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mas_oyama August 21st, 2011 19:22

cheap snipers and upgrades

I've now been playing for a couple years and I'd like to try out the role of sniper.

I have a couple questions tho.

I might have a good deal on a Mauser L96 (I think mausers are cybergun...). Now I know this will not compete with a Maruzen, of course... but I was wondering whats the best between a Mauser and a WELL L96? They are about the same price, give or take a couple bucks...

Then, lets take a look at how they work. To my knowledge (and I might be very wrong), all a sniper really is is a body, a bolt, a spring, a piston, a hopup and a barrel...

now I know some WELL rifles can fail quite easily... I don't know about Mausers. If I'm right the only thing that can really fail is the piston, the spring, the hopup or the bolt... Would it be a good idea to just start off with a stock WELL/Mauser and then from there, upgrade any of those parts that fail overtime? So if my piston fails... I can just replace it with a Maruzen piston for example...

The thing is that I'm on a pretty tight budget right now, so I can't afford a 700+ Maruzen... Thats why I'd like to start off with a cheaper one and build it up overtime... Would this be a good idea? Even the ones I see in the classifieds are very expensive, they are often upgraded like crazy, and at that point in time, I just can't afford those...


oldairsofter1962 August 21st, 2011 19:34

a sniper is a marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place ..

as u said u had a tight budget , so go on and get the mauser or well (dont have the 2 so cant rly help u with review)

and later on when u have the money upgrade it to make it more gamable .

mas_oyama August 21st, 2011 19:38


Originally Posted by oldairsofter1962 (Post 1520589)
a sniper is a marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place ..

as u said u had a tight budget , so go on and get the mauser or well (dont have the 2 so cant rly help u with review)

and later on when u have the money upgrade it to make it more gamable .

erm. yes. I know that, thank you... lol.

I'm of course talking about a L96 sniper rifle, as you probably understood from my post ;).

But my question is

a) is the mauser any better than a WELL?

b) is it possible to upgrade a Mauser with better quality parts or are they kinda "non-standard" making normal upgrade parts unusable with them?

Pinard August 21st, 2011 19:43

Hey Mat, don't touch clone springers, get a quality one or go with sniper-ish aegs like DMRs

EDIT: their is quite some upgraded sniper rifles in the classifieds that would fit your budget

mas_oyama August 21st, 2011 20:14


Originally Posted by Pinard (Post 1520595)
Hey Mat, don't touch clone springers, get a quality one or go with sniper-ish aegs like DMRs

EDIT: their is quite some upgraded sniper rifles in the classifieds that would fit your budget

Link? All the ones I've seen are 2-3x over my budget... And I don't want an AEG, I want a bolt action ;)

Pinard August 21st, 2011 20:34

gimme a sec, I'll check out, last time I checked for springers was some weeks ago, maybe they are sold
EDIT: pm'ed

mas_oyama August 21st, 2011 20:51


Originally Posted by Pinard (Post 1520634)
gimme a sec, I'll check out, last time I checked for springers was some weeks ago, maybe they are sold
EDIT: pm'ed

too much. I'm not looking for a mauser for nothing. I don't have any big budget at this point... the goal is to build it overtime...

So again, poeple, is it possible to do something good with a mauser?

SuperCriollo August 21st, 2011 21:33

Do you have an AEG ? If not, dont waste your time in a sniper rifle. Get an aeg first, which is actually a competitive platform to start with.

mas_oyama August 21st, 2011 21:37

of course... I said I have been playing for 3 years!

T@NK August 21st, 2011 21:54

If you dont have the money, then save it but dont waste them on cheap clones especially for sniper rifles, a Maruzen L96 is way better than the WELL L96 or other chinese clone. you can't go cheap on sniper gear tho, everybody knows that you got what you paid for in airsoft.

Strelok August 21st, 2011 21:58

I wouldn't waste your money dude. If you're really on a budget, you're better off just accuracizing your AEG over getting a low end bolt action rifle.

They'll just end up being a complete money sink over time,

Jagd August 21st, 2011 22:22

You can get a clone, I did myself got a WELL L96 but I have upgraded most of the parts for Modify and PDI parts (the hop-up is especially important) and it shoots better than my friends Maruzen with some upgrades. It cost me all in all 400$ and it shoots WAY better than a new stock Maruzen that will cost you about that price in CAD.

Seriously alot of people say don't get a clone, but it is not a clone anymore when almost everything has been upgraded. I just laugh when I see some guys putting 800$ for a "the real deal" when they have the same accuracy as I have for half the price...BTW it's not a money sink, I will not put anymore money into that rifle...and it shoots arrows, I am able to hit a body size target constantly at 175 feet. For a 400$ investment I can't ask for more...But on the other hand though do not get a cheap VSR clone. The L96 clones are good because you can fit the PDI hop-up that goes into the Maruzen and TBH that it what making the BIG difference with this clone.

mas_oyama August 21st, 2011 22:33


Originally Posted by Jagdalex (Post 1520689)
You can get a clone, I did myself got a WELL L96 but I have upgraded most of the parts for Modify and PDI parts (the hop-up is especially important) and it shoots better than my friends Maruzen with some upgrades. It cost me all in all 400$ and it shoots WAY better than a new stock Maruzen that will cost you about that price in CAD.

Seriously alot of people say don't get a clone, but it is not a clone anymore when almost everything has been upgraded. I just laugh when I see some guys putting 800$ for a "the real deal" when they have the same accuracy as I have for half the price...BTW it's not a money sink, I will not put anymore money into that rifle...and it shoots arrows, I am able to hit a body size target constantly at 175 feet. For a 400$ investment I can't ask for more...But on the other hand though do not get a cheap VSR clone. The L96 clones are good because you can fit the PDI hop-up that goes into the Maruzen and TBH that it what making the BIG difference with this clone.

Thats what I thought... once upgraded it makes no difference if you have a maruzen or a clone... but at least the clone cost less at the beginning... Why getting the expensive one if you are going to change everything inside anyway...

wildcard August 21st, 2011 22:55


Originally Posted by mas_oyama (Post 1520695)
Thats what I thought... once upgraded it makes no difference if you have a maruzen or a clone... but at least the clone cost less at the beginning... Why getting the expensive one if you are going to change everything inside anyway...

not all clones are alike, some have major issues and some don't if you want a reliable sniper rifle bolt action go for a TM VSR base the Maruzen based rifle are very nice unfortunately some are way out of reach fo rsome players, another to consider is the CA M24 you could get a nice set up for about $600

just remember you get what you pay for. Most people who dis the uber expensive non clone rifle often winding up drooling themselves over the real thing after they've fondled the real ones. With that in mind it took me around three season playing with a stock Maruzen M40 back in 91 before I decide to upgrade the shit out of it, the other rifle I have was a PDI M24 that cost me an arm and a leg, if I were to do it all over again I would have just stick with the PDI rifle (it was a very limited production run and to date is still the best bolt action rifle ever made)

The Hunter August 21st, 2011 22:56

Just remember like anything else, a lot of people pay for the "tried tested and true" being comfortable with a buy for most people is worth the extra cash.
I am one of those people, I will pay extra for the comfort and belief that it will be "better" and last me longer.
so its up to you, pay for a clone and upgrade everything and hope the body holds up, or buy a good gun upgrade everything knowing it will hold up.

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