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Lord Jebus June 6th, 2005 02:41

I'm just curious for those of you guys going to something like Keystone strike II... where you have to fly to get there and are transporting your AEG's. I'm living in Vancouver and I have plans to go back home to visit Toronto either the end of summer or christmas... But If I do go back home I'm curious what precautions I'd have to take if I wanted to bring my gun home... Do I fedex it to my parents place? take it in my luggage? Obviously it's not going carryon... lol

What do you say when you're checking in a gun case? I just think that what ever you say is gonna send up red flags everywhere... and if you DON'T say anything and they find it for some reason... I think you'd be F^*ked as well.

I've never had to do this before... Am I worrying about this for nothing?

Jesse Jericho June 6th, 2005 03:08

Use Canada Post, add some insurance, and don't worry about it. Taking your airsoft guns to an airport, no matter how much documentation you have, is just asking for trouble... It could be done, but do you really want to deal with a SHITSTORM if it doesn't work out? Bend over and cough, sir...

Slick June 6th, 2005 03:10

People trasport their real guns on planes all the time. Contact the airline your going to be using and ask them about it. More then likely they will want you to keep the mags and ammo in a seperate case from the gun. And have both cases locked.

Lord Jebus June 6th, 2005 03:11

That what I figured Jesse...

But sinceI brought it up... what about you guys going to Keystone? Do you have addresses to ship them to?

I know some of you guys are making the road trips so you'd obviously be taking them with you personally... but for the rest of you that have to fly?

Lord Jebus June 6th, 2005 03:13

Thanks Slick... I'll check into it when I'm ready to fly.

ValkXB70 June 6th, 2005 07:12

If people want to ship their gear before they fly, I am willing to store them at my house providing everything is locked.

Jesse Jericho June 6th, 2005 11:49


Originally Posted by Slick
People trasport their real guns on planes all the time. Contact the airline your going to be using and ask them about it. More then likely they will want you to keep the mags and ammo in a seperate case from the gun. And have both cases locked.

Yeah Slick is right, and like I said it can be done. I just suggest that you consider whether the worst-case scenario is worth the risk. I've never taken guns on a flight, but in this day and age I imagine at the very least you would be "delayed" should anyone start asking questions.

ValkXB70 June 6th, 2005 12:06

Working at an airport I can tell you (for Winnipeg at least) domestic luggage is not (usually) x-rayed or scanned in any way. It goes onto the belt at the check in and onto a luggage cart in the back. All us ramp guys know is that it is a gun case, that could contain airsoft, or a Barrett .50 (but make sure you lock it cause sometimes we get curious :-P)

Arnisador June 6th, 2005 13:11

Make sure your rifle is in a hard case that is locked. Crappy tire cases do work, along with a padlock. The rifle should also have a trigger lock on it. (Don't bother with GBB's though. IMO its too risky having a pressurized mag anywhere in your luggage.) Carry your bb's and batteries and devices in your luggage. Not your carryon. Things got kinda embarrasing when I forgot I had a surefire flashlight pressure switch still inside my carryone backpack. The x-ray techs got really antsy when it showed up.

They'll make you sign an affidavit stating that there is no ammunition in the gun case, and that the gun is unloaded.

Sometimes they'll ask you to open the case, sometimes they won't.

Do NOT lose your may be asked to show this to the captain or airline attendants. I had an issue where they gave me the wrong copy, and when the captain was checking his manifest, it appeared that I was carrying a gun on my person instead of in the cargo hold.

I've flown on both Westjet and Aircanada with no problems.

If any of this worries you, mail it ahead of time.

firemachine69 June 6th, 2005 15:44


But keep the locks open and attached to the case.

If security needs to verify it, they need to have easy access. Else, they'll lock it up in the end anyways.

[Avtomat] June 6th, 2005 20:44

Yes, very true never lock it. From what i have heard from ASF you might want to attach a note on it, or something...i dont know.. but u might want to call the GTAA (if you are in the GTA area) just to make sure

Kokanee June 6th, 2005 21:26

Please use the search function next time, found this thread with the keyword "airplane"

I've stickied it in the FAQ section.

Lord Jebus June 6th, 2005 23:32

I did search for it... didn't think to use "airplane" though... But I did try many other combinations of word and found nothing

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