to PM him or call him and it will be dealt with.

PR Manitoba 2 huge thumbs up.

it is way too bad that this has happened in Muskoka. Hopefully this can be fixed up and everyone can enjoy the game

Seems like it's a problem with the Ontario PR players - at least that's where I've experienced this problem from.

T-Hell November 2nd, 2011 16:14

Agreed. Too bad though. It is supposed to be a fun honor sport

Adamlxlx November 2nd, 2011 16:39

Played quite a few games with the PR guys. Non hit calling is something I have noticed with them for sure. But this is no witch hunt and I do not want to start shit about something I am not 100% educated on. Lot of good players/guys in the PR camp.

lanepratt November 2nd, 2011 16:43

I know a few players from PR i can not speak for entire team but the guys i have ran in to I have had no issues with.

Wrath144 November 4th, 2011 01:55

PR Manitoba isn't flawless, there have been similar issues with hit calling. That being said, the leadership is working extremely hard to rectify the problem and it has gotten WAY better since the start of the season. This is based off many complaints from both my team and other community members, with my own experiences included.

Grudge November 4th, 2011 09:57

No team or individual is flawless. There will always be times when hits are not called, legitimate or not, for every individual or team (Bootnecks and NBG included). What matters is if there is a change, for the better, when the individual or team is notified about the issue.

babybear November 4th, 2011 12:36

As being the head leader of PR Manitoba, I cannot speak on behalf of Ontorio, but I do agree on previous post that, you cannot blame an entire team due to 1 member. If it was a flagrant negligence, I suggest one unload your clip on that said person till he does, whether it be in my team or another. To add, not every player is perfect. I suggest consulting the heads of any team if there was any issue FIRST rather than putting a blast on it. But then again, your field, your call, we’ll just respect that.

I appreciate the constructive critism that was given by T-Hell, Wrath, Multitech. I also have watched this thread grow and have noted these issues in my book. I personally hit up the boards after every game and ask for feedbacks on the team to improve the sport we love. I must have to say, PR is a HUGE team consisting of new and veteran players, I’ve noticed that the noobs have tendencies of being “zombies” and have engraved to them that this is a sensitive sport. When instances like these occur, we try to resolve it as quick as possible and through PM’s.

As Pacific Recon Manitoba and Pacific Recon in general, we will learn from this thread and keep improving in the game. Any sort of constructive critism will be taken into account and be dealt with accordingly. Thanks again for the point outs. Hope to see better games soon :D

CR0M November 4th, 2011 13:07

I can recall 2 games off the top of my head where people complained about them not calling their hits, one I was at, the other I read the after action report... but then after those games I hadnt seen them signed up to any more since

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