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lurkingknight August 11th, 2011 00:36

rail mounted sling mount
I see a bunch of them out there, can someone recommend me one that is solid and won't fail on me? Some of those QD ones I see don't look up to the task of holding together when you drop a heavy rifle.

has anyone out there added a sling mount to a heavy gun, what do you recommend?

I see a magpul fixed one too and just a simple loop that attaches parallel to the screw that attaches to the rail.

I also don't mind paying for a quality real steel rail mount swivel, if my 700$ gun is hanging by this thing I don't want it to fail.

cause that would really, really suck and I would be pissed off beyond words. :rocket:

Brian McIlmoyle August 11th, 2011 00:51

Buy real steel sling mounts and you won't go wrong.

Replica stuff is not to be trusted at all

Farmboy August 11th, 2011 07:20

Something like this?


lurkingknight August 11th, 2011 08:09

yeah I was looking at that one, nothing can go wrong with it.. it's just a metal loop :P

Drake August 11th, 2011 08:52

I use the QD sling mounts (push button type) on heavy (full metal with optics etc) and very expensive guns and they're fine, even repro ones; just avoid the cheapest eBay ones of questionable origin.

The non-detachable one is fine if you're using a sling system with a QD buckle or something.

AngelusNex August 11th, 2011 09:13

I've had every one of those push button ones fall out on me, I'd never trust them again.

Best bet is the simple solid one piece metal loop types such as what farmboy posted, also a few others in that category.

-Skeletor- August 11th, 2011 14:53

I have a Midwest Industries QD push button sling mount, used it on my C7 and C8 at work without any issues/it failing.

MilanWG August 11th, 2011 15:05

By far the best rail mounted sling mount for a QD swivel:

Farmboy August 11th, 2011 15:10

For push button this one rocks

Farmboy August 11th, 2011 18:32


I've had every one of those push button ones fall out on me, I'd never trust them again.
What is interesting is there is now actual spec. for push buttons, unlike say a pic. rail.

Now if you buy a less expensive version which might not be as precise as a high end one, then throw in the fact that there is no spec................

AngelusNex -> Don't know if you bought good ones or cheap ones, I'm just adding more knowledge.

There does seem to be a certain percentage of high end ones that fail as well, whether it be the PB itself or the socket, hard to say.

AngelusNex August 11th, 2011 19:23


Originally Posted by Farmboy (Post 1515545)
What is interesting is there is now actual spec. for push buttons, unlike say a pic. rail.

Now if you buy a less expensive version which might not be as precise as a high end one, then throw in the fact that there is no spec................

AngelusNex -> Don't know if you bought good ones or cheap ones, I'm just adding more knowledge.

There does seem to be a certain percentage of high end ones that fail as well, whether it be the PB itself or the socket, hard to say.

probably were cheaper ones, the ones I owned were "airsoft brands" but other i tried, I don't know. I'm just VERY rough on my gear and any little pushbuttons tend to get pushed on their own allot.

Azathoth August 13th, 2011 16:54

I've had the Daniels defense Push button QD style for 2 years. It's great. Never had any problems with it accidentally coming lose, and it has a lug on the inside to prevent the sling from twisting.

ex August 13th, 2011 16:56

I use this...can't go wrong..DO NOT BUY A'll be sorry.

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