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sundae_1021 September 30th, 2011 14:04

do silencer for airsoft slows the speed of the bb?
I know that silencers for airsoft doesnt do anything in terms of "silence/ing", but still wondering if silencer for airsoft slows the speed of the bb? Because the real silencers slows the speed of a real bullet.

Cobrajr122 September 30th, 2011 14:12

They actually dampen the report of the rifle quite a bit if the inner barrle ends before the silencer.

They do not slow down the FPS of the BB.

ThunderCactus September 30th, 2011 14:40

+1, sometimes it makes a HUGE difference in noise.
If you're getting a lower reading on your chrono with the silencer on, then take the silencer off, and chrono your gun 6" away from the chrono and check it. Shouldn't reduce your FPS at all.

Dynamo September 30th, 2011 16:42


Originally Posted by sundae_1021 (Post 1539730)
I know that silencers for airsoft doesnt do anything in terms of "silence/ing", but still wondering if silencer for airsoft slows the speed of the bb? Because the real silencers slows the speed of a real bullet.

the silencer i use works really well. my AEG has a really loud muzzle report and the silencer almost completely dampens it. there is no affect to BB velocity.

also, a RS silencer does not affect the velocity of real bullets. it just works better when sub-sonic ammunition is used with the silencer instead of normal full velocity ammo.

dutch13 October 10th, 2011 12:48

1 Attachment(s)
Actually I owned a silencer that dropped the fps down by 30. I tested it on multiple guns and it dropped each one. Almost acted like a reducer.

Amos October 10th, 2011 12:54

That means that most likely the foam wasn't aligned properly inside and it was friction reducing the BB, not the silencer its self.

dutch13 October 10th, 2011 22:02

Same thing happened with my brother's and we adjust the foam and still the same effect.

ThunderCactus October 10th, 2011 22:31

hmmmm really weird. How long is the silencer?

CDN_Stalker October 10th, 2011 22:56

I designed a supressor years ago for my KSC M11A1 that actually increased the velocity by 30fps and also made the gun super quiet, you could really only hear the clacking of the bolt. Inner barrel in the supressor helped, as well as only having the last half of it perforated that allowed the gas to expand in the irregular foam baffles I installed. :)

And no, didn't get any 100km kills with it.......

Jagd October 10th, 2011 23:00

I did noticed on one of my aeg that each time I shoot with the silencer on there is a slight hook at the end of the BB trajectory. When I put the muzzle break on instead, the BB flies perfectly straight...the foam is also correctly alligned...I found that pretty weird, as if the air dispersion at the end of the barrel was better with the muzzle break stabiliizing the BB more than with the silencer...maybe there is more turbulence at the end of the silencer than the muzzle break?

Anybody else noticed that kind of thing?

sushicake October 10th, 2011 23:42


Originally Posted by Jagdalex (Post 1544581)
I did noticed on one of my aeg that each time I shoot with the silencer on there is a slight hook at the end of the BB trajectory. When I put the muzzle break on instead, the BB flies perfectly straight...the foam is also correctly alligned...I found that pretty weird, as if the air dispersion at the end of the barrel was better with the muzzle break stabiliizing the BB more than with the silencer...maybe there is more turbulence at the end of the silencer than the muzzle break?

Anybody else noticed that kind of thing?

It's probably hitting the tip of the silencer when it leaves the opening at the end.

Jagd October 11th, 2011 16:38


Originally Posted by sushicake (Post 1544598)
It's probably hitting the tip of the silencer when it leaves the opening at the end.

Nope it is not, that is why I found that weird...anyway no big deal.

klondike_bar October 13th, 2011 19:09

depending on the silencer, the air that the bb pushes is absorbed by the foam and could cause some slowing of the bb

Styrak October 14th, 2011 01:33


Originally Posted by klondike_bar (Post 1545930)
depending on the silencer, the air that the bb pushes is absorbed by the foam and could cause some slowing of the bb

The BB is not being accelerated in the silencer. The only time air pressure has any effect on the BB is when it's in the inner barrel.

Adding a supressor/silencer will not have any effect on an airsoft BB (assuming its straight and there are no obstructions, ie attached properly)

Dynamo October 14th, 2011 03:09


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1546099)
The BB is not being accelerated in the silencer. The only time air pressure has any effect on the BB is when it's in the inner barrel.

Adding a supressor/silencer will not have any effect on an airsoft BB (assuming its straight and there are no obstructions, ie attached properly)

im thinking that maybe the rough surface of the cutouts on the foam disks may cause turbulence around the BB as it passes through the silencer. i wonder if installing a metal or plastic tube full of holes would help to smoothen out the airflow.

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